Does the Beginning of the Universe Prove God?
Does the Beginning of the Universe Prove God?



@captainjellicoe1701e Says:
I do not believe in a god or an afterlife. So my hope is the universe starts over some how. if that is the case maybe quantum physics is wrong and parallel dimensions do not exist. It's simply a different quantum reality every time. if there is a God and that's a big IF at least in my opinion but if he/she it is. most differently a scientist or a big fan Science based on the way the universe works admittedly highly improbable scenario but no more so than having faith in a god
@midimusicforever Says:
God is real!
@pranjalbogati-qt5mp Says:
Jesus Born 25 December From human ok, What about)Brama,bisnu,mahadev)
@oldmanandguitar Says:
One thing it proves is light defeats darkness. God bless
@nadams8863 Says:
Amen ✝️❤️🙏
@Sundayschoolnetwork Says:
I imagine when God said, "Let there be light," that was some kind of big bang!
@prestonyannotti7661 Says:
I swear you pump out 80 videos a week but they're so high quality i cannot get mad
@kazumakiryu157 Says:
Thanks, CCC. But can I ask what about the people who say stuff like: 1. We don't really know, the universe could be eternal but it seems like it began at the big bang 2. The universe was in a different state before the big bang, so it technically didn't begin there 3. People have also told me that the big bang doesn't really say that the universe had a beginning, but that it just was always there and expandrd form the singularity. I mean, I find the philosophical evidence compelling and valid, but some people can still object to the scientific side of things.

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