The Great Controversy Chapter 18 Part 3: An American Reformer

The Great Controversy Chapter 18 Part 3: An American Reformer


Pastor Ted Wilson continues with Part Three, studying Chapter 18 of The Great Controversy this week, in which 'An American Reformer,' William Miller, learned that a day in Bible prophecy represents a year. Using this information, Miller was determined to solve the longest time prophecy in the Bible, found in Daniel 8. Using prayer as his guide and Scripture as his textbook, Miller determined through mathematic calculation that the 2300-day prophecy should be fulfilled in 1844. However, Christ did not return in 1844, so we, like Miller, are faced with understanding the meaning of the 2300-day prophecy. To learn more about 'An American Reformer' and how it relates to our present experience, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at and join us next week for more.




@susankane8728 Says:
The Great Controversy is an amazing book. It held my attention throughout. It traces Bible history in terms of the Prophetic messages and adds to our understanding.
@susankane8728 Says:
Ellen White is a voice of truth and love for our Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing she wrote or said contradicts the Bible. Beautiful, Holy Spirit writing🙏🏻❤️
@angelaruiz6015 Says:
@fredsimmons2793 Says:
Pastor Wilson will you address the fact that the movie/Documentary that the SDA church payed 5.5 million dollars to produce(LET THEM KNOW) hired and payed the actress Tammi Amber Perei a Canadian actress to portray Ellen White,and that she had previously acted roles as a lesbian,acted in a occultism demon movie,played the wife of Leon Trosky the communist.This is a matter of public record.Members of the SDA church should become aware of this sir.
@jerrystilwell7666 Says:
Thank you for that good and informative teaching about the Great Controversy. God bless you and yours and the SDA Church. May the Holy Spirit stay stronger and stronger in each.
@Christpickney Says:
According to Daniel 8:13 the 2300 day prophecy has three parts. The daily sacrifices that ends with the trampling of the sanctuary. The second is the abomination/ transgression of desolation aka removal of everything Christ Jesus aka antiChrist system which results in the trampling of the host and three the cleansing of the sanctuary. Daniel 9:24--27 relates to the 2300 day prophecy by one pointing to the destruction of the temple in ad70 which fulfils the first part of the 2300 dhy prophecy which the sixty nine weeks refer to thus commencing the 2300 day prophecy from ad 31 when Christ died and the daily sacrifices were taken away and ad 70 when the sanctuary waas trampled. The seventieth week has five parts. 1 the he who destroyed the temple confirmed the covenant 2 the middle of the week the sacrifices and oblations ceased 3 the abomination of desolation aka removal of everything Christ aka antiChrist system 4 the consummation and 5 pouring out of the indignation ( funny u never read that part.) This occurs in seven years, i agree with that. Before I point out the fulfilment of this week, here are a few things to consider. Daniel 8:17--19 puts part of the 2300 day prophecy in the time of the end. So does Daniel 9:24 which includes a period where sin ends. It has to include post melinial time since for the sanctuary to be cleansed sin has to be placed on satans head and it is destroyed. The 70 th week only takes us up to pouring out of the indignation on the desolate and the remaining time is sealed up all part of verse 24 of Daniel 9. There is a difference between the sacrifices and oblations being taken away which occured in Daniel 12:11 when the temple was destroyed. For the sacrifices and oblations to cease the gospel has to be preached in all the world, the time of the gentiles have to be accomplished. Notice Matthew 24:14--28 puts the abomination of desolation after the gospel has reached the whole world anderse 28 speak of the subsequent carcases aka unburied bodies of the olive tree and candlesticks of revelation 11:4--12 that are resurrected three and a half days after being killed and ascended after a Voice from heaven aka same Voice from heaven that said " this is My Beloved Son" and the same Voice Which decends from heaven with a shout but doesnt come all the way as we are caught up to meet Him in the air as 2 thessalonians 4:16&17 points out. So lets take another look at Daniel 9:27. The he who destroyed the temple aka Rome confirms the covenant. The last two remaining heads of Rome according to revelation 13 are the wounded healed head aka papacy and the lamblike horned dragon speaking beast aka the USA. So when in 2017 Trump the then leader of the last head of Rome confirmed the covenant of God with Isreal by returning Jerusalem to Isreal the week of Daniel 9:27 in my estimation began. Three and a half years later in August 2021, a he aka China and Russia, who are connected to Media Persia aka Iran and Greece aka Aphganistan stood up against the USA and allies in Aphganistan and began the destruction of the mighty and the holy ppl aka Rome thus fulfilling Daniel 8:23&24 indicating the transgressors are come to a full thus ending the need for sacrifices and oblations which fulfils the middle of the week of Daniel 9:27. During that time the world had a desolation event in which streets schools malls churches etc were desolate and initiated the abomination of desolation aka removal of everything Christ aka antiChrist system which results in 2/3 the population of earth being stung/ voxed/ marked as revelation 9:1--11 suggest. Notice the bbeast aka world government from the bottomless pit aka a nation whose symbol is a dragon which is another name for satan who ascends from the bottomless pit stings those who are for satan. This is followed by the one third who were not stung/ voxed are killed by a triad( modified beast from the bottomless pit with a snake for a tail instead of a sting, a snake being another name for satan which is what putin calls his nuke that emits fire, smoke and brimstone. The other part of the triad is someone riding the beast from the bottomless pit and a entity from the Euphrates aka iran. Hence the triad camped out in Cuba with missiles spy station and troops in preparation for a nuclear war. However Ukraine is part of the one third that was not voxed and is all but demolished and left without men. Niger and Haiti are too and though i have not gotten to research it i believe Maui was apart of the one third too. Ppl who kamala Harris calls population reduction. Hence the Canadian fires, etc. Notice that it is the same beast from the bottomless pit in revelation 11:4--12 which wars against the olive tree and candlesticks which Jeremiah 11:16 calls Isreal/ jews the olive tree and revelation 1:20 calls churches/ christians the candlesticks both together in their largest concentration is in the USA which is Rome where our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. This consummation of Rome is the consummation of Daniel 9:27 which according to Daniel 7:26 ,9--13 occurs when the thrones are cast down aka ww3 aka destruction of the mighty and holy ppl aka killing of the one third population of earth aka war between the beast from the bottomless pit and the olive tree and candlesticks which revelation 11:11&12 confirms its three and a half days after the bodies lie unburied aka trampling of the host the Voice from heaven resurrects and ascends them aka beginning of the one thousand years in heaven. Daniel 7:9--13 speaks of Media Persia coalition succeeding Rome to Christ second coming as being a season and a time aka year. Since we only have this year and next year left of the seven years of Daniel 9:27, we can conclude by counting backwards from next year December a year and a season and we can determine the time of the consummation as this summer. Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 says the fig tree points to summer. The other text says the harvest is past the summer is ended... Zachariah 14:8 says in summer and winter shall it be. Summer for the coming of the Ancient of Days and winter for the coming of Christ. Revelation 20:3-5 puts satan being bound for a thousand years and loosed a season so we can deduce that a thousand years in heaven is a a day on earth and a day in prophecy is a year thus putting the thousand years anywhere from this summer to next summer then satan loosed for a season then Christ comes and pours out His indignation fully finishing this week of Daniel 9:27. Guess what, china is alledged that the war should end by fall and putin is alledged as saying the usa wont be part of it. In revelation 13 the mouth of the beast is lionlike , the feet are bear-like, the body is leopard like. In Daniel 7:1-7 the lion is assigned to Babylon, the bear media Persia and the leopard to Greece. So since Babylon in revelation 17 is destroyed by the beast from the bottomless pit and the heads have the mouth we can conclude that the destruction of Babylon in revelation 17:16--18 annd revelation 18 and Jeremiah 51 is talking about the last two heads of the beast of revelation 13 and 17 aka Rome aka USA and papacy. Notice the process of the destruction of Babylon in revelation 17:16--18, desolation ( lockdown worldwide), nakedness ( powers that be tell u their agenda aka population reduction aka killing of the one third population of earth), eat her flesh aka famine ( discontinuation of grain export or distroying farms etc) then last u have burning( take ur pick, Ukraine Niger Haiti maui on fire, increase nuclear war rhetoric, CL20 of Maui? , Canadian wild fires) . U can continue to sleep and lie to urself or u can wake up and acknowledge that we were terribly wrong. William Miller bear no fault here as he was studying. We had since 1844 to determine our error and correct it. U cant blame Ellen White either as she clearly states that if her work conflicts with the bible go with the bible. Am sure she would not only be appauled at us putting her in the place of God like the catholics do Mary but she would down right be disgusted. She interpreted her visions according to her times could in no way see the development we have seen. So what are u gonna do. I gave u Gods words and current events. Like Elijah, i must say isreal has fallen. We need to admit our wrong interpretations and sound the alarm or like the maui cheif blood is going to be on ur hand. I am now free as i have addressed the head. U choose. Antichrist or Christ Jesus. No more middle ground. If Christ / God be God serve Him. I choose Christ and His words and iwont put this church in front of Him. Image to the beast and block out this adminition or acknowledge Christ and start the revolution. Ppl are looking for a leader. We are nearing home dont lead ppl to hell. God bless.
@celorenzo Says:
Sola scriptura
@celorenzo Says:
Ellen White words are awesome BUT Sola scriptura!
@nicolaskalokoh7809 Says:

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