Depending on Jesus: The Essence of Christian Ministry #Short

Depending on Jesus: The Essence of Christian Ministry #Short


Explore the profound metaphor of lambs when it comes to Christian ministry. Despite their lack of strength and wisdom, lambs symbolize the spirit of humility and total dependence on Jesus that we must embody as we carry out our mission. Watch this #short clip from the Global #Campmeeting sermon, 'Fulfilling Our Mission: Embracing Humility and the Holy Spirit', as Derek Morris discusses what it means to be a minister for Christ. �--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been an established denomination since 1863. It is a global Christian family with over 21 million members who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. We are believers who promise to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. Want to learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Visit our website at: Click the notification bell so that you never miss a new video! Find us on social media by following the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:




@krisbeckwith7105 Says:
Preach it brother... Amen 🙏🏻
@mauricerose3082 Says:
"And He saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see Heaven open, and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." John 1:51 KJB "And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the Earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven: and behold the Angels of God ascending and descending on it." Genesis 28:12 KJB
@cordeliamarieclairecastori3928 Says:
Amen!🙏🔥❤🎶 Gbu pr Derek
@channelostrife Says:
Or maybe you are just being the sheep that you are soo afraid of.... just saying
@FrankWilkinson-u2w Says:
From Jesus' perspective is what I will offer you. When Jesus died on the cross, he came out of his body his eye went through a monochromatic perception, and then he could see with new eyes he watched as the heat dissipated from his body he could see inside his body as the heat dissipated making his body indistinguishable from the pole he was nailed to. Jesus then was pulled down to Sheol, then Jesus looked down and beheld an ophanim. The ophanim looked like molten gold spinning counterclockwise the ophanim had eyes on its side and was very beautiful. Jesus then heard a sound like that of a dolphin clicking and then a second angel appeared and this angel was a servitor this angel was glowing a bright blue color his skin was something like unto that of translucent but very beautiful and bright. The darkness of Sheol was litup with every movement of this angel. The angel placed both his hands on either sides of Jesus head pulling all his memories form him then the angel moved out about five to six feet away from him, then a Dominion angel appeared and the servitor angel using sound transferred all of Jesus memories to the Dominion angel then the Dominion angel ordered that the ophanim was to release Jesus and so it was done. Jesus then ordered all the Old Testament saints who were asleep in Sheol to be woken up and a place for each one of them to be prepared in heaven. Then Jesus ordered that a portal to his body be open up and the servitor angel turned to what was Jesus left side then the servitor made a sound very loud and a portal was opened up. Jesus then turned around and moved over lava and entered that long hallway in Sheol called, holding. Jesus then ordered that the one's closest to him be woken up so that he might speak with them. Jesus spoke with them for some time, and then he left that hallway called holding as the servitor angel in that hallway one by one placed each soul back on their knees then placed each head on a platform bringing their hands in on to either side of their heads locking them into their own personal hell. Now Jesus told them one will come and he will deliver some of you to take warning because he will wait for you in the front after the reformation of the new universe. No one understood Jesus, but they listened anyway. Some asked him questions, and Jesus answered, but all were placed back to sleep, locking them into their own personal hell. Jesus moved back to the portal, where he looked into it, seeing his younger self laying in bed at his home. Jesus then took his left hand up, opening his fingers, and then a great boom was heard as the portal was activated Jesus then made some jesters with his right hand and the portal fast-forward to his body laying in his tomb Jesus then said some words upgrading his body to be much like that of a Metatron you see Jesus had to upgrade his body because Sheol is a place of forgiveness and if he didn't upgrade his body he would not get his memories back for years after his resurrection. Jesus then passed through the membrane that chasm that separated life from death, thus completing his resurrection. I can prove it to you when you die and they take you up to God they will tell you you can ask God one question but before you ask that question look behind God's throne about 45 to 50 feet back will be a white door inside that is a great forest God takes his breaks in there. That forest is the garden of eden God brought it down to seed earth then he brought it back up to heaven and it sits behind his throne so before you ask your question look back behind and you will see it then you will know my prophecy of Jesus resurrection is true.....❤🎉❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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