Why are you a Christian

Why are you a Christian


For more information, read God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (http://amzn.to/2kAroVD) Read: God Didn't Create Moral Law, It's Simply A Reflection Of His Character https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/god-didnt-create-moral-law-it-is-simply-a-reflection-of-his-character/ Do objective moral truths exist? If so, are there any good examples? More importantly, how can we explain their existence? Can objective moral truths emerge from the laws of physics, or is an objective, personal, moral law giver a better explanation? In this stage presentation from an apologetics conference, J. Warner examines the evidence for the existence of objective moral truth.




@plowhand5591 Says:
I’m not a scientist (but I did design computer systems for 35 years.) God/Jesus is real. Most founding fathers in the scientific community were actually Christ followers. Most current scientists don’t follow the evidence where it leads because they rule out God before (and during) their research. Atheism is illogical. I have researched and studied the existence of God for 37 years. There is ample historical and empirical evidence that Jesus is who he said he is. Atheists believe that “nothing” exploded and created this vast amazing complex fine tuned universe. And that a bolt of lightning struck a primordial slime rock and DNA (infinitely more complex than any database known to man) was created. And many of them believe there are more than 2 genders. Seriously? There are hundreds of people, places, events and predictions in the Bible. For thousands of years people have been trying to disprove something/anything in the Bible is in error. None have succeeded. Every time someone digs a new hole in Israel these Bible facts are verified. God can’t be proven with “observation science” because he is outside of time, space and matter. He created them. If you really want to know the truth (not many do) please read “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” by author Josh McDowell. This short video is a good summary of some of these undeniable facts… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Iir6h2oUu4
@johnprice1824 Says:
I believe in Jesus because of the facts/evidence. If you dont have the evidence on why you believe what you believe, you're like everyone else.
@ok-qw9yl Says:
Sir could you do a video or a debate with the people who say Jesus = Saturn ( a Greek god I think)
@MoonPhaze5 Says:
What 3 answers?? 🤷‍♀️
@nathanevans1075 Says:
Yep just one short video made realise,that at least one religious person should if said my god is real and I'll show you him
@borderlinebrian3940 Says:
Resurrection & Prophecy
@Marie-vi6jg Says:
@murkywaterbeats3863 Says:
Is Mr Wallace a Christian, or Catholic who are widely called Christian but are fundemtnaly not the same? Genuine question.
@sonnyjohn7338 Says:
Mormons seems to be like a business access church lol
@joserivera8429 Says:
What are the 3 answers?
@SaintGermaine856 Says:
Ummm... What 3 answers? Kinda missing the crux of this argument in the short
@theappyone1591 Says:
Reason #4: The fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament. That's what convinced me that the Bible was divinely inspired.
@rosemarietolentino3218 Says:
Can you give a good account of why you believe?
@hollayevladimiroff131 Says:
Mormons are not Christians; they believe in a different God and a different Jesus.
@Alacritous Says:
It's easy. It's not.
@angelovictoria Says:
I am an offspring of The Spirit of Christ by proof and evidence.
@treasasamuel4105 Says:
I am a born Christian, nurtured by the devinely teachings of Jesus Christ and the 10 commandaments to lead a sinless live. I am proud of being a Christian.
@JohnHanly Says:
Perhaps we should view our testimonies as just one tool in our evangelism endeavors? I think a 'both / and' approach can be very effective. For example, if we use our testimonies as an "ice-breaker" perhaps, then, follow up with the fact that Christianity is a historical religion and provide relevant evidences, God can use all of the above to bring people to Christ. On the other hand, Dr. Craig, after presenting various evidences for God's existence in his debates, often times will include his testimony at the end.
@festusdillon8567 Says:
Not Cristian because it's a Roman made religion... I'll stick to the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob not some jebus.
@1corinth15apologetics8 Says:
I choose to believe the bible… because it is a reliable collection of historical books written by eye witnesses throughout the life time of other eye witnesses, they report supernatural events that take place in fulfilment of specific prophecies that proves their writings to be divine rather then human in origin… 🙏✝️💛
@techvlad8736 Says:
It’s a great point! It’s like all the Nutrition/Food based documentaries. All the people interviewed all sound the same. ‘After doing this diet or thing my whole life changed’
@cassandrashaw1730 Says:
The 3 answers are detailed in '55mins of Q & A's with J Warner Wallace'
@harveysmith3738 Says:
??"The 3 answers??"
@gregx2966 Says:
Can anyone give a link to the complete video? I'm curious to know what the 3 answers are.
@harmonious1783 Says:
God we pray that You would work in J Warner Wallace's Mormon family members, that they would truly come to know YOU as You have revealed Yourself to us thru Your Word and by Your Holy Spirit. Work mightily in our midst, Lord, and forgive us for resisting - may we choose to follow YOU wholeheartedly. In Jesus's Name, amen.
@richardautry9594 Says:
I became a Christian because I was in an auto accident and after having had a stroke as a result of some of the injuries, I had to face the Lord and give an account of myself, so after receiving a chance to give the Lord a better response, I received Him in my heart.
@juliag.1231 Says:
So what is your approach to testify that this Jesus story is true?
@elijahknox4421 Says:
What are the 3 answers?
@jd_unrah Says:
This is the follow up to your last short that I was waiting for
@ColumboE7 Says:
Our faith is grounded!!
@gohawks3571 Says:
I have just come across you, and your teachings have been amazing so far! Thank you😊

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