The Great Controversy Chapter 7: Luther's Separation from Rome

The Great Controversy Chapter 7: Luther's Separation from Rome


This week Pastor Ted Wilson discusses chapter seven of The Great Controversy, entitled 'Luther's Separation from Rome' in which Martin Luther visits Rome at the time the church offered indulgences (forgiveness) for the first time to those who would pay a fee and crawl The Holy Stairs to the top. While climbing these stairs, Luther was reminded of the truth of salvation by faith in Romans 1:17. This started Luther's journey which led to the 95 Theses and the movement which followed. Since the first time Martin Luther held the complete Bible in his hands, a love for the Word of God was kindled in Luther's heart that would never be extinguished. To learn more about Luther's separation from Rome, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at




@catalinababy6068 Says:
The great controversy project isn't that the one where they were giving away that altered version of what Gods messanger wrote?
@trueroyalty3342 Says:
Upside down cross in the new adventist logo, the logo of a new order. Once you see it, you can never unsee it.
@leemary4833 Says:
So helpful these studies. Sharing these all over.
@antoniocarlosmonteiro318 Says:
Ore por mim quero aprender inglês 🙏
@oleksandrhrytsak400 Says:
thank you, pastor Ted Wilson. God bless you
@eleonorajimeno4496 Says:
Amen Thank you , got the copy of this book free from the church elder of Hkcc community church Fortress. Celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Great Protestant Reformation book.
@jeremiahmathayo2191 Says:
Thank you for this project program
@jeremiahmathayo2191 Says:
Thank you for this project program
@susanbarnhart7310 Says:
I just finished that chapter tonight. This book is a blessing
@jorgeluisosoriobustillo9687 Says:
Thank Lord for inspiring to Martin Lutero and thank you for give us this important book The great Controversy, really very important for today and Lord thank you so much por inspiring to leaderships of the church for put it like book of yhe year. Amen
@bonbalab_ Says:
Amen,praise God Thank you so much Pastor Ted God bless

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