The Great Controversy Chapter 4: The Waldenses

The Great Controversy Chapter 4: The Waldenses


The Waldenses were perhaps the most well-known group of believers who stayed faithful to Bible truth during a time of spiritual darkness. They served as a faithful link between the ancient, apostolic faith and the Reformation that came centuries later. This week Pastor Ted Wilson discusses the fourth chapter of The Great Controversy, entitled 'The Waldenses.' Under Papal rule, these groups of people were forced to move deeper into the wilderness and commit their scriptures to memory under secrecy, attending higher education and even entering the mission field under cover of a secular calling. Ellen White tells us in the closing page of the chapter, "The persecutions visited for many centuries upon this God-fearing people were endured by them with a patience and constancy that honored their Redeemer. Notwithstanding the crusades against them, and the inhuman butchery to which they were subjected, they continued to send out their missionaries to scatter the precious truth. They were hunted to death; yet their blood watered the seed sown, and it failed not of yielding fruit. . . . Scattered over many lands, they planted the seeds of the Reformation . . . and [it] is to be carried forward to the close of time by those who also are willing to suffer all things for 'the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ' (Rev. 1:9)" (The Great Controversy, p. 78). To learn more about the Waldenses, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at




@oluseyiakinwande Says:
The Waldenses may not have been perfect but we're opposed to the dark teachings of their days.
@SWprayers Says:
@sharonwilhelm2173 Says:
I LOVE this series!! I am just a few months into my journey and finding out where the end-time remnant truly is! I am learning of truths about prophecy because I grew up being taught a mixture of dispensationalism and futurism in the Worldwide Church of God since I was 5 years old. I am so thankful for the loving correction, and I have a very long way to go, but this series sure is making it easier! Thank you from Missouri!
@mmtoss6530 Says:
The Waldenses were Sunday keepers and part of the Reformed Calvinist tradition. This is literally historically false. But you were right, the Waldenses actually kept the teaching of the Bible, just not the teachings on a 19th century heretical sect.
@leemary4833 Says:
Encouraging study.
@SpottedEagleOwls Says:
To confirm. Did the Waldenses kept the Sabbath
@bonbalab_ Says:
Amen praise God . Thank you so much God bless
@eleganteem Says:
Thank you Pastor and Mrs Wilson for this wonderful message of faith, perservance, and loyalty of The Waldenses who stood firm under intense persecution by papal Rome. Persecution of God's people will soon rear its ugly head again to try and obliterate those who keep holy the 7th Day Sabbath and reject the spurious Sabbath but let us hold fast to Jesus and His unchanging word that 'he that endures to the end shall be saved." Thank God for the Stone that will annihilate the false earthly system. I am looking forward to the ushering in of the Kingdom of God where there will be no pain, no crying, no sorrow, no death but life and joy abundant.
@estherkitney3340 Says:
Thank you for this encouraging message, Pastor Ted and Sr Nancy. May this message encourage us for the times ahead as we await the soon return of our SAVIOUR. Esther Kitney.
@sonnymuchindu5609 Says:
Thank you so much
@rebeccamichaelakpan8858 Says:
Thank you so much pastor and Mrs Wilson.
@thevoiceofprophecytoday Says:
God bless Dr&Mrs Wilson more for this great work! Seventh-day Adventist must be quick to give more comments here. Many people depend on comments b4 watching or listening to anything via YouTube, God bless you for your comments!
@ucheokoro2979 Says:
Thank you Pastor and Mrs Wilson, may souls hear this message and decide for God like the Waldenses did 🙏
@asenathnyandika5944 Says:
Thank you our leaders. We love you. We delight in your Godly encouragement. Be blessed always.
@fredsimmons2793 Says:
The Waldensians predominantly did not keep the Saturday Sabbath.The other examples EGWhite used as God's true remnant the Cathars/ Albengessians were dualists,did not believe Jesus came in the flesh but was spirit only.They didn't practice marriage and practiced suicide as a end of life option.The Waldensians wore a uniform dress, had long hair,this was a sign of their order.Andrews mission to prove this link for the sake of the SDA church was superficial at best and done a bit with guile.History and evidence has proven this a assumption.The Waldensians of today say this assumption by SDA's is not thier position,and that's being charitable.
@ethelineewers5480 Says:
Amen and Amen 🙏🙌❣️
@DraKBC Says:
@mytonbaladiang8475 Says:
Thank you Pastor for the message.
@CarlosRoblesCarrero Says:
Help us Lord to honor you as you commanded us.
@lingchristine6413 Says:
Amen and Amen ❤️
@kwesispikes Says:
Praise God for the inspiring messages. May we stay even more faithful to the truth than the Waldenses did.
@michaelreyes8182 Says:
Love this...thanks!!!
@charlesnzaramyimana9795 Says:
Thank you our dear Pastor Ted and Nancy for your commitment to spread this message. God bless and keeps you safe.
@billclass5847 Says:
The summary of Ellen G. Whites *"Great Controversy"* argument is thus concerning the Apostasy of the Apostolic Church from her book, in chapter 3. 1. The Apostle Paul and John warned that the Apostasy of the Church Christ instituted. And, that the apostasy of the Church was going to happen and was already happening in 53AD and by 90AD, the Apostle John was already commanding people to *"Come out the Church Christ instituted upon the Apostles, the prophets and Christ being the chief cornerstone.* Thus, the "HER" and Harlot of Revelation 18 to EGW and Adventism is the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and the *book of Revelation is begging all the Christians to leave the Church Christ died for and John, Paul and all the Apostles labored to bring into the "ONE Faith", ONE Body, the ONE Church to an end regardless of Christ's promise to never leave it or the gates of hell prevail over it. * 2. The falling away, was NOT those who left the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. *but THOSE WHO REMAINED WITH the Apostolic Church* Christ instituted was "falling away" . And, ONLY those who would LEAVE the Church (the use of Rev. 18:4 by the SDA) would be saved, while those who followed in obedience to the Church would be lost. 3. The falling away in her mind described in 2Thess. 2:4 *was caused by the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church abandoning the enforcement of the Sabbath commandment upon the Gentiles.* and that every Christian must become Jewish first, before claiming to be Christian and the claim of Cephas to be Pope. 4. EGW and the SDA claim was that faith through Grace in Christ and the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Holy Spirit was and is not sufficient to keep a person from murdering or stealing..etc., thus the spirit of lawlessness. And, that ONLY by the LAW of 10 commandments could keep people from sinning, NOT by the Holy Spirit. 5. She also claimed that suddenly somewhere long before 325AD, the Catholic Church decided to have a Pope, who was the Vicar of Christ and no one in the entire known world protested. This was *"already occurring"* in 53AD when the Apostle Paul wrote 2Thessalonians 2 while at the same time the Apostle Paul as calling the Peter, "Cephas" meaning Rock. And, prior to that Christ named Him "Rock" from the moment Christ called him and so did every other Apostle who spoke the Aramaic language, as Christ and most of Judea at the time. Only those who DISOBEYED the Church could be saved in EGW's teaching. 6. She then claimed by the time of Constantine, the entire known world of Christianity had fallen away "to join forces with the Pope" and that was "The Great Falling Away" prophecied in 2Thess. 2:4 in 325AD. Yet, not one voice protested anywhere in the entire known world of Christianity. 7. For Ellen G. White, persecution and martyrdom of the Church was a good thing and the church living in peaceful times was deplorable. She would have much preferred that the torture of the Christians continued than have peace. 8. In the end, Ellen G. White and the Adventist church teaches the Papacy didn't begin until 538AD according to their 1260 day prophecy, but that conflicts directly with their own writings which say the Papacy was already ruling in 325AD, which is 217 years or more difference. Ellen G. White writes explicitly in Chapter 3 of the book Great Controversy, speaking of the time of Constantine in 325AD less than 200 years after Christ: *"THE GREAT APOSTATE HAD SUCCEEDED in exalting himself “above all that is called God, or that is worshiped.” 2 Thessalonians 2:4. He (the Pope) had dared to change the only precept of the divine law that unmistakably points all mankind to the true and living God.* (Great Controversy Chapter 3. …. "No such honor was given to the day by Christ or His apostles. *The observance of Sunday as a Christian institution had its origin in that “mystery of lawlessness”* (2 Thessalonians 2:7, R.V.) which, *EVEN in Paul’s day, had begun its work.* Chapter 3 of Great Controversy. Yet, there is no record of any "Controversy" about a change from the Sabbath to Sunday in the records of Church history. 9. EGW's and the Adventist's point is that Christ ( *God himself in the flesh* ) could *NOT* and did not *"Point mankind to the true and Living God"* And, that only by Sabbath keeping could they come to know God, period. 10. Lastly, Ellen G. White had this to say in her Book, "Spiritual Gifts" . What a beautiful line is this from Ellen G. White: " "No matter how powerful the evidence given of Jesus' being the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world; *they had murdered him* , and could not receive any evidence in his favor. Their only hope and consolation, like SATAN 's after his fall, was in trying to prevail against the Son of God. They (THE SABBATH KEEPERS) continued their rebellion by persecuting the disciples of Christ, and putting them to death. " *(Spiritual Gifts, 101)*
@billclass5847 Says:
The problem with Chapter 4 is that the Waldenses were not Sabbath keepers at all. And, there is no record of any *"persecution of the Waldenses over the Sabbath keeping"* in the annuals of Human History or religous history. And, Adventist scholars themselves know this is true.
@clc7378 Says:
“Endured By Them With Patience And Constancy That Honored Their Redeemer! I recommit… Help me Lord… 🙏🏼
@sharonloomis5264 Says:
@sharonloomis5264 Says:
Years ago I had a phone call from a business. Wrong number. But I like visiting on the phone. So I did. We were discussing people and I said they needed to read the Bible. She mentioned that she has her children memorize whole chapters. Every morning as they leave the house, they recite their chapters.
@elsiericarte4272 Says:
Amen Thanks for sharing inspiring messages. More blessings Pastor Ted and Maam Nancy for your ministry🙏🏿

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