Bible Prophecy Reveals the True Church

Bible Prophecy Reveals the True Church


Did you know Bible prophecy reveals God's true church? A careful study of God's Word would lead you to discover that God has a prophesied remnant church for these last days - the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been given a very special mission for these last days. As God's special people, we have been called to labor alongside Him, taking His everlasting gospel to the ends of the earth. Want to join the movement?! This #short clip from the Global #Campmeeting sermon, 'The Mission and Focus of the Remnant' with Pastor Ryan Day goes into detail about God's remnant people and their mission in these last days. Watch the video to learn more about the prophesied Seventh-day Adventist Church. �--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been an established denomination since 1863. It is a global Christian family with over 21 million members who hold the Bible as the ultimate authority. We are believers who promise to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. Want to learn more about the Seventh-day Adventist Church? Visit our website at: Click the notification bell so that you never miss a new video! Find us on social media by following the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:




@monjuricabasaiawmoit1439 Says:
@ashoknayaki7776 Says:
I want medical Lab knowledge Please pray from telangana State india My name is Ashok.
@PetraŠpániková Says:
The only true church of Christ is the one and only.... CATHOLIC CHURCH
@francoalva3867 Says:
This dude is so scary
@jadeorapa5027 Says:
Amen!.. lets go and save more souls.. as we live in Christ Character. 🤍
@jobamot6847 Says:
am among
@tipeyhawan7208 Says:
@ScholasticaPakan-dh2ei Says:
Great Amean
@melroyel2235 Says:
As a child of God, and follower of Jesus Christ. We are taught to love all people and share the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom. The kingdom, as Jesus taught, is still a mystery to 80% of Christians today. But one thing is for certain, Jesus never taught that non-Sabbath worshipers would receive the mark of the beast as the founding mother of the SDA church and the modern day SDA church teaches today. Jesus in Mark 2:24 explains that the sabbath was made for man basically as a gift. He goes on in vs. 27 to tell them He was "Lord of the Sabbath". So in other words, worship Him - every day. It is a violation of the kingdom teachings of Jesus Christ to teach people that if they don't go to church on the Sabbath that they are not saved and/or are not a part of the "remnant church". The word remnant in the original Hebrew means to remain, be left over, or be left behind. Both places in the New Testament refer to the remaining people that follow God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. There are people like this in all denominations. Not just the SAD church. Jesus is not returning for one group of people that proclaim to be His "remnant". He is returning for His bride - The Church. Stop focusing on your denomination and focus on the Kingdom. Jesus Christ focused his life while here on earth on one lesson - the kingdom. He did not spend his time in the synagogs on the sabbath, He spent His time among the people teaching them the kingdom. There are three types of laws God instructed the OT saints to follow. They were moral, ceremonial, and judicial. God gave the Sabbath Day to keep as a sign between Himself and Israel I don't think there are many Israelites in the SDA church. The Sabbath worship is a ceremonial law. Jesus stated in Luke 16:16 "The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it." Stop separating God's people by claiming you have the truth when your entire religion is based on the false teaching and prophesies of Ms. Ellen G. White. If you hold the Holy Bible as the divinely inspired word of God, then stop teaching from The "Clear Word Bible" bible which rewrites scripture to enforce the false teachings of the SDA church. Look SDA believers, I love you all. I would respect your beliefs more if they were based on the Holy Bible alone and not the words of one person and documents written by that one person. The Holy Bible is the inerrant word of God. It only needed a translation from Hebrew and Greek to something people could understand - not re-written. Peace and blessings to you all.
@melroyel2235 Says:
Please show me in the word of God where He called the SDA movement? Chapter and verse. Otherwise, this is false teaching and should be avoided.
@noeno-m5d Says:
I Love Jesus❤
@whysoserious4321 Says:
Blasphemy! Show me in the Bible where Jesus has ever said to follow seven day Adventist or any other man made religion. Chapter and verse or no comment.
@Reasonandevotion Says:
True church didn’t start will a cult of weirdos in the 16th century. Bible is clear that the apostles are the foundation of the church so if you don’t have at least that much you don’t have the chief cornerstone either
@angelaaldas5591 Says:
We belong to the Remnants and we need to hold high the 3 Angels’ Message.
@neftaliperez6300 Says:
Amen. God bless you Pastor
@elizabethagard7930 Says:
@MikeLundquist Says:
I love Jesus so much John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments.
@elderinisrael Says:
I'm not sure he understands what it means to be co-heirs with Christ.
@zagronyozagronyo907 Says:
Amen 🙏🙏
@susankane8728 Says:
What a great and amazing privilege is ours- every Seventh Day Adventist- to be part of the giving of the Three Angels messages to the world. Even quoting these three great passages from Revelation is powerful, and God wants all His people to participate. Now is the time! Our wonderful Preachers will give it in full! 🙏🏼Amen❤️
@agreenaway4637 Says:
God always needs money.
@ideasyoutube Says:
Amen & amen! Thank God for His reminder, big thanks Pastor, God bless
@marciaclarke-martin2159 Says:
Thats God's Words
@shanalynch2801 Says:
@beautifulandsweet8826 Says:
Yes. Amen. God be praised.
@hbo9328 Says:
Hello! Brazilian here! May we finish our mission as the remnant of the last days!
@crystalrussell3979 Says:
It is good to see you on here. It would be nice to see alot more like this. We need more. Thank God for 3abn.

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