No doubt we are to be a cheerful giver but tithes are for us. My dad does not believe in tithing and he's been poor all of his life. When I started tithing my net worth grew to millions of dollars. I did not tithe to get rich but God blessed me.
There are three types of giving that are both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.
The 1st type of giving is tithes, the 2nd is offerings and the 3rd is alms to the poor. If you notice Cornelius in the book of Acts was noticed by God for giving alms to the poor.
Many people take New Testament scriptures where Paul says no one is to be coerced into giving, and where he is talking about offerings and apply it to tithes when it wasn't talking about tides it was talking about offerings in order to help people it was not talking about ties which are used for the church functionality/operations. If you say we are redeemed from tithes then would you say in the Old Testament where it says not to prostitute your daughter that you're redeemed from that also? Abraham paid tithes long before the law of Moses was ever put into place. Are you redeemed from the Abrahamic blessing or are you now included in that blessing but don't give like he gave?
Jesus also spoke of the Pharisees tithing and he said this you ought to have done and not left the others undone, he did not say that Pharisees tithing was bad or ceased to exist. Does God's grace cause us to give less in the New Testament than the old? Has your heart been changed from the law to Grace and you would give less or more to God now?
Would you say that the New Testament change of heart causes us to serve God better and more so than under the law? If so then don't you think we ought to give more and be cheerful about giving more?
We should never give to man we should always give to God. Dd you notice the widow in the New Testament was giving into the temple treasury which was given to the wicked Pharisees and Jesus did not say for her not to do it but said she had given more than them all?
@nellrahimi8310 Says:
We give as holy spirit tells us, I love to make homeless bags, Ziploc 🎉 giving is very important 🌿🌹🌿🙏
@barbstenkorang3194 Says:
@GodsOath_com Says:
Abraham is our father of faith and he tithed to Melchizedek. Jesus is the high priest in the order of Melchizedek, our father, our Lord, so we are required to pay tithe to him just like Abraham did. This is a revelation of the parable.
@Delta9D9 Says:
If people want to be increased in their finances, i'll share the basic structure: whole life insurance combined with asset protection trusts. And stop relying on government social assistance. Use the whole life insurance as your own private bank.
@Delta9D9 Says:
Grace, tithe and offerings are contrasted with the system of taxation imposed by Satan. Everyone is voluntarily obligated to be forced to contribute. If it is voluntary then it is donative. If it is voluntary and nonreciprical then it is donative. But it is forced and therefore it cannot be donative. If satan uses guilt, the duty imposed to "contribute" taxes also creates legal guilt. It is Satans plan A, plan B senario. Passive aggressive threats, coercion, manipulation, intimidation and control. And plan B, threats of fines, jail and seizure of property. An illegitimate trust and a legal fiction backed by the use of force.
Taxes are directly linked to Idolatry. Where a 'Lord" claims to hold all lands and "tenants" pay a yearly tribute. Lord, Baal, Bel, HuBal, Marduk, Monarchy, Moloch are all the same false deity.
@MTJCC Says:
Tithing is not for Christians. We have been told to give cheerfully and not under compulsion. This is a raging topic right now. We are not LEVITES and the church is not the STOREHOUSE. I haven't tithed for over 10 years and have never been better off. I give cheerfully and to the poor and needy, orphans and widows and am unchurched. My husband is my pastor. Done with corporate church and the wolves in sheep's clothing!
@ergo322 Says:
Does he mean materially rich ? or spiritually rich ?
@happylifeforever1329 Says:
The wonderful message God blessings forever in Jesus name 🙏🙏🙏📛📛📛