God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting #748
God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting #748



@curbweasel Says:
Again I ask please pray for my beloved friend Scott who is suffering from mental health affliction and addiction. No one can help but God and I have been praying that He would deliver, heal and save my friend. Scott is a kind soul that desperately needs God's help. Please cry out to God with me for my friend.
@edricpemhiwa6900 Says:
Praying for a closer walk with God and God to intervene in my faith, marriage, finances. I am going through challenging times where as a husband and father I feel very hopeless and confused. I am depressed
@joycehammond9908 Says:
PLEASE, PLEASE pray for me my blood pressure is extremely high 😢
@GabeToView Says:
Amen 🙏🏽. Keep United in prayer. Happy Friday day of preparation for sabbath
@caku6086 Says:
Matthew 6:34 KJV Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. In Jesus name.Amen 🙏

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