The Essential Role of the General Conference Secretariat | ANN In-Depth
The Essential Role of the General Conference Secretariat | ANN In-Depth



@BEvans7 Says:
I've got a question for the GC leaders. Why do we accept federal money for Adventist institutions when the Bible and Sister White state that the United States is the 2nd Beast of Revelation. Why would we the church that is to lead the way for the world 'in bed" so to speak with the 2nd Beast? Would you take stolen money from a thief to fund God's church? Why then would you take money from Satan's left hand man the United States Federal government? I have stopped tithing to the GC and now tithe to real Adventism in the independent ministries. I can't with good conscience support a leadership who sell us out to the beast, you sold us out during the pandemic when we all knew it was a hoax and you take money from the Beast and do his bidding in such things and sell out your people. God is going to take away your seat unless you repent and return to Adventism, dissolve all institutions that are taking money from the beast, reject LGBTQ and reject the erosion of the freedom of conscience. Remove all leaders who fight these points and lets get on with the 3 angels message and being a peculiar people not cultural marxists and partners of the Beasts
@Teacher-b3l Says:
The general confrence should communate with the members lt self we are not hearing from the genera confrence lf we dont know your plans how can we support you the general confrence worry too much about cluture culture is insificant whatever the culture or language is the bible said dont steal dont ommit adultry so what the matter the whole world meet at world cup and there no problem the whole world meets at world championship and there no problem so what is the matter lf we dont know what your plans are we cannot suoport the work paator you sound like a hard worker keep up the good work
@deavenalajenio6777 Says:
@carlosmoraes7798 Says:
O mesmo ingres da Dilma Rousseff
@curbweasel Says:
I ask please continue to pray for my beloved friend Scott who is suffering from mental health affliction and addiction. I have been praying that God would deliver, heal and save my friend. Scott is a kind soul that desperately needs Jesus' mercies. Please cry out to God with me for my friend.

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