Leadership with Purpose: The Story of Hensley Moorooven
Leadership with Purpose: The Story of Hensley Moorooven



@judecuniah45 Says:
The biggest need of the SDA Church is a shaking by The Lord which will bring the Latter Rain enabling the preaching of the 3 Angels' Message stopping us of trying to be oecumenically correct but prophetically correct!
@julievanessathesee1093 Says:
I am greatly inspired by your testimony and your life. Thank you for the advices and life experiences. It's priceless and praise The Lord for being the best in our lives.
@michaelgueho4730 Says:
Great testimony Hensley🙏🏼🇲🇺
@alvinf6981 Says:
Last night, I was listening to a broadcast about the denomination’s aspirations for the future. They included publishing numerous documents in 50 languages, with the aid of artificial intelligence. I do not claim to be conversant with the latest programs, but let me share a little bit about myself and about my experience. You are probably not the final person for this message, but when I saw this video of yours online, I said to myself, “Alyssa will know whom to send this to.” I got my B. A. in Spanish, with a minor in French, from Union College, decades ago. Later, I changed course and studied computer science at Chattanooga. After I retired, I have done some experimenting with translating with ChatGPT 3.5, particularly with languages of Central Asia, such as Uzbek and Tajik. I verified by translating in both directions. Here is what I experienced. It worked best when I used short passages and simple English. It threw in all manner of foolishness otherwise. It had a hard time with the name of God. And it had a hard time with the concept of eternity. It wanted to equate that with the end of human life. I had a blood clot to my left eye, so I don’t use AI anymore. But I wanted to share these things with you. God bless you,
@alvinf6981 Says:
I appreciated so many parts of his story. Thank you for sharing your testimony, Brother.
@debbieramsey-hanks3757 Says:
@abrahamoppong62 Says:
Great interview as always. Thanks Pastor H Moorooven for letting us understand who an Under Secretary is at the GC. Praise God for the humility you show always in your work as it is evident in the way you speak.

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