God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting - April 5, 2024
God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting - April 5, 2024



@pascrespo935 Says:
@pascrespo935 Says:
@Shawn-q3x Says:
When you think all is well… Nothing is well outside of God. This is why Jesus said to “come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17). But many believe they are _once saved, always saved_ because they listen and believe in the doctrines of man. They hear, but do not understand; see, and do not perceive. Instead, they recite random verses such as John 1:1, John 8:58, Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 1:8, John 14:9, John 20:28, etc. without revelation from the Holy Spirit. They twist God's word to fit their own beliefs, and they shall enter hell if there is no repentance. How is it possible to know the mind of God without his Holy Spirit — _it is impossible._ The entire reason for reading God's word is to listen and understand what Jesus is saying about his Father, and to serve him as the one true God *ONLY* (Luke 4:8). For many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14).
@juanalonsocobarrubiasverdu5087 Says:
@juanalonsocobarrubiasverdu5087 Says:
From Seventh - Day Adventist Church of Nayarit MĂ©xico,,, My God Bless You

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