This Happens When You're Not Forgiving Others
This Happens When You're Not Forgiving Others



@Mg80731 Says:
"Forgive others so you might be healed" 🙂
@fredajohnson506 Says:
Amen this definitely the truth how can we ask God to forgive us and we still have u forgiveness but I thank God for years been working on my heart about each one these sins because truly have forgiven those who did me wrong as well myself asking forgiveness towards those I hurt because I'm truly trying be a woman after God own heart another powerful message from Derek Prince
@SavedByJesus-pi3yu Says:
I haven’t watched the video yet but I have to share my testimony the night I finally decided to forgive........ I knew forgiveness was important to Hod but I didn’t realize how important so for years of reading scripture and praying and asking for forgiveness myself, I was still holding onto resentment and anger and unforgiveness (all feelings that are not from God) for my mother who was abusive and neglectful to my younger siblings and myself for many years. I also have reason to believe she mistreated my sick grandmother on her deathbed so it was so very hard to forgive that. Anyway, I felt God kept leading me to videos about why forgiveness was so important and basically choosing to hold onto that hate in my heart was choosing to put a wedge between me and the Lord because he is pure love and not hate and who am I not to forgive someone when the Lord has forgiven me of my sins, no matter how bad. That night one year ago, I felt convicted to forgive so I got on my knees and prayed very sincerely to the Lord, I explained that I will forgive because he wants me to and because I don’t want any separation from him or any negative feelings in my heart that are not of God. I told him I was choosing to forgive but I needed his help to actually remove the feelings of anger and hate I had in my heart because I didn’t know how to erase them and I didn’t want them any longer. I also told him that I realized what she did wasn’t ok but I trusted the Lord would handle it and it’s not my place to judge anyone and he is the only judge. I prayed for a while and climbed into bed and fell asleep instantly. I went into a nightmare and in the nightmare I was in my bed in the dark room just as I really was and on the walls appeared shadows and I was scared and the shadows came off the walls and manifested into demons and they surrounded me in my bed and were very angry with me and biting me all over my body as I screamed in torment. I panicked and blurred out over and over “I am a child of the most High God” but they continued and that I remembered to call out to Jesus so I said “Jesus help me” and tjebdemons stopped immediately and fled and to the right side of my bed appeared out of the darkness a light and the light grew bigger and brighter and I knew instantly it was the Lord. I didn’t dare look directly over at him because I had a different kind of fear come over me, I wasn’t scared but his holiness was so great that I didn’t want to look directly at him yet I felt his adoration and love for me which was stronger than any love I ever felt. I payed in bed not wanting this experience to end and than woke up abruptly in the same spot in the dark room but nothing was there and God was gone. I tried desperately to go back to sleep in hopes to be in the lords presence again but I was too excited and still felt that love which was a high like no other that there was no way I could sleep. ....,
@josephmccain8151 Says:
guilty conscience perhaps ?
@gloriasteinhardt2449 Says:
Lord forgive me as your word says to forgive and let me forgive those who I loved, parents who past away, family members and my spouse in your holy name. Amen 🙏
@elisataleu5 Says:
Yes and amen. Thank you.
@hansslane7080 Says:
Forgiveness won’t keep others from speaking in jest about you or situation,but it keeps you from joining the ranks of the unforgiving or unforgiven.
@uvynelantiquina8198 Says:
The One and Only Mystical Body of Jesus Christ is the Holy Catholic Church alone
@adamlavine1823 Says:
*The hardest thing that i will EVER do is to forgive the entire black race....might not happen.*
@adamlavine1823 Says:
@robertborn1557 Says:
We are always to have a forgiving heart, but remember no where in Scripture is forgiveness granted when repentance is absent. Luke 17:3-4.
@lukeFive Says:
There's divine power in Dereks Prince teaching. Anointed by the holy spirit speaking direct to our hearts. Thank you Lord for this blessings
@jazzman1626 Says:
If you say you forgive a person but treat them as though they still have sinned against you, you haven’t really forgiven them. Let’s say a person stole your pen. You say you’ve forgiven them. You haven’t really forgiven them if you still treat them like a thief. When God forgives us, he treats us as though we never committed that sin. It only then becomes a problem if we commit the sin again. That calls for fresh confession.
@LocustsAndWildHoney777 Says:
Coming from a pagan country , it is very difficult to honor your parents , because parents worship these pagan false gods , and i find it soul repelling to comply with them and go to their places of worship , when they command me. You not only have to bow down to their idols (which they deny being idols) but also have to bow down to human beings .. So i can never fully be honoring of my parents, in the sense that honoring involves obeying commands, and I can't obey these commands.. this is the very topic that creates a lot of conflict in a year , like lots.. my mom has been an abusive mother to me and an abusive wife to my dad.. (all this hurt i have forgiven with God's help) and my dad are good friends... but when it comes to religion , my dad is on the opposing side .. (My family does not know that i am a theist , and a christ follower, they think i am some sort of atheist.. i have never revealed my belief in christ is because if they cannot accept the fact that religion cannot be forced, they will miss out on the point of salvation through christ...) .. SO it is very hard to fully be honoring... Another tricky situation arises when, One parent puts you against another parent... This is something my mom did a lot few years ago, and now sometimes.... Whenever she and dad would be in a conflict, afterwards she would cook me delicious food , and then  try to brainwash me against dad.. but i was able to detect what was going on.. so i would try to change topics , and then she starts abusing me for not accepting her "offer" to join her side... The question here is .. how can you honor parents when you try putting one parent against another???? I also think i have the answers to this out of book scenarios.. the answers are found in two of the NT verses : i) "48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." (Matthew 12:48-50) ii) "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father,    a daughter against her mother,a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— 36      a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’" (Matthew 10:34-39) So , Jesus even after being an Israelite who was surrounded by people who worshipped the true God, still made a statement saying that his Mother, sister, brother is the one who keeps God's commands , then , my mother , sister and brother too are fellow christ followers.. and Jesus already said that he was here not to bring peace, and that a man's enemies will be the members of his own household... So i have nothing to worry about at all .. i can honor my parents , but only to the limit of not compromising on my faith.. when something like that is asked to be done, i will end all ties with my family...  But i also wish for all of them to be saved, and so i  pray to God everyday that God blesses me with one day where i am talking to my family members about the good news of salvation through Jesus and they are hearing with curious ears, and not interrupting mouths.. And may God awaken their hearts up at that time so that they are able to see the truth and realize that the pagan God's they have been worshiping for 40 - 50 years are false Gods... I hope for it to happen someday ... !!! 😊😊😊
@magdalenenorman6243 Says:
As I was listening to Derek Prins talking of forgiveness and God placed someone's face and I akef God that I want to forgive the person and I felt better after Derek prayed we must forgive ❤
@angloaust1575 Says:
Better for that man if he had never been born Jesus judgement upon Judas!
@LawrenceB123 Says:
So true God has shown us mercy and forgiveness by sending His Son to die for us, He expects us to show mercy and forgiveness in return…
@carlynnandrewsprivate Says:
I forgive every single person who has ever I'll treated me in my last & present on Jesus Name. Amen
@samuelmachado6088 Says:
Keep my wife Leena Samuel in prayers who is undergoing chemo for the tumor in her small intestines.....we are in a Spiritual warfare since our marriage in 2018....the Good Lord Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope....Psalms 118.17....We are set free from the freemasonry and Illuminati curses which followed us due to our family covenants.....Galatians 3.13 Praise Report - We Give Thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has healed my wife....Isaiah 53.5🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉.....Hallelujah....Hosanna in the Highest....Hallelujah....Psalms 121;1,2🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@alfredoaguilera3114 Says:
I have overcome Jesus of Nazareth and Lucifer.
@StudyStream99marks Says:
What is IOU
@elizabethrajan1813 Says:
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@taiphan7225 Says:
@deesymons8545 Says:
Amen Please continue to pray for my grandkids who live with me and myself for healing healing protection and safety Thank you
@DeeDee29737 Says:
Those who WRONGED me most are family n close friends...out of jealousy n did potential harm harming my children to get to me ... honouring my wicked parents brought me a broken life but Lord Jesus Christ restored me n I struggle with unforgiveness too because people actually up wickedly bcoz the demons in them manifest n it's not them ...even pastors n church elders misbehave...YAH brings you to a point where you realise ONLY ELOHIM is good and we are nothing without LORD JESUS CHRIST and HIM alone who we ACTUALLY NEED N WHO WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU OR HURT YOU ..... therefore cursed is the man who trusts in man n blessed is the man who trusts in YAH ❤
@richellepeace4457 Says:
All trespasses being equal. I guess when children are abducted are murdered their parents should be required to forgive before asking anyone for help. Don't even bother looking for a perpetrator, just forgive him, invite him for lunch maybe he'll bring the kid..
@austing9950 Says:
My dad holds grudges. He is known for holding grudges. I'm 41 years old and I'm somewhat like him and I hate it. I have a 20 year old son and a 17 year old daughter and I have been done horribly over them. My ex and I split after my daughter was born and I have had to hire an attorney to see my kids. I live in a small town and my ex's family has spread horrid rumors about me. They have tried to get my kids to hate me and my mom. And I have been told that by my daughter. They don't like it if I talk to my kids about God or the Bible. I can't believe I was ever with someone like my ex and I have a very hard time forgiving her and her family for what they have put me through. I almost feel like I don't know how to forgive them even though I need God to forgive me if that makes sense. What I mean is how do I truly forgive someone who has tried to destroy my life, reputation and my relationship with my own children? I'm seriously asking if anyone can tell me how to forgive them ?
@toml.8210 Says:
What about people who you think are planning serious crimes against you, like witches using witchcraft to destroy you or your family? Ifyou expose the witch, the demonic servant will come for you.
@krisdollar5385 Says:
Many people have the wrong Impression of what forgiveness 1S. When you do a Study on the word... it means to " have no ill intentions toward that person for what they've done." It doesn't mean that you "pickup where you left off before the offense.. " It it for your soul, Not their 'freedom! It keeps you from becoming "Vindictive' and resentful" which will affect your prayer life and overall relationship with God. (Gives Satan a playground in your mind as well).
@pegatheetoo1437 Says:
I will forgive anyone 70 times 70 if they sincerely ask for forgiveness. However, the Bible says 'if they ask for forgiveness.' Does Jesus forgive us even when we don't ask? That wouldn't make sense, and there would be no need to repent or no need for Hell.
@Ela-cw7fi Says:
We live in a society that knows and cares little about forgiveness. In fact, I would think that one of the major contributors to the destruction of relationships in our culture is the absence of forgiveness. Our culture pushes us to be unforgiving. It celebrates and exalts people who are not willing to forgive. We make heroes out of the Dirty Harry’s and the Rambo’s who murder people out of vengeance. As a result of this unforgiveness, we have a society filled with bitterness, vengeance, anger and hate toward others. For a Christian, however, the failure to forgive is unthinkable. Whatever the issue, whatever the offense, a failure to forgive is a blatant act of disobedience. We have been told as explicitly as possible that if anybody offends us, we are to forgive them. How many times? Seventy times seven — that is, an endless number of times (Matthew 18:22). To look at this issue from the negative side for a moment, if we buy into this culture — a culture that says you don’t have to forgive, you have a right to your pound of flesh — I’ll give you four things that will happen in the life of a Christian. 1. Unforgiveness will imprison you in your past. As long as you fail to forgive an offender, you are shackled to the past. Unforgiveness keeps that pain alive. Unforgiveness never lets that wound heal, and you go through life reminding yourself of what was done to you, stirring up that pain and making yourself progressively angrier. You go through life accumulating bad feelings. Now, think about it. What’s the point of that? What’s the benefit? Unforgiveness just imprisons you in the past and robs you of the joy of living. On the other hand, forgiveness opens the door and lets the prisoner out. Forgiveness sets you free from your past. As soon as you forgive, you’re free. If you insist on remembering the offense and never forgiving it, then you allow the person to go on offending you the rest of your life. 2. Unforgiveness will produce bitterness. The cumulative effect of remembering without forgiveness some offense done against you is that you become a bitter person. The longer you remember the offense, the more data you accumulate on it, the more you recite the memory, the more it occupies your thinking, the more it shapes your person. Bitterness is not just a sin; it is an infection, and it will infect your whole life. And bitterness can be directly traced to the failure to forgive. It makes you caustic, sarcastic, condemning and nasty. Harassed by the memories of what you can’t forgive, your thoughts become malignant toward others, and your whole view of life becomes distorted. Anger begins to rage in you, and it can easily get out of control. Your emotions begin to run wild. You entertain continuing thoughts of revenge. And what happens? Even casual conversation becomes a forum for slander against the offender, and your flesh, that horrible remnant of your old self, gains control. Forgiveness, on the other hand, dispels bitterness and replaces it with love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control. Why would anybody want to live in the prison of their past? Why would anybody want to live with accumulated bitterness that makes them violate every relationship? 3. Unforgiveness will give Satan an open door. Unforgiveness throws the welcome mat out and invites the demons in. Where you have unresolved bitterness and an unforgiving spirit, you have given place to the devil: Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. (Ephesians 4:26-27) But one whom you forgive anything, I forgive also; for indeed what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ, so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) It is no exaggeration to say that most of the ground that Satan gains in our lives is due to unforgiveness. We’re not ignorant of his scheme to move in on an unforgiving attitude and destroy relationships. You can evict all the demonic trespassers by an act of forgiveness. 4. Unforgiveness will hinder your fellowship with God. Jesus said that if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you (Mark 11:25). If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. In the ongoing relationship with God, if we don’t forgive others, He doesn’t forgive us. So if I’m not right with you, then I’m not right with Him. Why would I sentence myself to not being right with God? Is there some virtue in cutting off the purity and the joy of my fellowship with God? You see the idiocy, don’t you, of an unforgiving attitude? It makes you a prisoner of your past, it gives you the all-pervasive disease of bitterness, it opens the door for Satan, and it alienates you from the full, rich fellowship that God desires to have with you. There is plenty of good reason, then, to be a forgiving person. To forgive is to turn the key, open the cell door, and let the prisoner out. To forgive is to write in large letters across a debt, “Nothing owed.” To forgive is to pound the gavel in a courtroom and say, “Not guilty.” To forgive is to bundle up all the garbage and dispose of it, leaving the house clean and fresh. To forgive is to relax a stranglehold on a wrestling opponent and give him his life. To forgive is to sandblast a wall of graffiti, leaving it looking like new. This matter of forgiveness is very important, and it’s right at the crux of our spiritual health.
@Ela-cw7fi Says:
DEFINITION of FORGIVENESS: According to the Royal Spanish Academy, to forgive is the action of remitting an offense, debt or fault. While the Greek word "Aphiemi" translated as forgiveness, implies letting go or to release. Similarly, another Greek word used for forgiveness "Charizomai" means to give free and unconditional forgiveness. Old English forgiefan "give, grant, allow; remit (a debt), pardon (an offense)," also "give up" Meaning "a passing over of an offense without punishment" is from c. 1300, also in the strictly ecclesiastical sense; the sense of "pardon for a civil or criminal offense; release from penalty or obligation" is from late 14c., earlier in Anglo-French. Weaker sense of "excuse for a minor fault" is attested from 1540s. To beg (one's) pardon "ask forgiveness" is by 1640s. Strictly, pardon expresses the act of an official or a superior, remitting all or the remainder of the punishment that belongs to an offense: as, the queen or the governor pardons a convict before the expiration of his sentence. Forgive refers especially to the feelings; it means that one not only resolves to overlook the offense and reestablishes amicable relations with the offender, but gives up all ill feeling against him. [Century Dictionary]
@Veltior Says:
First of all, forgiveness is an act towards God. In the parable of the King he showed us how hypocritical we are if we don't forgive others their smaller debt toward us, while God forgives us a by far larger debt towards him. Then forgiveness is an act for ourselves. If we don't let go, then we are hindered and tormented by the negative feelings and memories towards that person. And lastly, we ourselves would like to be forgiven, so why don't we grant others the love and mercy that we want to receive ourselves when we do something wrong. Doing something wrong happens to all of us.
@craigleewhite6317 Says:
Same as a couple mechanics round the corner revving black smoke out into the footpath for fun on a person. Or them jumpstarting a van into a person then avoiding rebukes. Then to notice much later the same place has pot holes all over out front their shop, to not show courtesy stepping into their feeble bad works. This is common swizz now, along with their judgement quickly followed by their own struggles. By faith I receive Jesus as he is. As am I;)× Craig. UK.
@mzfee7521 Says:
To forgive is important. I have experienced the demonic torment from not doing it.
@lieselgeorge1767 Says:
Lord Jesus help me please change my heart so that it may easily forgive those that I need to forgive for my prayers to be answered.
@TheNotoriousMrDee Says:
My dad raised me in a horrible, violent town. I'm 34 and I'm still struggling with forgiveness. He has forgiven me over and over, but there's obviously a power dynamic. I've been trying as hard as I know how. I think I can finally do it.
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:

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