Unconfessed Sin As A Barrier To Our Healing
Unconfessed Sin As A Barrier To Our Healing



@samuelmachado6088 Says:
Keep my wife Leena Samuel in prayers who is undergoing chemo for the tumor in her small intestines.....we are in a Spiritual warfare since our marriage in 2018....the Good Lord Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope....Psalms 118.17....We are set free from the freemasonry and Illuminati curses which followed us due to our family covenants.....Galatians 3.13 Praise Report - We Give Thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has healed my wife....Isaiah 53.5🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉.....Hallelujah....Hosanna in the Highest....Hallelujah....Psalms 121;1,2🎉🎉🎉
@daniellimbeck3473 Says:
That was wonderful. Thank you for sharing some of Derek Prince Classic messages. Very touching. 🥹 Touch my ❤️. God's presence fell upon me as I listened to it. 🕊 😇
@stephendavies2925 Says:
I don't believe this message! I know so many people who confess every day to God and find no peace! When you think about it, how can you confess to God? You cannot see him! Jesus said to his disciples, whosoever sins you remit, they are remitted and whosoever sins you retain they are retained! That surely means they would have to hear them! There was no such thing as a private confession in the bible. It's been made up to hide the sins!
@lorrainelistokin1997 Says:
It’s the forgiving myself, He has been telling me is a serious root of my heart being troubled that I didn’t even realize was there so deeply! Real demonic influence can enter in through it! And He has been delivering me from so many unclean spirits that have been hiding through shame, etc! He is so faithful. ❤️
@alfredoaguilera3114 Says:
I have overcome Jesus of Nazareth and Lucifer. I'm Lord of Jesus and Lucifer.
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@taiphan7225 Says:
@miss.l.c.minister Says:
The Catholic Church praise to idols we're not supposed to be praying to idols we're supposed to confess our sins to God not to some priests the priest the Pope God's word by allowing homosexuals to marry one another the priest has sex with the nuns then make some get abortions if they're pregnant never mind the doctrines look at the behaviors and they're huge
@jajaga4568 Says:
Glory to LORD JESUS, Glory to King of Everything 👍❤️❤️❤️🤝
@sayangawde2827 Says:
Plz pray for this people that they may know JESUS is truth ** Vilas jagdale Ginie aneja mam Yohan tengra Rakesh sharma Anurag sharma Amin bhai Ashita mehtah Tarun kothari prakruti mam
@sayangawde2827 Says:
God forgive me
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
Alleluia. Amen. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you. Thank you God. Thank you for forgiving me, Lord. I receive your forgiveness. God, because you've forgiven me, I forgive myself. Amen.
@S.O.N.N.I.E_G.E.O.R.G.E Says:
Hallelujah Praise God Thank You Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
@nobleservant153 Says:
As a dog returns to his vomit so a man returns to his folly
@jonathangarza5345 Says:
God has confirmed this today
@jonathangarza5345 Says:
very well said, ignorant sins as well as being unconfessed sin leading to sickness
@elizabethrajan1813 Says:
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
@happylifeforever1329 Says:
Hallelujah Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ superstar love you 🙏✝️😇💝🙌🍀
@coolhluke8089 Says:
Ya I remember ALL the times in the Bible people asked Jesus to heal them and he said he couldn't because they had unconfessed sin. Or when the disciples were walking through a town and their shadows skipped over some people because of their unconfessed sin.. Unconfessed sin causes guilt. Guilt leads to unworthiness. A lot of people do not get healed because they don't feel they're worthy of the healing because they don't truly believe that they've been forgiven. And they don't truly believe this because of what is being taught today.
Timeless truth. 🙏🏻😥
@gramaphoneman1 Says:
That's why I have Jesus. I never know if a sin is forgotten or not. Jesus knows all.
@ChebetM-je6vq Says:
Lord Jesus help me to remember my past unconfessed sins. Amen.
@KingdomCarrier9 Says:
There are not any barriers to "Physical Body Divine Healing" except Unbelief, look at Jesus, Jesus Christ is our model and pattern for us to follow, Jesus went around Healing people and did not try to remove invisible barriers first, Jesus told people to Repent of sins After he Healed them, unless he had to pray first to weaken and cast out a demon from people to deliver the people, you made a tradition of man with that, that will hinder you and become your barrier (ironically) because according to your faith be it unto you.
@JiKey-sc2sk Says:
old preaching but like a new from those who hears

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