Spiritual Conflict - Results Produced by Lucifer's Rebellion Part 3 A (3:1)
Spiritual Conflict - Results Produced by Lucifer's Rebellion Part 3 A (3:1)



@kevinkutcha8494 Says:
Derek Prince is the perfect preacher for me. Pragmatic, effectual, practical, scholarly. Ive been pouring through books and learning media since i was a kid. Im very thankful for this man and whomever is carrying on his legacy of love, compassion and spiritual teaching. Im forever grateful. I quote Derek very often.
@RheaSmith-i5m Says:
Plus this minister is in heaven now.
@RheaSmith-i5m Says:
This preacher was a deliverence minister. He was one of the 1ST preachers to let people know if you are a Christian you are going to get attacked. He teaches you what to do when you get attacked by the enemy. Deliverence ministers use his teaching and his books as guides. To be able to defeat the enemy.
@JoseSanchez0795 Says:
Amén 🙏
@justyou232 Says:
No offense but please change the style of the thumbnail some of it is creepy and borderline diabolical
@tobiasbock7463 Says:
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ and be praised and glorified measureless in eternity.
@loriburnham966 Says:
Im watching on easter weekend ❤😊
@deesymons8545 Says:
Amen Holy Spirit showed me once the glorious sparkles on water when light hits IS LIKE the glory of God BRILLIANT and glistening shows me HIS PRESENCE on this earth Look next time as a reminder of the magnificent beauty of our saviour and Lord
@charlesmiller7958 Says:
@deesymons8545 Says:
Amen Please continue to pray for my grandkids who live with me and myself for healing and protection and safety Thank you
@PrettyIndependent1 Says:
Can you please post the full audio in one piece.
@carmenforsyth1313 Says:
🙏 Thank You Jesus Christ ✝️.
@mikegyver3193 Says:
It was Lucifer when he was in command, and then he was degraded for deceiving angels and called Satan. As the angels went into Genesis 1:2, because what they were taught was against the Father’s creation, the deceived ones had a way to get back to the Father through repentance and Jesus Christ. Now called Satan, was allowed to go to and throw, to the earth, as it says in Job 1 , 2 and 6. And then, there was no more room found in heaven for Satan anymore. Also Satan (the fallen Lucifer) was seen falling like lightning. Which is static electricity. 🤔 Light beings. 👀👂🏿👂
@RafaAldez Says:
Great information. Great Truth. I disagree with the Pre Adamic information. But during Derek's time that was the popular thought process. Probably still is. Great man of God.
@mikegyver3193 Says:
I broke this down John 1:1-17, so people may understand that Jesus through his Father, recreated (Genesis 1:2 was before the recreation story. (Job 38:30 & Genesis 1:2) Earth for our salvation (after falling with Satan aka Lucifer). I challenge you to do the same for yourself. May Jesus be with us. AMEN 🙏🏽🙏🙏🏽 for God the Father's forgiveness of our sin. John 1:1-18. Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV) 1 In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word(Jesus) was with God (the Father), and the Word (Jesus announced his Father)was God. 2 The same was in the beginning(that light and the Word of the world) with God. 3 All things were made by him (Jesus through his Father); and without him(Jesus through his Father) was not any thing made that was made(if Jesus did not become the saviour). 4 In him(Jesus)was life; and the life was the light(and the word) of men(Jesus). 5 And the light(JESUS) shineth in darkness(Genesis 1:2,also Job 38:30, Jude) Jeremiah 4:23 King James Version 23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.; and the darkness(satan) comprehended it not. 6 There was a man(John) sent from God, whose name was John. 7 The same(John) came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light(Jesus), that all men through him(Jesus) might believe)about the Father). 8 He(John) was not that Light(Jesus), but was sent to bear witness of that Light(Jesus). 9 That was the true Light(Jesus), which lighteth(eternal life)every man (The ones who receive Jesus) that cometh into the world(for salvation). 10 He(Jesus) was in the world, and the world was made by him(through the Father, Jesus and salvation), and the world knew him(Jesus)not. 11 He(Jesus)came unto his own(The only Begotten Son), and his(Jesus) own(Brothers in God, the morning stars) received him(Jesus the bright and morning star) not. 12 But as many as received him(Jesus), to them(flesh) gave he(JESUS)power to become the sons of God(Jesus left the spirit), even to them(flesh) that believe on his(JESUS) name: 13 which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God(The fallen angels cast out of heaven). 14 And the Word(Jesus) was made flesh(Jesus, the only Begotten from the Father), and dwelt among us (The fallen soles of the world), (and we beheld his [JESUS] glory, the glory as of the only begotten [Jesus on earth] of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 15 John bare witness of him(Jesus), and cried, saying, This was he(Jesus The begotten son of God) of whom I spake, He(The Saviour) that cometh after me(John the Baptist) is preferred before me(John): for he(Jesus in heaven[Gods first creation]) was before me(John). 16 And of his(Jesus) fulness have all we(Flesh) received, and grace for grace. 17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he(Jesus) hath declared him. Amen to Jesus🙏🏿🙏❤️🙏🏽🙏🏾

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