God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting - March 27, 2024
God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting - March 27, 2024



@curbweasel Says:
I would ask for prayers for my friend Scott if you would. I love him as a dear brother. He needs the healing, grace, deliverance and salvation that only God can provide. Please cry to God with me for my friend.
@erinbang1781 Says:
Please pray that the hate for people will disappear in my heart. 🙏
@ruthndeke7746 Says:
@claudiaescamilla1706 Says:
Please pray for George, who is in a very complicated economical situation. May God work a miracle on his behalf so he can provide for all the families that depend on him, including his own.
@ruthndeke7746 Says:
@reneevaughn6420 Says:
Please pray for my dad Bruce ,as he is suffering from alzhiemers,and for my son's Harley and Cody,that the Holy Spirit will convict them ,and also for my husband Charles who is new to the faith. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry ❤
@rosalinaurbano6907 Says:
Muchas bendiciobes en Dios a este ministerio de oración y testimonios de vida en Cristo.
@cynthiacatnott9012 Says:
please pray for me as I battle with my thoughts

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