What is Theosophy? @MelissaDougherty #Shorts
What is Theosophy? @MelissaDougherty #Shorts



@The-F.R.E.E.-J. Says:
The irony of this is that, you could say much the same about the central tenet of conventional christianity - the trinity. The trinity, by its demand to be believed even though it cannot be understood, is the very essence of mysticism. It also has the polytheism of Eastern teachings & the rejection of reason by insisting you believe / adhere to contradiction regarding the person of God. Then, ironically enough, you finish with the statement that all truth is in Christ. Now that takes some real gall there, I tell you.
@Ruthless9187 Says:
All the wisdom is in the torah . Judaism ✡️
@mr.c9770 Says:
Theosophy sounds a lot like Progressive Christianity
@paultrosclair1775 Says:
It is nothing more than repackaged pantheism
@gi169 Says:
The Six Miracles of Atheism 😂😅🤣🤣😅😂😂😅🤣 1.) Existence comes from non existence. 2.) Order comes from chaos. 3.) Life comes from non-life. 4.) The personal comes from the non-persinal. 5.) Reason comes from non-reason. 6.) Morality comes from matter.
@jerryhufnagel5733 Says:
@jackalsgate1146 Says:
Melissa - Blavatsky founded Theosophy. Response - Melissa is a prime example of how Chrstns will never be anything other than third rate flunkies. Theosophy is far older than Chrstnty. It was Blavatsky who revived the Alexandrian Philosophy (within Egypt) known as Theosophy. Do you ever tell the truth about anything.? She started the first School of Theosophy in America but she was not the founder of Theosophy. For someone who calls themselves a seeker of truth, you sure do lie alot, Melissa. Chrstns are the first ones to criticize every other religion on the planet, and then, cry like babies when anyone criticizes your religion.
@tannerfrancisco8759 Says:
Want to know how we can know demonic deception is real? That we are supernaturally bewitched by antiChrist spirits into lies and false doctrines? Because people like Melissa can come out of totally overt satanic practices and witchcraft and fall headlong into demon-filled counterfeit "Christianity" like Calvinism and be completely oblivious to their plight and then lead carnal/soulish, undiscerning Christians and nominal Christians into the same deception by someone who was in New Age the week before and isn't born again or Spirit-filled. They are just believing the lies of different demons. It's the blind leading the blind. You have demonized, unsaved "discernment ministries" telling all these spiritually dead false converts that actual Holy Spirit-filled disciples of Christ are false teachers and pointing them towards a "God" that is actually who the devil would be if he were God.
@ArshakAkopyan-je7pb Says:
Listen lovely child our god doesn't recommend his children to play with cards or try to manipulate the future any sort of sorcery is a very dangerous game. Many souls get snatched up and this is why our loving father God. Condames doing these types of activities
@cliffdaniellagasca1072 Says:
Amen and Amen
@johnjohnbuglioli131 Says:
Excellent job Melissa! You have a very strong spirit, so to speak, in my opinion. Keep up the good work!🌞👁️➕
@gloriamego777 Says:
JESUSCHRIST is coming soon!!!!
@Thyalwaysseek Says:
Theosophy is a false path just like modern Christianity.
@HiThereHeyThere Says:
Thanks for sharing this. Appreciate the "short" for a definition. .... and to educate Christians on such beliefs
@true2disunew2dis91 Says:
Amen! No higher person than Jesus Christ!!!
@tedfordhyde Says:
Psalm 8, Jesus Christ is wisdom personified.
@dragvarrenegade9363 Says:
God is the universal truth that underlies the interconnection of all things. All religions are not all the roads, there is only one which is Christ. But God's truth has an underlying connection behind all of the religions in the world. The devil seeks to decieve and many fallen angels inspired many of those religions far back in history. If anything they see a connection but they distort it and go against the word that way by thinking there are ways outside of Christ.
@araenasanchez Says:
Thank you Melissa! FYI: Helena Blavatsky is the Author of Lucifer magazine. Yup, the godmother of New Age was Luciferian. You’re welcome ❤
@Rickdonculous Says:
Sounds like heresy
@mattr.1887 Says:
C.S. Lewis must have been a Theosophist.
@zebboykin Says:
Back light needs to be top down and not bottom up.
@quadrasaurus-rex8809 Says:
It’s like Pentecostal-Satanism lol
@quadrasaurus-rex8809 Says:
Theosophy is the religion of the masses right now. Thanks Blavatsky, Crowley and the CIA.
@DiggitySlice Says:
Satanism disguised as enlightenment, just like every other vague "spiritual" system in the world.
@gi169 Says:
Thank you Melissa and CE team. God bless
@festushaggen2563 Says:
So it's universalism. All roads lead to Heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ shut the door on that idea when He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."
@plushie.fans.inc.toy-reviews. Says:
You truly have a gift with explaining 🎉
@alienated1748 Says:
Jesus Christ is The Truth

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