Singlehood, LGBTQIA+ and How to Cure Loneliness
Singlehood, LGBTQIA+ and How to Cure Loneliness



@CrossExamined Says:
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@bumperxx1 Says:
I don't think you can live a full life if you don't experience everything so you'll never experience everything so therefore you're still missing some parts to your life you will have a form of your life you'll have experiences but I don't think you can live a fulfilled life if you don't have every experience and nobody will ever have a fulfilled life because you're missing some experiences and if you never have children or if you're a woman that bears children you'll never know love at that version level creating a human being or in fact been given a human being by God and a responsibility of that human again you can take care of your grandma but it's not the same as giving birth to your grandma or as a man making a child with a woman and bonding yourself to her because that's what marriage and having children is all about I feel bad for people that never get fulfillment with the child rearing process
@spectrepar2458 Says:
Ive seen some same sex couples that stick together for years and supporting each other. Ive also seen them as my Patients supporting each other just as much as heterosexual couples.
@kvelez Says:
@jordonlongley6576 Says:
“Following Jesus should cost us everything”. Funny to hear from a guy who has a lot to lose.
@ronaldross6950 Says:
Wow, I am so very impressed with this video. It is so interesting to see that for me I have now been alone for so long that it no longer bothers me at all. I am divorce with 2 boys. Happy to say that they are doing good for themselves with their mother. Now, for several years I don't hear from anyone in my family, except my mother and one auntie. I have no visitors who come to my house. If I am to meet with someone. GOD brings them me or me to them. I will tell you that I am never lonely, GOD showed me that. Thank you, and GOD bless you all. In JESUS name, Amen.
@valdaniels4078 Says:
When Bible says it's not good for a man to be alone, it doesn't mean what we mean by loneliness today. The loneliness a guy in a video is addressing is actually a loneliness inside a person who has unresolved attachment problems, which is what most people nowadays unfortunately have. And that kind of loneliness cannot be cured by romantic relationships, because it's rooted in lack of self-acceptance. And until the person accepts themself fully, they will forever feel lonely, because when you don't accept yourself, others follow suit, and you won't accept God as your Father, instead believing he is a harsh judge that condems you for your mistakes. When Bible says that it's not good for a man to be alone, it really means that it's difficult to walk in life without someone who looks deeply into you and sees you as you are and accepts and loves you no matter the mistakes you make as you two move through life. There's nothing like that, and the reason Bible says that is because connection and closeness are basic human needs. And it is not good when basic needs aren't met. If you want to get married, have personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, and ask him to prepare you for marriage. Base the prayer on God's promise about marriage in Genesis or Paul's verses on marriage. If you're an LGBTQ+ person, you should know that God prepares the tools for all the promises he makes. If he says that homosexual lifestyle is sinful, it means he has prepared the way for a person to live in God-ordained relationships (heterosexual relationships). Lay hold of that promise, bind and destroy the works of the enemy, and proclaim God's will written in his Word regarding your sexuality, and ask Holy Spirit to prepare you for the family life, if you want it.
@living4thekingdom170 Says:
So very true! I'm happily married for 23 years. I became a stay at home mom and began to feel very lonely. Once I began to spend more and more time with Jesus, He truly truly filled that void. I may be alone at times but I'm never ever lonely! I'm so fulfilled in Him, His joy, His presence and His peace! Praise God❤
@NewCreationInChrist896 Says:
Repent the Kingdom is near. Romans 10:9 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
@mosesacquahadjei2437 Says:
That was insightful
@royhiggins7270 Says:
Why do so many Christians embrace so many lies? Examples of the lies are 9 month elective abortions, End times, Trump, Tax Breaks for Billionaires help the POOR, Globe Earth Denial, Evolution Denial, Vaccine Denial, etc. If christ supposedly leads to "truth" why do christians embrace so many lies? Personally, I would never be able to trust the testimony of christians when it comes to christ because of the countless lies they embrace. The overwhelming examples of christians embracing lies and liars makes their so called "truth" irrelevant and moot.
@Dean-sm5rt Says:
I really appreciate this video, sir. Needed tochear this
@Essencealex17 Says:
If a man feels lonely in his own marriage then there's a problem in the marriage basic knowledge It's unbelievable to me that this would be an example If it was true then adam would never have needed eve
@alexgutierrez1599 Says:
I know like we are to be with God all the time and he's with us Jesus is with us all the time when we are following him, but I also think it's kind of weird though that sometimes you can feel physically alone and I think that's what Adam's problem was cuz he knew God, he might've even seen some form of Jesus walking through the garden, and yet he still felt alone. I feel like this. As much as I love Jesus, he's literally the only person that makes sense in all of my circumstances, as much as I try to keep him center as much as possible, I still can't fight this urge/feeling to want kids, and find a wife! I'll try for a moment just to focus on Jesus, but then those feelings come up! I believe he knows my desires better than I do. Cuz I've tried to move those thoughts of having a relationship with someone out of the way, but I can't! I believe he installed those desires in me.
@jeppsjeppsjeppsi Says:
I am a hetero man. I try to imagine if roles were reversed, and that religion concluded that me practising my orientation was a sin and all the rest of it. If society told me that loving a woman was an abomination or even a crime. I would truly feel horrible. It was this kind of thinking that resulted to the death of the man who cracked the enigmacodes during ww2.
@saxmanjpr5092 Says:
OK! Here is the bottom line for the type of Christans who are mocking and knocking marriage. First is that how you feel about your own mothers relationship with you Dad? Second, please stop and use critical tonic king that dating is NOT in the bible, and does not give scriptural commands for it. Ten ask yourself how JESUS is currently preparing for his own marriage! AND YES! HE IS doing that and WILL be married on the future, and then"imitate everything he dose" and I guarantee that you will find a marriage partner that will be PERFECT for you with having a marriage that is filled with having civilized disagreements not arguments and fighting! I have SEEN it happen!
@saxmanjpr5092 Says:
I have wanted to be i na relationship all my life, stating at the age of nine. I was one of those guys that was labeled as being 'too nice." I recent has a pastor tell me, "Well, women just don't like you," ye the preaches about dating. What kind of answer was that?! I have also been forced into mens groups against my will and then the men tell me, "It looks like you just have the gift of singleness." Again, what kind of krap us that? You know, I have almost turned to hookers because I can not find help, but God forbid if I were to admit that in "the house of God!"Qs it is, I have frequented strip clubs and a lot of times, it was right after exiting from the mid weeks mens bible study that I dod not want to be in, in the first place, but I was obeying "authority." "Christians" need to wake up and realize how they are tell treating others because even THEY are being a stumbling block!
@JustMe-px9qy Says:
I don’t know. I’d absolutely hate to be single for the rest of my life. I’m married. (For 5 years.) But I really, really feel sorry for those that are single
@MelRose186 Says:
It is always the heart of the matter with our Father. ❤️
@Derek_Baumgartner Says:
Thanks for this!
@darrellcollins877 Says:
@ferrosjewellers4558 Says:
There aren't any godly women left. It's a disgrace.
@hhh-et2vi Says:
The weird and wonderful Christian religion, they should bring up Bible verses related to stone throwing, but cherry picking verses of choice are easier to defend
@JulieS261 Says:
For a lot of people being single is not a choice but something that just happens. God helps us to make the most of whatever and wherever our life takes us. As a lifelong single (I'm in my mid 50s) there are times when I feel lonely but I am never alone because God is always with me.
@sirmitch1 Says:
63-year-old man no wife no kids and I'm never alone. God's always with me keeps me occupied with a love that's beyond comprehension. Never lonely & have more than enough to do Thank you.
@notebene9791 Says:
1 Corinthians 7:7–9 (NASB 95): Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and another in that. 8 But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. 9 But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
@notebene9791 Says:
1 Corinthians 7:7–9 (NASB 95): Yet I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each man has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and another in that. 8 But I say to the unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. 9 But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
@jerryloufretz1797 Says:
I married an alcoholic. That us loneliness for real.
@nicholas1569 Says:
Sorry but I still want to be married. I am still looking for a wife first. Also why is the church not helping out people find a spouse?
@Goinghome2024 Says:
Most people are married and unhappy. And ended up in adultery. There is no right answer for every person. Some are better off being single and some are better off being married.
@aussierob7177 Says:
You can be in a room full of people and feel alone.
@harryfaber Says:
Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus
@pschmidty5 Says:
Starting at 2:45 ... it is so frustrating watching Christopher, a Christian leader, fail to understand what the other side is saying. His suggestion that anyone that is single is lonely is his takeaway from the statement made from the Supreme Court opinion and his alone. If he would take the time to listen to how the other side would describe what that section of the opinion is really getting at, we could have more productive conversations between the two sides. Not only that, but he would be acting as a Christian leader who is actually interested in hearing the other side's rationale and description of what this topic of "loneliness" is getting at in the context of that Supreme Court decision and this conversation. Kennedy is not saying that a single person can't live a fulfilled life. Christopher is the one suggesting that he said that. Kennedy is not saying that it is marriage that makes someone whole. Christopher is the one suggesting that he said that. Therefore, Christopher is not interested in having a fair conversation, and that is a shame. A damn shame. As Christians, we have GOT to be more curious. We MUST listen to those that disagree with us more intently. Otherwise, you come off as smug and unfair in your treatment towards others.
@seagrif Says:
I'm gay, and I no longer want relationships with men. My priority is God far and above any of my fleshly desires. I don't expect that gay or lesbian people who haven't been saved can easily restrain their desires or make any drastic changes to their lives, but though God's grace we can have the strength needed to change. When I was reborn, my feelings and my understanding of what it means to be gay totally changed overnight. Now my understanding of the sin involved in it is visceral, immediate. I am repelled by any sin because the wrongness involved is obvious to me through the power of the Holy Spirit. I wouldn't want to do anything to disturb my relationship with God, nor would I want to do anything to disappoint Him. I'm writing this for those needing encouragement, whatever problem you're working through, if you cry out to God, and don't give up on him, he will respond. Sometimes it takes hitting bottom to be able to place your whole life in his hands, and that's what it takes, giving him all of you and all of your life. God is looking for us to sincerely want to know him and to change.
@joeylenar578 Says:
It just hit me today, and I wanted to know your opinion, Frank, if you would. Do you think it's a coincidence that we call it the far left and the far right and in ‭‭Matthew 25:33 NLT‬‬ [33] He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left. What do you think ?
@1castellp Says:
Throughout my entire life, I've walked the path of singleness, my faith anchored since my school days. At times, an ache of profound loneliness grips me, a longing for earthly companionship. Despite seeking solace in God and surrendering completely, I find myself without the physical warmth of a wife. I cannot embrace God as I can a woman or wipe away His tears, whispering, "I'm here, for you and we are in this together." His face, unseen, does not light up at a gift of flowers, nor do His eyes reflect desire as we dance. All I have is my voice echoing His words to myself. I know I am not alone with God, yet my yearning for a tangible, emotional bond in a God-centered relationship with the opposite sex is irreplaceable. I weep myself to sleep wishing for calamity to drown the constant heartache of a heart that has nowhere to rest. I'm not expecting marriage to solve this heartache but rather seeking companionship and commitment that I can journey this life with. Being single has affected my social life. People see me as the old guy that is not capable of love. To the married people, they see me as a potential home wrecker. Weeks go by and I find myself saying only a couple sentences a day. I've tried getting out of my comfort zone. I've tried inviting friends to go out. All are busy or not interested. My only friend God and weeping. They always show up when I call.
@LordNinja109 Says:
Is Frank basically bisexual? He always talks about people 'struggling with same sex attraction'. I've never struggled with that despite supporting all of my gay friends. I think Frank wants the 'D'
@jesuslovesme143 Says:
Amen. thank you for this Lord. I needed to be reminded...
@Marylandlinemilitia Says:
If it’s God’s will for me to be single so be it that’s what will be. Don’t like it but there must be something better.
@JonnyRoboto Says:
What did God mean it is not good for man to be alone? Was that only for Adam?
@VSNxx Says:
I am married. Yes, you can still feel loneliness even if you are married, have a partner or you are surrounded by family and friends. A Relationship with Christ/God is the only answer to loneliness.
@brosebrose4154 Says:
Jesus Christ is the Son of God 🙏
@sansebastiansj Says:
Happiness is not determined by another (sinful) person. In heaven there will be no marriages nor relationships, so earthly realationships aren't that vital. If it helps you glorify God, good. If you don't have it, that's ok too.Our focus should always be on Jesus.
@thelthrythquezada8397 Says:
samesex for 20+ years, even married her after 6 years. 7 years later I got out of it and now live for Christ. I am so happy these days to be living for the King or creation, give back to Him for dying for me! I have zero regrets for picking up my cross to follow Him. All day long baby!
@CassHawk Says:
As a single myself who has never been married or even dated it’s hard though finding your “people” when they are busy with their own families. So yes we get lonely because there is no one to hang out with (besides singles who are not Christian) and the church does not do a good job at helping their singles within the church. We are called to bear each other’s burdens.
@jenniferfarrell1937 Says:
Why are they specifically referring to the LGBTQ community? I'm a single heterosexual female & would love to have a husband, but at my age it isn't likely to happen unless God has someone out there who doesn't care that I'm in a wheelchair . Not another disabled man (that feels like the blind leading the blind to me).
@RobbSVibes Says:
The only thing thing I struggle with about being single is masturbation….Cause then I feel so guilty but then I fall again and again…hard to beat that imo.
@black-cross Says:
not once have i seen God use the alphabet people in the bible, not once
@outdoorsman426 Says:
Marriage is a part of Gods plan. God said to multiply but it needs to be in the confines of marriage. 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 puts it perfectly. Unfortunately the current corrupt divorce laws and given that 60-70% of marriages end and 80% of those filled by the women, plus 1 out of 3 marriages are sexless as it is, makes it extremely dangerous for men to marry anymore. So what is a person to do when they have that burning passion as God said in 1 Corinthians 7:9? I will never trust getting married to another women again & Being in a sexless marriage is pure hell.
@thedynamicsolo4232 Says:
As a Christian over 55, I was betrayed in a marriage, betrayed in four other romantic relationships and I failed three women in my leadership. Now, three years later it is BETTER to be single. I assess my life more, I focus on Christ more, I seek where I will be used for the Lord and because we are all broken, it makes sense to let the Lord repair my imperfections, sins and heart instead of delaying those hard decisions. I know my God is there with me, I know my Savior is interceding for me, I am prompted by the Holy Spirit to watch my tongue more, to watch my actions. My scripture says "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6. When I live according to the scripture, there is MUCH more fulfillment than spreading my focus on other things. Not that romance is bad, but there is a ton of benefit to hearing the call of God, striving towards that and it is fulfilling and wonderful. That is not coping either, it works.

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