Do You Have 'Blood on Your Hands'? 3 Questions About "Trans Rights" #podcast #shorts
Do You Have 'Blood on Your Hands'? 3 Questions About "Trans Rights" #podcast #shorts



@CrossExamined Says:
Listen to the full podcast here👉📱
@Thaijler Says:
I blame the false teachers telling kids the lie that a man can become a woman and vice versa. Where's the love?
@captivedesk3168 Says:
You are a turnip Furek
@RonLovesLordJesus Says:
Mental health wounded by a spiritual condition. Ignore the spiritual aspect and you will keep scratching your head looking for causation.
@westonriner7264 Says:
We as Christians let our country get to this point we have not been loving and self sacrificing enough to help people struggling with transgenderism heal.
@Deathhellandthegrave Says:
Why do you go on and on with hate speech? Why are you so full of hate. Give yourself over to Trans rights. Stop the hate speech.
@mywayorthehighway9815 Says:
The main cause of suicide in trans community is regret of transition.
@thesolofeistyranger6522 Says:
😅😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 Lll
@lucianocornacchione Says:
So true
Voddie Baucham calls it JAMMING . The false debate tactic of guilt.
@Pumpkinshire Says:
Most of the same people advocating for trans affirmation to prevent suicide The same people who would advocate for medical assistance in dying. This is what we in the author community like to call very dumb. The other side of the political spectrum as one of these as well. Most of the same people who advocated for bottle autonomy and not having to take vaccines or be forced to mask are now advocating for opening back up mental asylums and involuntary institutionalization of these people. Which in the Author community we like to call very very very dumb.
@Fmj168 Says:
It’s just common sense
@EddieM1994 Says:
If it's not social disapproval, explain the drastic drop in suicidal ideation that comes with just one supportive family member? You are a liar.
@michaelnoble2432 Says:
No one is "born this way". Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are strongly correlated to childhood s3xual abuse.
@dwanewilliams2172 Says:
@mikepanchuk2456 Says:
@Getthetruth5 Says:
@Adragos17 Says:
Very well said!
@samsamuel2062 Says:
Well said
@senorsenior9546 Says:
The psychology profession has much blood on its hands then as they have been working tirelessly to have gender dysphoria no longer classified as mental illness. I'm sure that they really can't care much about these people's other problems either. To them, there's only different kinds of "normal" for "protected groups."
@Gek1177 Says:
Frank you ignorant man, slave su*cide rates were absolutely way higher than among the rest of the population.
@Gek1177 Says:
Absolutely you do Frank, you 100% foment the intolerance that leads to the deaths of trans people.
@johnferrer42 Says:
Well said. I never thought about that example from Jim Crow.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Says:
Femininity in males and masculinity in females extremely rare biological error
@Anticommunism99 Says:
Mr Turek come to preach in muslim England or France, Germany its beyond belief how Cheistian nations are being turned into Muslim within decades.
@aaronmushitu3525 Says:
every person should be loved but not every ideology should be loved.
@thizz707gr Says:
Yup, agree 100%
@vito4542 Says:
As a strong black woman my sincere apology goes out to the families of suicide transfolks
@rohannvanzyl1585 Says:
Couldn't have thought of or said it any better, thank you.
@shaunvanwyk4775 Says:
Whenever i am in need of ammo i get equipped right here. Thank you for what you do sir. ❤
@KamiNoRanger99 Says:
We should treat everyone with respect. The problem is many people have different definitions of respect
@shemmy95 Says:
Why do they ask us to accept who "they are" when they couldn’t accept who they were? Also, it is ironic that the lgbtq hate Israel and support hamas when hamas is intent on eradicating the lgbtq community!
@Kukum33 Says:
@joseotoya2102 Says:
Incredibly SPOT ON Dr. Turek! 👍👍
@NewCreationInChrist896 Says:
Repent the Kingdom is near. Romans 10:13 1 John 1:9🙏
@larzman651 Says:
GOD made 2 genders , male and female. GOD doesn't make mistakes , stop letting trends and others opinions help you mutil@te yourself. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌
@festushaggen2563 Says:
People who make threats, including to themselves if they don't get what they want, can not be acquiesced to. They either need professional help or just removal from society because that's not normal behavior.
@jd3907 Says:
What about the slaves that jumped off the ships on the way to America?
@aurelia9120 Says:
Thankyou !!
@JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL Says:
@CruiseadersOfChrist Says:
These people need to wake up and know they are loved by Jesus Christ and us of course
@SupremeX_777 Says:
Amen. All we can do is pray for those who have been misguided by evil, even for ourselves who struggle just as much. ❤
@willthewhale8021 Says:
He has journal articles absolving his social activity of impacting these rates? Cause I have a bunch that say the opposite.
@jamesw4250 Says:
So much information left out purposely. So much misinformation concerning this topic. And franky boy perpetuates it.
@anguschiggins2161 Says:
Be a better human Frank. Your little YouTube monetized clip does not capture the nuances and the hurt that your ignornace causes.
@Poooooo Says:
Stop calling them transgenders, they are transvestites
@black-cross Says:
If there's no genders why are you trying to change them?
@Moist._Robot Says:
“Bible scholar Dr joshua bowen leaves christianity” A good testimony showing the stubbornness of religious belief.
@jharmo2 Says:
He's not wrong. Every person I know who has struggled with gender dysphoria usually has some form of depression, anxiety, autism, PTSD, or a combination. It really is tragic. Cosmetic surgery and people affirming you won't solve what's going on the inside your mind and heart.
@miaelaine Says:
you’re so right on this

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