The Counterfeit Holy Spirit
The Counterfeit Holy Spirit



@johnkulandaielias6823 Says:
Your understanding of Blessed Virgin Mary is not fully from the Holy Spirit! Please avoid condemnations and dogmatic assertions... They may be from Lucifer...
@steveudosen-ou3ol Says:
Knowledge of God's word is very important for everyone. It infuses the power of God which is the Holy Ghost in man. You can't know the Holy Spirit outside what the Bible says about Him. It delivers from delusion and manipulating spirits. Pst comfort.
@DivineNiangi-de6yx Says:
@redbill7154 Says:
Luke 11:9-13 summarizes the truth of the matter.
@Kevin-jk5fl Says:
@jhb61249 Says:
Both, my mom and her mother, were filled with the holy spirit since young women. There lives were fully dedicated to God. Mom prayed for many over the years and witness miracles of various types in her life. Many approached her over the years to tap into her and to be nurtured and taught. She was praying on her deathbed, when she died, that her family and loved ones would not be lost. I try to do her honor, but I'm no where as good as she was.
@steviejams1 Says:
What about Paul?
@annawilliams9996 Says:
Amen. So refreshing.
@Rdkhk335 Says:
@Colt8722 Says:
*I KNEW IT* my instinct was right and what I’ve felt impressed upon my heart about this particular church was correct. I was fighting being a “Doubting Thomas” on this. These people are bullies. With Bibles. I know what the Holy Spirit feels like and if I enter a building I know if Gods presence is strongly there. Or if He is absent. Pray for me going forward as I determine what to do. .
@cecilianyawira6577 Says:
The true nature of witchcraft is the attempt to control people and get them to do what you want by the use of any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit. If anyone has a spirit that they can use, is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God and no one uses God
@JamesBond-jl5vj Says:
Please play for me shelina Adam raissa ayat Sharleen rutana Daniel jasimin daris naz mubina hasina mumtazi bhanu Haley to be derived from dethi be free
@florinapleter7804 Says:
🕊️YES, GIVE THANKS TO GOD for DEREK PRINCE and this video, he speaks the TRUTH about the COUNTERFEIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. BY GOD'S APPOINTMENT I was able to discuss about FAITH with a priest elevated in hierarchy AND he told me this two stories whom I am about to share here with you all, concerning the "blessed virgin mary": ...first it starts again with a monk who was in heaven and even THE LORD JESUS CHRIST was beside him, he (the monk) was NOT HAPPY at all and he DIDN'T WANT to see anybody first but "blessed virgin mary".... ....second one it starts also with a monk who was in heaven also and he saw GOD didn't accept some people to enter, BUT when he looks better he saw on the other corner the "blessed virgin mary" opening the heaven for them to enter in heaven, even if GOD DIDN'T accept them in first place. So, let's think twice about the WORSHIP another humain being, as they keep asking from her, "blessed virgin mary": "SAVE US" and "HAVE MERCY ON US" I don't ask SALVATION from any human being except THE LORD JESUS CHRIST MY BELOVED SAVIOR, as THE BIBLE teaches us in ACTS 4:12 GLORY TO GOD ONLY: FATHER, SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!✝️🙏🏽🕊️ SOLI DEO GLORIA!✝️🙏🏽🕊️ AMEN!🪔🔥🪔
@irwinrodrigues754 Says:
There was only ONE who died, was buried and ressurected on the 3rd day. Only ONE who took our sins upon HIMSELF, Only ONE who washes & cleanses us with HIS Blood, only ONE who intercedes to The Father by HIS name. Our prayers too get answered because LORD JESUS took care of the sin issue which was the barrier between GOD & sinful man And on the last day, there, we all shall stand in front of the only One to be judged because all authority was given to the only ONE, HIS name is JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH. He Alone is worthy to be worshipped. As HE ALONE glorifies the Father. The FATHER who is in the SON, the SON who is the FATHER. HE was born by the Spirit of God. God is Spirit. The Holy Spirit only glorifies ONE NAME, who is name above all names. That itself tells you, no other name comes even close. So who has been deceived to worship man made Idols/ statues & and images? And after all that LORD JESUS did for us in LOVE... How many millions out there seriously think HIS mother can hear your prayers???.???😢😢😢 Or interceed for you???
@irwinrodrigues754 Says:
@artifacthunter1472 Says:
If you want the actual defined truth go to grace and truth ministries it will either change your life or it will do nothing it’s up to God!
@artifacthunter1472 Says:
The Holy Spirit is truth and it’s in the original text The Textus receptus!
@earifin Says:
I desperately tell those who call themselves Christians to go back to Jesus teaching first, before adopting man's made teaching without discernment. if Jesus taught us about Holy Spirit ? yes He did... 1. Holy Spirit will guide you to the Truth, this is His primary task, He will make us understand and clarify Jesus's teaching delivered in flesh wholly and cohesively, He won't cause confusion of Jesus words. He will make us understand the Old testament too, and He brings discernment, pin point any false teaching or missunderstanding that do not align with Jesus teaching. 2. Holy Spirit glorify Jesus, not Himself, He do not make us worshipping Him, He do not teach you new teaching, not distracting you from Jesus own words. 3. Holy Spirit will pass/deliver message from Jesus. Remember Jesus has handover His role on earth to Holy Spirit, He does not introduce Himself as Jesus. All spirits that keep appearing on earth claiming as Jesus after Jesus ressurection body lifted up to heaven, are spirits of antichrist. 4. Holy Spirit will remind us on Jesus words, not driven us away, and for sure not against His words. This enable us to remember Jesus words in the same context whenever needed as quick as lightning. 5. He act like spititual parent, He will rebuke our sinful life, bring us closer in relationship with Jesus and Father. these points are not just theories, it's proven by experiences as well.
@Jacismiles4u2 Says:
Yes Lord Yes Lord I Am Listening and Praying Lord Amen!!!!!!!
@andrewsabiiti7231 Says:
Truth spoken
@extremebibliophile Says:
*The identity of the Holy Spirit* > How do we recognize the Holy Spirit? > How do we distinguish the Holy Spirit from other spirits? "Witchcraft is the attempt or temptation to use spiritual gifts to exploit or dominate people by the use of any spirit that is not the HS" "The HS is God and no one uses God" 1. The HS is God 2. The HS is distinct from his gifts 3. The HS has and produces love
@JeanReeder-c2r Says:
Christians misunderstand each other sometimes. I am still blessed by brother Derek's ministry
@nj5023 Says:
I love you, brother Derek, but if the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus and Jesus is God, them Mary is the Mother of God. Just a fact. If Mary is the mother of God and God is the father of God and He is King, then Mary is the Queen for she is spouse of the King and the mother of the Prince. Just another fact. Not controversial at all.
@prasadsatish971 Says:
Fruit of the spirit see Galatians 5: 19 -22. Quiet a lot Christians don't read the Bible . It's very clear. 1) holy spirit will talk about Jesus Christ . 2) talk about our sins . To make us understand our need for God through Jesus Christ. To be with true and geninue followers of Jesus Christ till we leave this world . God and Jesus Christ can't be with us so holy spirit is given to us as we listen holy spirit works . it's not for personal gains but to bring us closer to God
@mrv1271 Says:
Christ said, ‘when I leave you, I will send forth the comforter’. The Holy Spirit for me, has always been God/Christ in the most practical sense. Always with me, fighting every battle. Praise Yeshua.
@RheaSmith-i5m Says:
He is a great teacher and preacher. He explains so well.
@RheaSmith-i5m Says:
In 1998 I was at my job and I could feel the holy spirit. When I told my friend she said a preacher that was a healer came to the church and she prayed for all the ladies.
@fredajohnson506 Says:
Amen that's the truth because lot of people says filled with holy Ghost but when filled with his power you will have genuine love others and have power resistant against the devil and all temptations he comes towards you with and signs wonders miracle will follow you some people don't know the difference between holy Spirit, and holy Ghost,once you receive Christ Jesus as your personal savior the holy Spirit is one led and guide you in right pathway makes able to gives you decrement to know the difference from good and evil but holy Ghost give power to fight against all evil forces of Satan and his demons this why I'm glad God baptized me with his power of holy Ghost to fight against evil forces Derek Prince is one few man that really preach the truth he don't add nothing to the word he breaks it down that even ten years old understand but now day's its lot these preachers are compromise when come God word instead let holy Spirit led them they going by their flesh God can't use you for his glory because his word says that no flesh will glory in his sight
@tobiasbock7463 Says:
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ and be praised and glorified in eternity.
@samuelmachado6088 Says:
Keep my wife Leena Samuel in prayers who is undergoing chemo for the tumor in her small intestines.....we are in a Spiritual warfare since our marriage in 2018....the Good Lord Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope....Psalms 118.17....We are set free from the freemasonry and Illuminati curses which followed us due to our family covenants.....Galatians 3.13 Praise Report - We Give Thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ who has healed my wife....Isaiah 53.5🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉.....Hallelujah....Hosanna in the Highest....Hallelujah....Psalms 121;1,2🎉🎉🎉
@paddymcabrahams191 Says:
Great message as it is the manner of Pastor Derek Prince to share... But the allusion that The Blessed Virgin Mary is addressed as another Holy Spirit perhaps by the Catholic Church has shades of misunderstanding and to say more fitly, and politely too please- ignorant! From my experience, Catholics believe in The Triune GOD; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The believe the mother of Jesus Christ of Nazareth our Messiah was a virgin girl betrothed to a man named Joseph from the tribe of David. This virgin girl found such favour before GOD, and GOD through the mouth of His Angel declared her Blessed- amongst women! And that's the reverence she gets from any enlightened Catholic. Not worship as many ignorant folks tout it. You'll find these accounts in the Gospel according to Luke Chapter 1... GOD alone deserves the Worship as both Father of all spirits, and GOD of all flesh. The Charismatic Movement is in the Catholic Church, well disposed to the Ministry of The Holy Ghost and The Authority of The Word of GOD. The Body of Christ is One, and the Schisms have not done it much good. Amongst Our Master's last words of prayer was, "that they may be one as I and The Father are one." Even Martin Luther, father of Protestantism wished he carried out the reformation within the Catholic Church. Go and study! Since it already happened, let's not be instruments for the continued fragmentation and tearing up of one and the same Body! Get The Truth.
@blairpittams9380 Says:
Pity in his conversion experience he wasn't using his rational mind.
@cliveblacksheep2522 Says:
If we want to fight this slave system created by the fallen ones and satan, we cannot win by fighting the system, we must address the creator of this slave system, we must truly despise the things of the world, these things take our energy and ultimately our souls, Jesus promised us the gift of the supernatural and it can be accessed…. Peace be with all whom love truth and seek peace and compassion
@pehitahimoana7138 Says:
Amen ❤️ 🔥 🙏
@katlegomolokoe4437 Says:
I am blessed 🙏 thank you Spirit of the living God 🙌
@sarahsagala316 Says:
Thank you Jesus, for your friend whom you gave to us to speak to us and teach us. I know he is with you resting in glory. 🙏
@joantay9683 Says:
@arup.ranjan.das. Says:
Please upload full sermon of this clip. I think it is THE most important issue now a days. Thank you. Hallelujah. ❤❤
@taiphan7225 Says:
@deesymons8545 Says:
Amen Please continue to pray for my grandchildren and myself for healing and protection and safety Also favour from the authorities to keep us together ❤️ 🙏
@barbstenkorang3194 Says:
@madarauchihabratcher5630 Says:
Is salvation a gift and will God take it back?
@kylevaldez5140 Says:
All praise be to the father through the son praise be unto you forever and ever praise be unto father of wisdom,mercy ,grace praise be unto you Father in heaven through your son Christ Jesus amen.
@jimwilson9371 Says:
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@IronsharpensIron4 Says:
He’s truly a blessing from the Lord. His teachings sharpens me greatly!❤
@luki247wor Says:
Amen. Glory to God
@szilvah497 Says:
Derek Prince died in 2003!
@tillabezuidenhout6460 Says:
I found a book of Derek Prince. (after his death) an found it the best most wonderful testimony.
@brianherbert417 Says:
Derek is a mighty blessing from Christ Jesus.

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