Young Earth vs Old Earth Creationism #Shorts
Young Earth vs Old Earth Creationism #Shorts



@q-petebassin2557 Says:
To be a young earth creationist you have to deny basic scientific evidence. And then when you’re a Christian and you tell them you believe science has merit, you get called a false Christian. I’ve rarely met young earth creationists who were understanding and open to new ideas. They seem on the same level as flat earthers in their denial of basic truths and denial towards any opposing views. Science is us discovering Gods creation. Idk why young earthers act like it’s satans curse to mankind.
@jordanmadden7388 Says:
Genesis 1:5 “so the evening and the morning were the first day” .. they are literal days. God doesn’t need natural means to perform supernatural acts.
@clubadv Says:
Just admit that for the vast majority of Christian apologetics and Christian theologians for vast majority of history of all thought 6 to 10,000 years old and it took science to prove they were wrong
@hwd71 Says:
Evening and Morning the First Day. There can only be one First Day not Billions before God created life. Read Genesis Commentary By Dr Jonathan Sarfati or Refuting Compromise.
@PS-pn9rd Says:
A day is an earth term. To suggest god was working on a timescale relative to a modern earth day is a bit basic. Thats a very geocentric perspective of the creation of the universe.
@isaksmit7557 Says:
Everywhere else when we read the word "DAY" in the Bible we know that is means a 24 hour period?, why does the interpretation change for the creation account?
@aribbonatatime Says:
The Bible teaches a seven day creation. That's why we have seven days in a week and a day of rest. I really don't understand why Christians are so sheepish on this topic. It's a very straightforward and clear teaching. Maybe they think it makes them look dumb so they try to get creative. Funny thing is, all the other supernatural events in the Bible are just as "unscientific" if you will so you're not doing yourself any favors denying this one to seem enlightened. I've lived with Christians my whole life and are not always consistent in they're beliefs. Obviously, not just a Christian problem.
@TrumpGideon2024 Says:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... full stop. Major gap between that act and the statement and the earth was ( or became) without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Here's where Psalm 104:30 kicks in. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Thou sendeth forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth...
@markoconnell804 Says:
First God covered what He did in short form. Then He covers it in greater detail.
@XxStang2007xX Says:
6k years has more to do with genealogy in the Bible vs…the age of the earth. If you really go deeper like the deluge and the fall of Lucifer and the 1/3 angels, who knows how long that was prior to Adam & Eve. I’m a believer and have zero issues with how long the science dates the existence of the earth and universe. Intriguing questions, absolutely, but that wasn’t what moved me to be a believer. That being said, I encourage everyone to look beyond what they overheard someone else supposedly said. Even me, search it and the truth will be revealed to you if you desire it.
@WusWrongWitUs Says:
The bible absolutely defends a young earth
@leonardodasilva7809 Says:
Strongly disagree with Dr. Turek here. Genesis is the stumbling stone of many apologists. So we apply a rigorous standard of interpretation to the other books, but not to Genesis, just so we can retrofit atheistic science into Scripture? Not right; however, still a secondary doctrine not necessary for salvation.
@richardcrow3042 Says:
The Borgia Cult 1475-1507 KJV He died in Spain Not on thee cross.
@Ineed2p336 Says:
I saw someone say it like this, just because Adam was created on the 6th day doesn't mean his body was that of a newborn baby on day 7. God could've created things with a built in age. I still kinda think it's a young universe but it's an interesting point.
@sly33 Says:
When Jesus turned water into fine wine, He skipped or sped up the entire scientific process and in an instance the fine wine from water had in-built age, properties, composition, and so forth. That's the same power when God made Creation. Age, properties, composition, etc were already IN-BUILT into Creation in that process because ONLY God can do that 🙏‼️👍 So, to us, when we use the scientific method to study Creation we see it's billions of years old because it's already IN-BUILT, but God performed it in 7 days.
@CC-ed9lf Says:
You can literally twist any book to mean anything. "Were still on the seventh day"
@gerrymanda983 Says:
YEC has been a great tool to discredit Christianity in the mind of many modern peoples.
@mattslags2019 Says:
Even if it is very old (which it is) it wouldnt matter...God can create somone old, time is not a issue for God for he is outside time, space, and matter. For example...did God create adam as a baby and raise him? he didnt. God created adam as a grown man already. So if god wanted to create a universe thats 4.5 billion years old in a week (even though thats obviously not what scriptures say)...he could. Hope this helps anyone with these silly notions of inconsistencies in the bible( of which their arnt any). Watch out for the devil...hes very crafty. But if you stick with Gods word you will be more than fine❤
@beefsupreme4671 Says:
We all need to care how old the Earth is. If it is old then there was death before sin and the foundation of the gospel is destroyed. I know it is hard to argue with people who think they have proven millions and billions of years. They have not.
@johnnyzen4282 Says:
Apologetics is so fun, wtaching christains steadily back-track as they concede more and more to science and facts
@josephrainbolt3849 Says:
He could have just said that he doesn't know instead or making up nonsense
@zacharyriggs8681 Says:
If you look at the genealogy of scripture all the way from Adam, you land under 10k years
@biggametex Says:
What’s a day to the Being who created time? Maybe his day is hundreds of millions of years.
@TheGrandWitchKing Says:
I'm a young Earth creationist, mainly because of one argument. Techinically when God made Adam, hs was born as a full grown man. However, the seventh day Adam was only a day old, with the appearance of a 20 or so year-old man. Why couldn't God do the same thing with the Earth, creating it with the appearance of age? Not saying this is definitive proof of young Earth creationism, but I find it compelling. In any case, this isn't an issue of salvation, and I could be convinced of old Earth creationism pretty easily, it think 😅.
@gregoryfairchild2460 Says:
If On the 7th Day Adam was one day old BUT an adult, why couldnt God create a pre aged earth?
@largecoffeeplz Says:
I learned that since the beginning, we are still in the seventh day. Religion really just makes things up to ensure it can't be wrong. I wish i could be right all the time by constantly morphing definitions.
@Jrdweck Says:
Frank is such an apologist fraud
@mikestevens1728 Says:
In 2 Peter 3:8 explains Gods perspective of time. 1 day is a 1,000 years and a thousand years is 1 day. In one aspect, it took God 6,000 years to create the earth, and we have had over 6-10,000 years of recorded civilization.
@Lutzbartend Says:
Uh oh. “Doesn’t teach a young earth” cmon
@kenaultman7499 Says:
If you don't know they hire people to put in the audience, they're called actors, to ask specific questions to push their views, you're not paying attention.
@martinduplooy259 Says:
Where does he get God is still resting? Hebrews 4:4 talks about God resting on the seventh day.
@JMS-to3xb Says:
The mental gymnastics needed to make it make sense is a marvel of human ignorance.
@mumenrider862 Says:
Keep applying man's "science" to Genesis and no wonder you think it's old and we live on a spinning rock chasing a burning ball in a vacuum. Maybe try reading Genesis again... firmament.
@robinenman6812 Says:
Still in the seventh day cause… the bible didn’t end it with “and it was good”
@danielmcdougle6925 Says:
If you believe the earth is over 4 billion years are dinosaurs are from millions of years ago then you are saying death came before sin and now you have a problem with what is plainly evident in the Bible concerning sin and salvation.
@clasyfiks Says:
A hint. God created plants on third day and day light on 4th day. How long grass can grow without daylight?
@Lochaby Says:
Yeah, also, the first word is "when" not "in the beginning."
@DEGUELLO0311 Says:
When the earth and univisers were created ...God created a brand new....fully mature universe...already with the matured fruit on the limbs...take an avocado...that take many years for it to become reproductive mature
@spelaeologus Says:
FT needs to get together with his fellow cult-members and figure this out... if they can't agree on the age of the Earth/Universe, when they are allegedly God's children and talking to him daily, then why should anyone listen to their claims about the most important question in the universe... the answer? They're no better than snake oil salesmen!
@gintseine8125 Says:
How i imagine this. There was God alone in Heaven. Knowing all things possible. One day can run real fast when You entertained, or it can go real slow when You bored. Imagine You alone and You have the whole time there is. And nothing else is there. How long it would take Your time to build the Universe. When i look at the nature around, why i do not see any animal building factories, houses, electrolines just destroyng the perfect earth and still live perfectly fine. Becouse they are in harmony with God, and when they leave earth, they go to heaven. All this human created joke of a society is just running away from God.
@alwayslearningtech Says:
The Bible literally says that the day is defined by sunset and sunrise
@LosAngelesDrummer Says:
Here is a typical Christian Apologists at their finest. 🤦‍♂️
@robertdoell4321 Says:
I agree with what he said but he is incomplete. The BIBLE is the authority and He is right it does not say it is 6000 years old but it does say a 1000years is but like a day to the Lord and vice versa. I also do not agree with physicists estimate of 13.3-8 BYA either especially when they then say the star methuselah is 14.8 Billion Years old older than the age of the universe and the now say with the new star telescope that galaxies are seen at 13.6 Billion years old or 300 to 600 million years after their Big Bang which the physicists used to say was too young for galaxies to form. I believe and put my faith in GOD and what ever he says he created it all is good enough for me and the best it could be because GOD created it all and I don't think GOD cares.
@salserokorsou Says:
@Out980 Says:
What a way to book of Hebrews out of context, went Paul mentions the rest in chapter 4 and the prior mention in chapter 3 he’s talking about the promise land, heaven and not the rest of the creation on the seventh day, other wise the bible in Genesis wouldn’t have completed the day and the week saying it was good and blessing the seven day explicitly just like he did, other wise creation wouldn’t be finish still
@dragonthibodeau419 Says:
The science does not support the idea of an old earth it's supports young earth carbon dating and other such radio dating methods have been proven false time and time again anyone who just barely looks into it will find out very easily
@armysapper12b Says:
If you want to actually follow the nonsensical narrative of the Bible, it’s in 2 Peter 3: 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. If you go by this verse it took the magician 6 thousand years to “create” everything. That means somehow plants lived without a sun for approximately 1 thousand years, let me guess “god” made plant without the need of photosynthesis😂. Let’s not forget the impossible creation all together, the earth was “created” before every other star and plant. That right there proves it’s a bunch of nonsense.
@tobiaschurch8848 Says:
I'm with Frank. I really don't care how old it is. It's never been stated and the Bible has clearly said a day is a day, or a thousand years to God. That doesn't mean it's maximum 1000 years. Two, is an argument some dude brought up. God can make things with ingrown age. Adam was formed a man, not a child. Meaning this earth could very well be 4007 years old but it's ingrown age being billions of years. God intentionally left the Earth's age unknown. Because as you can see from life, once people know, they start perverting the information and removing the author. Always finding ways to remove the creator. Since science also misdates things, no one will ever know and I think that's great.❤ God bless you all!!!🎉❤
@michaelh3470 Says:
If God was all powerful he would have made it clear.
@jarlsigurdstorvann9885 Says:
but we got physical evidence of the earth being young. stars blow up when they die. and we called them "nova" or "super nova" depending on its size. and we can see these dead stars who die every 30 years appearently. well, we can account for 300 something dead stars in the universe. this accounts for 9000 years. why arent there hundreds of millions of dead stars if the galaxy is billions of years old? this is one evidence to it. another evidence is the fact we have found dinosaur bones with blood in it. how can this be if we had dinosaurs walking on earth 60million years ago? and after 10 million years, everything about them became fossilized stones? we have evidence of cones turning to stone within a year time of being in water. so thats evidence nr2. another thing about dinosaurs is we have found skin from them we could stretch under a microscope. you think thats possible after millions of years? another evidence is that the sun is burning up slowly but surely. if its burning up fuel and becomes smaller as an consequense, this means it must have been bigger. if the sun has been burning up for billions of years, it must have been so big the earth would burn up to a crisp before anything came to existence. the moon is traveling away from earth slowly but surely. if this has happened for billions of years, the moon must have touched earth at some point. this would be catastrophic for all of life considering the tides who would drown the earth 2 times a day. nothing would get time to evolve through billions of years this way. how about this one. it makes sense to have billions of people on earth after after 2300 something years, because you know. the history about Noah. if we completely forget about Noah and the earth being wiped out, would it make sense to have billions of people on earth after billions of years? i for one struggle to make that math go up.

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