The #1 Pro-Life Argument Explained in 2 Minutes
The #1 Pro-Life Argument Explained in 2 Minutes



@CrossExamined Says:
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@oliveludicrous Says:
Moralists are the biggest sinners. Cause they are dependant on that no-one hold them accountable, and forgive them if they are exposed. As long as you persuade other sinners to make the sufferings, you can keep on punish them and feel the excitement of being cruel without anyone noticing. Religious people are some of the most gaslighting and self-congratulatory persons I know. They are a really interesting flock of haters-in-the-closet, with an unconsciousnes as angry as the smile on their faces.
@loyceholland6201 Says:
The argument is more about control, rather than choice. What I defend is the right to choose. If you don’t agree with pro abortion rights don’t get one or as a partner don’t pay for one. Full stop. What others choose is no one’s business. I am 100% pro life and 100% support every woman’s right to choose for themselves! Choice is freedom.
@antinatalistwitch111 Says:
Aborting females is the most loving kind thing a woman can do to save a woman from this evil, demonic hell realm where society will view her as an incubator that needs to be controlled, neglected, manipulated & murdered. ❤ wish my mom loved me that much.
@antinatalistwitch111 Says:
Life has 100% mortality rate
@MBJean Says:
They’re all in God’s nursery now, glory
@katc9061 Says:
Many Christians speak up about abortions how many Christian women have taken birth control pills? Hormonal birth control may cause abortions. Birth control that relies on hormones discourages the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus. If life begins at conception, this is abortion. The "morning after pill" is not a viable option for a believer. It is designed to cause spontaneous abortion.
@linatheriault6243 Says:
Pro life! When you have actually stepped up and helped a child in the foster care system than you have a say. If you don't have a V or are not a women you don't have a say. If you have never been pregnant, you don't get to have an opinion. If your a Man stay out of it! You do not get to control women anymore.
@theteob689 Says:
If life begins at conception remember this. if you see a pregnant woman drinking any amount of alcohol or smoking, she's committing a felony... There's a full baby in there, and babies cannot drink until they're 21 and smoke until they're 18.
@Specialeffecks Says:
Killing any human in self-defense is repulsive. No one wants to do it. If a person, male or female enters your home uninvited, even though we don't know their intentions (they may just want to survive by getting some food, or simply entered the home mistakenly, for example) the homeowner may end that person's life in self-defense - to defend themselves against the unknown risk of physical and/or financial harm. This is unfortunate, but we have the necessary right to self-defense. Or we can choose to invite a person in, possibly knowing any risks in advance. Childbearing is known to be risky to any woman. There are known financial, emotional, physical health risks, and even risks to the woman's life. A woman can accept those risks and should be honored for their courage. She should also have the right to defend herself against all that risk if the pregnancy is unwanted. No woman should be forced by the state to bear unwanted risk. No woman wants to do it, but she must have the right of self-defense. If we want to make ALL self-defense illegal and mandated by the state, we must turn in our guns, allow intruders into our homes and bodies, and allow NO such self-defense. What am I missing?
@frankesposito2182 Says:
!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! OVER
@2l84me8 Says:
There is no good argument for prolife. Forcing girls and women into remaining pregnant and giving birth against their will is a massive violation of consent and bodily autonomy. Just as we must have permission to obtain someone else’s bodily resources, so does a fetus. You don’t get to give fetuses more rights over pregnant people nor any person in history.
@christiansaravia7865 Says:
He’s not wrong
@CaGirl93003 Says:
As a woman that has had an abortion - I absolutely am grateful I had that choice, I’m grateful it was safe, and I’m grateful I did it. It absolutely supported my freedom, my ability to work my way through college, my freedom to move and accept job offers, my freedom to travel, my freedom to make choices for myself. I have never for one moment regretted my abortion, i felt nothing but relief and as I look back on the many years since - I feel nothing but gratitude. ❤
@CaGirl93003 Says:
Abortion is healthcare. Period.
@minecrafthobby8400 Says:
At my university (augustana university), I have noticed more and more pro-abortion followers. I don't know how to feel about it. It kind of disturbed me, as I don't understand how anybody could kill their own child, or at least, kill a "clump of cells" (as they claim) that has the potential to become a living baby. Also, many of these women and men have sex, especially teenagers, and they should learn the hard way the reasons why they should not be having sex at such a young age by not being allowed to have abortions where they can't support themselves and instead shift the help towards their parents. Unless it is something endangering the mother or fetus, no abortions should be allowed. This is my opinion, you can't deny me that.
@dylanhunt3855 Says:
Due to the repealing of the 18th amendment, the statement “all transportation of intoxicating liquors is permitted OR abortion is legal” is true. Concordantly, due to the 21st amendment the statement “not all transportation of intoxicating liquors is permitted OR abortion is legal” is also true. Ergo, the only way for both statements to be true is if abortion is legal is true. Therefore, abortion is legal according to the Constitution of the United States.
@ashleyburbank3129 Says:
😅 just so you all know you have only increased abortion by taking away abortion rights that is been proven through history and through currents situation. Abortion literally increased radically after roe v Wade was overturned so it is only proven the truth that was proven in the movie dirty dancing that when you take away abortion rights you only increase abortion. Interesting we already knew this but people don't seem to care... As a pro-life person my stance is always been being pro-life actually increases the number of humans we have on this planet and this proves that. So say what you want but factually being pro-life at this point is only being anti-life.
@Silivrina Says:
Once the baby is born the pro-lifers stop caring about it
@abrealgaming5649 Says:
I don't know whether to dislike this video because he said absolutely nothing or to like the video because he said just enough to explain To me that the number one reasoning for it is because it's icky.
@nychellebrewer Says:
So ... what exactly are you advocating for, again? What does "peeling away the euphemisms" and showing that "abortion is repulsive" actually mean? He never says what his #1 pro-life argument is. 🙄
@juskahusk2247 Says:
Is a blood sample life? No, it's just a bunch of cells, same as an embryo. Furthermore sending someone straight to heaven without subjecting them to a single second of life on earth is probably the kindest thing you could possibly do for someone.
@AndySmith4501 Says:
Abortion is abhorrent. The taking of a life that cannot speak for themself. It's absolutely right that we be allowed to speak out against this but I don't believe it should be made illegal. That just forces women into dangerous and and desperate measures. What we should be able to do is show any woman considering an abortion, film of the procedure from inside the woman's body. Interestingly no such film exists in the public domain, because the powers that be know that after watching it, the true horror would sink in and no person would consent to the procedure.
@TalesFromTheScript Says:
I totally agree with the argument here... But it is also a "pro-life argument" 👍
@Birthdaycakesmom Says:
Because it’s totally ethical for a teacher to force his student to have his baby. FALSE. pro life arguments REFUSE TO DEAL WITH THE HERE AND NOW
@Birthdaycakesmom Says:
Oh and yeah, embryos drawn together during the reproductive cycle where resources are scarce don’t reflect maladapted and even dysfunctional acts of conception. CONCEPTION IS ALWAYS A PERFECT ACT. Organs never misfire.
@Birthdaycakesmom Says:
And no way does stress from unintended pregnancies result in nervous system disorders and congenital defects, no way does it result in a pre cancerous state. The wee baby will be fine.
@Birthdaycakesmom Says:
And don’t tell me about how the ones made from rape don’t matter and you can off those new lives which will absolutely turn into life beating humans and the doctor will always be able to prove that she won’t die.
@Birthdaycakesmom Says:
Psychopaths are born, not made, but psychopaths are innocent beings after all. You always save innocents.
@Birthdaycakesmom Says:
And it makes complete sense to say God rapes women through the acts of men and brings forth new life that way, for these are acts of God, are they not? So some people had to use rape to incarnate. No big deal.
@Birthdaycakesmom Says:
Because it’s totally ethical for a teacher to force a student to have his baby if he rapes her.
@msmd3295 Says:
This presentation and IT'S rationalizations are a clear cut display of contradiction, hypocrisy and nonsense. Abortion whether or not this guy likes it is a mechanism for the affirmation of "free will" and free choice for women. He presents a completely one-sided view of abortion. Some things he purposely ignores or is too ignorant to understand that the planet is ALREADY overpopulated. Human proliferation is gradually ruining everything nature bestowed upon ALL life on planet Earth. There are already thousands if not millions of ALREADY BORN people who struggle everyday to feed and house themselves. Humans are destroying the limited natural resources faster than they could possibly be replaced. Farm land is being plowed under to constantly expand living space. The oceans are getting polluted as well as fresh water lakes. Climate change is overwhelming some areas with floods while other populated areas are running out of water. Some republicons in the US west and middle west want to build a giant canal from the Great Lakes to supply water to the mid-west and western states. I can almost guarantee were such a canal built event the Great Lakes will be running dry in a few decades. Farmers are putting more and more chemicals on crops to increase yields because of increased demand for food while at the same time poisoning the land. And the anti-abortions nitwits campaign on "morals". Where's their morals when it comes to solving some of the problems people who are ALREADY born have to face? It's pure hypocrisy and ignorance.
@Eli07K Says:
The hypocrisy in the name of the lie that Religion is "The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike immigrants, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in their Fantasy Book? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. Hypocrisy at its best.
@Butterfly_486 Says:
Can I find this whole lecture online somewhere?
@zoso4rune504 Says:
Gracias por ayudarnos a apoderarnos de Estados Unidos con su nueva ley de aborto. Lo que al principio se creía que eran 50 años, ahora seremos el grupo demográfico dominante en menos de 20 años. Las mujeres blancas tienen menos probabilidades de abortar que cualquier otra raza. . ¡Necesitarás aprender español si quieres seguir viviendo aquí!
@GolDRoger-fx2fp Says:
Abortion is not women's right period.....
@hasone1848 Says:
To bad his argument is completely wrong. More women will die from complications in pregnancy that abortion will prevent, way more than abortion will kill..... Look it up abortion is safe for the woman.
@xwaazes6375 Says:
actually, WAY more than half of aborted fetuses are girls in a global perspective.
@harryfaber Says:
In the UK: “This is no theoretical occurrence: a study estimated that in 2020 and 2021, 261 babies born at 22 or 23 weeks gestation survived to be discharged from hospital.” “These babies are unquestionably human: according to the NHS website, at 12 weeks, the unborn baby is ‘fully formed’; by 18 weeks, babies can begin to respond to loud noises from the outside world. “By 22 weeks, they enter a pattern of sleeping and waking, and by 23 weeks they are practising breathing movements to prepare for life outside the womb.
@jonyivre4541 Says:
You shall not kill.
@markdicken2755 Says:
if a heart is beating and then someone stops that heart, it’s murder. If the woman wants it to be their choice, that’s fine, but it’s still murder.
@carlospallete3030 Says:
this explained how he explains it but doesn't go into the meat about what he has said about the euphemisms, I was expecting the clear outlined examples
@reason2gether Says:
Amen. Very well said.
@user-fc9iq6le2g Says:
I agree...... My argument is not about this Its about banning the procedure of an abortion in health issues such as an ectopic pregnancy. To which the fetus is no longer viable in the womb. Which happened naturally No one, i mean NO ONE ever talks about this. If ALL abortion procedures get banned..........these women in these health situations will suffer and possibly die without the procedure of an abortion. Its not an abortion, a termination of, when the fetus is no longer viable. Why doesnt anyone talk about this?
@warren6790 Says:
The left and the right argument where both are wrong, one believes no abortion under any circumstance and the other believes abortion no matter the circumstance, the one seeing it as wrong, the wrong they don't see is rape, incest, adultery, whoredom or a life threatening situation to the mother, they are asking God to bless the sin that brings the child into this world, God forbid, the other that believes in any case is wrong neglects to see a young woman and man that love each other but can't afford to raise a child or they are not married, but God is trying to give them a child, I mean, if he's willing to work but can't make enough money to support her and the child, don't we have ways to help instead of just condemning them, the truth is, most people have children by accident, not planned, but once it comes they usually love it, get in the middle and you will be on the right path in this
@mattslater2603 Says:
So the "argument" against is incredibly weak? Got it.
@CaptainFantastic222 Says:
Pro choice position explain in 10 seconds: Government shouldn’t be making medical and family planning decisions for its citizens
@Lucas-n1f1p Says:
I love the grounded reality of this channel!!! Retirement took a toll on my finances, but with my involvement in the digital market, $27,000 weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD❤️
@Waylander173 Says:
Abortion is just a sad pathetic get out clause for loose conduct. Its there so that fornicating baboons can escape accountability for their actions.....its shameful!!
@truthisbeautiful7492 Says:
Birth ends a pregnancy. YouTube notes are so biased in favor of abortion.

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