Does BLM Have Black America's Best Interest at Heart?
Does BLM Have Black America's Best Interest at Heart?



@CrossExamined Says:
FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: 👉📱
@MrCurtis61 Says:
LBJ_The great society was the start of all this nonsense with blacks and the destruction of Black society, the "snowball effect" of this legislation was mind-boggling and very sad !
@Judah92 Says:
Whit evangelicals hardly speak on racism and that’s the problem
@tylique9142 Says:
Systemic racism is very real it’s defined very clearly but people don’t want to acknowledge the suffering of non whites, But I do agree that the organization of blms causes a lot of problems.
@heathobrien356 Says:
There are racist policies, they are not against minorities though.
@mjr9931 Says:
Not Frank Turek’s finest segment. There is some ignorance in his comments about systemic racism. It’s not clear if he acknowledges or denies it’s existence in the American justice system. And towards the end his comments about the statistics were a bit sloppy in its delivery that he seems to imply that the 38 % among 75% of poor abortion participants are poor blacks,without explicitly saying so . His comments just leave questionable subtext he’s inferring
@edgarmorales4476 Says:
The truth about RACISM is this: Every single entity under the sun has descended from God in one way or another. At the very inmost roots of our being, everyone is united in ONENESS. Therefore, where do the differences lie? They arise out of the development of species, genetics, conditioning, traditional teachings, customs and educational and family habits of relating with others and the differences in thought patterns. It is not the color which divides people. A small child of every race and color because of his innocence and spontaneity of self-expression will find acceptance in the heart of most adults. It is the CONSCIOUSNESS which divides people and which is felt on every level of their being—for we are all, despite our materialized bodies, CONSCIOUSNESS FORMS expressing consciousness patterns and CONSCIOUSNESS FORMS receiving consciousness patterns from others. The consciousness of each individual is their reality—not their skin or appearance—and it is the consciousness of people which either attracts or repulses others. We can rest assured that racists will only transcend their sense of racial differences when their mental/emotional thought patterns are in sympathy, and when their VALUES by which they choose to live throughout their day, are the same. Until that time comes, it is useless for people to be angry with one another for experiencing racial differences. They are endemic to the human condition. If you want to be accepted completely into another race, you have to change your values, your perceptions, your ideas, modes of living and of relating to others to match everyone else's in that race. Racial differences then die a natural death. If you are NOT prepared to take on the "consciousness" of the race you wish to join, then acknowledge, accept and RESPECT with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE the differences in consciousness. No one has the right to demand you should ignore the differences. MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL: Choose the highest standards on offer in the world, work to embrace and use them—and then all skin colors will take on a new and inner beauty which none will be able to resist. All people will then willingly bond in perfect harmony. Physical appearances of every color will also change and take on new inner beauty.
@kinggenius930 Says:
What does any of this have to do with Christianity....?
@michelangelope830 Says:
I need to talk with you. It is important. I know God exists and the intelligent creator of the universe is not what atheists call "sky daddy". I am a psychologist and I want to help you. Eternal hell and heaven is for bad and good people, and if you are interested I can explain. As a christian apologetic you have been spending your life lying trying to lure people to the cult. I want to explain to you why God is not a joke and you should abandon religion inmediately for your own eternal sake. Humanity believe or don't believe in God when God can not not exist because too many people lie too much. God exists 100% sure and unfortunately for religious people it is not sky daddy. The concept of sky daddy is so absurd and ridiculous that I find hard to believe I am trying to convince people with university degrees educated with fortunes of public money that they have been deceived with a lie that looks like a lie. I am talking about your eternal existence. I will explain the kalam cosmological argument that proves logically God exists and they don't explain it in churches, mosques, synagogues and atheists platforms. What has a beginning of existence has a cause because from nothing can not be created something. Logically it is impossible the existence of an infinite number of causes and effects, therefore an eternal first uncaused cause that caused what has a beginning of existence must exist. Did you understand the argument? Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. Are you interested?
@johnlovestosing04 Says:
Let’s do an experiment. Do this same presentation at a prominent Black church full of P.HDs in their respective fields and then do a Q n A. Let’s see how that goes.
@johnlovestosing04 Says:
This is disappointing as I’ve watched countless debates where Dr. Turek has used sound, logical arguments to dismantle atheism and the worldviews that follow. However, in this clip he’s stating off with the presupposition that racism CAN be alleviated by litigation, therefore racism in the systemic sense only exists as laws. It goes downhill from there as it leads to the red herring argument of “but what about abortions”? This isn’t ignorance, it’s purposeful and American.
@dano8613 Says:
Funding of planned parenthood DEI Affirmative action That's just 3!
@johnlovestosing04 Says:
I agree with most of Dr. Turek’s material, but not this one so much as it presents a red herring and false dichotomy. I’ve professionally taught poor, minority children for over ten years and I see the disparities in resources from their counterparts just a few miles away. I also live in a city where I observe how urban, poor, minorities are policed much differently than those from the suburbs. Denying that systemic racism exists as an assertion, without doing a little more work to unearth and discover where institutions perpetuate inequality is dismissive and galvanizes populations who harbor racist ideology. It takes compassionate work to get your hands dirty and to advocate for urban communities and implying that most of the problem of racism was fixed in 1964 is careless. Lastly, the red herring comes in the form of pointing to abortion to detour away from other historical issues as if they all can’t be true at the same time, furthermore the real question is WHY are those numbers the way they are?! WHY?! That’s the real work. It’s also giving righteous indignation as if to say to Black people, “Don’t tell me about what police have done in your communities when you’re killing your babies”. It’s reductionistic and pious. As I stated, the real Christian work come in finding out WHY Black, poor people are doing that on a spiritual, psychological, and economical level.
@LOL_Garrus Says:
Call BLM for what it is, an inorganic attempt at a communist color revolution. Race is only the vehicle with which they use.
@Gek1177 Says:
This is simple, if you advocate for stripping women of their bodily autonomy then you are responsible for death and suffering. Full stop. If you care about having more pregnancies come to term you need to support social programs that redistribute wealth because poverty is the single most common factor that motivates an abortion. Studies show that 75% of women who seek a abortion are in the low income demographic. So think about that the next time you vote for some conservative ghoul who complains about the southern border, drag shows and mask mandates.
@christophecamus3295 Says:
@MB-gd6be Says:
2011 was a long time ago... I understand where you're going but 13 and a half year old stats, can't suffice
@bohem5568 Says:
LOL,.why is a pastor talking about politics? He's equally ridiculous in that abortion has nothing to do with racism.
@HeatherAngus-vj2jq Says:
I agree with everything he said. We need to make all abortion illegal, not defund the police. Abortion is literally killing an innocent and unborn human being.
@cindyjohnson4017 Says:
The founder of Planned Parenthood (Margaret Sanger) was a racist. Her goal was to exterminate black people. Unfortunately, it looks like she is succeeding 😢 What a tragedy! This is the devil's plan. I pray, in Jesus name, that this evil (the killing of innocent babies) will come to an end.
@lucasabeldano4086 Says:
Si señor los Vouchers 🤑
@3071-f6i Says:
I always liked your content but what’s your motive for this particular video?pp offers much more than abortions, secondly, it’s not pp fault black people are getting abortions. That’s like me being upset at the grocery store they have a butcher that cuts animal and serve it to people to eat. It’s one of the things they do
@dragonsigner Says:
We need to teach in schools. Work places AND CHURCHES. That God does NOT SEE SKIN COLOR. DOES NOT CARE WHAT SKIN COLOR YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU CAME FROM . We need to STOP SAYING THE WORD RACISM. And just call it what it truly is . Hate for your fellow human beings .when we say race or racism..we choose already to say that there are different races of people and there is not. That's wrong. We act like we are divided, we treat people like we are divided. That is an illusion. We choose to judge someone based on what we see on the outside. Not their actions or thoughts or words. We need to teach they we are all one human race. All one .under God. Stop teaching that one blacks has experienced racism...that is a lie everyone has experienced it , everyone..since it's just hate at its core.
@dragonsigner Says:
From the TV show called young Sheldon there was a quote in there that Sheldon made When someone said it's not fair Sheldon said and I quote Fair is not what everyone gets or what Fair is what everyone deserves.
@nonamejustbecause5130 Says:
Does blm have black americans best interests at heart? What a ridiculous question .. what happened to cross examined is the better question 🤦‍♂️ oh i know the greater good happened
@war13death Says:
Affirmative action is a racist law that needs to be eliminated.
@willpowerstrengthandfitnes6773 Says:
No! BLM does not care about black people. Just the profit it can make off of exploitation.
@cornpop7805 Says:
Are the schools themselves bad where they are made up of minorities? What if those same "bad schools" were emptied and filled with nonminority students? Would the "bad schools" still result in bad outcomes for the students? Now, what happens when school choice puts minority children into the "good schools"?
@Maikigai Says:
Affirmative Action gives minorities a leg up over white people. Except Asians. It’s pretty racist against Asians…
@goodfellabeats Says:
Black man here, good stuff. Especially about the schools. I went from being a poor student to advance classes once my parents were able to move from a hood to a lower-middle class neighborhood that was right next to an upper-class neighborhood. I was there for 3 years and the school helped me understand my potential and I was a advanced student all through middle and then high school. All I needed was the opportunity.
@sweezyjackson4935 Says:
The most racist policy in america is racial quotas in college admission, hiring by govt and private businesses. They are told to discriminate against white men and hire the co called oppressed person. Its just racist and cannot be called anything else.
@nickshively1192 Says:
Amen brother Frank! 🙋🏼‍♂️ We as born again Christians battle for the minds of the lost. It has always and will always be a truth war. We need to make sure we always have our armor on and we are putting on the Lord Jesus Christ everyday. Ephesians 6:11, Romans 13:14 1 John 2:15 English Standard Version Do Not Love the World 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Ephesians 6:12 English Standard Version 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Romans 12:2 English Standard Version 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Stay in the Word! Renew your mind with it!
@MercenaryTX Says:
Need welfare reform designed to not split up families.
@gingercake0907 Says:
What legislation is going to make people love their neighbors? America ran one of the most brutal forms of slavery backed by the church since 1619 to 1863 based on white supremacy. 250 years of cultural conditioning that white is superior and black is inferior. 250 years of teaching whites and blacks that the social and economic status of the African in America is one of slave and one of second class , non person. 150 years of disenfranchising African Americans voter suppression, discrimination economically educationally and socially, re enslavement in prison, massacres of black communities, lynchings. Jim Crow laws , sundown towns. Racial injustice isn’t a figment of the African American imagination. There is a movement in America by White Christian nationalists to suppress the African Americans history and contributions to America. Book banning and canceling AP African American history classes. Not a figment of anyone imagination. Black Lives Matter ALSO. Now most white people will comeback with All Lives Matter but if black are included in All Lives Matter , then Black Lives do Matter and there is nothing wrong in admitting it.
@EatLeadPal Says:
And which party is against school choice, for the organization Black Lives Matter, and for abortion? The Democrat Party. It's why I don't understand why Black and Hispanic voters continue to support them en masse.
@HansZarkovPhD Says:
Naacp, its very title is rascist.
@katamas832 Says:
Ah yes racism comes from the choice of black mothers to get an abortion, and surely having babies is good for an individual economically... 🤡
@John14-6... Says:
Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood was an ardent racist and the reason why she put the majority of her clinics in inner cities is because she wanted to keep the browner races from propagating more than the white race
@samsam-nx8gq Says:
Jesus Christ is the answer for everything.
@jg122487 Says:
As a Black Christian who looks up to Dr. Frank Turek, this was tone deaf.
@Eye_Witness Says:
If only people knew what goes on in an abortion clinic during an abortion, where the money comes from and where the money goes, what happens to the babies (and their various parts/organs) with a follow up on how the mothers are doing spiritually, medically and psychologically, the minds of most Americans would change and abortion would be drastically reduced or ended altogether. But he government and the media will not allow the truth to be told.
@DavidEmailman Says:
There's a lot of corruption out there too totally outside of race. The police unions are seriously screwed up and corrupt ask ex Lt Frank Serpico. They are not all your friends. Look at how unimaginably horrible the police complaint process is. Defund the police unions. Even Republicans groups like the Rutherford institute, ACLJ, The 700 Club and Pat Robertson said that.
@eziorobetthesecond4776 Says:
Denying systemic racism ? yeah..... Frank, you are an anti black racist .
@FreeGirl9608 Says:
@larzman651 Says:
Romans 10:12 - For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him
@canadiankewldude Says:
*_God Bless_*
@Uncle_Buzz Says:
Well stated Frank.
@eziorobetthesecond4776 Says:
Frank stick to defending the bible/ God's word ok. But keep black peoples struggles out of your damn Gobb .
@jimmienumn9399 Says:
Someone speaking the truth, without the added races shade that usually comes with the subject
@dcuffel Says:
Walt Blackman as a name for a black man just makes me lol

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