Living Hope: The Promise of Resurrection in Christ
Living Hope: The Promise of Resurrection in Christ



@IvyLiawan-wg9eq Says:
Can I share this on Facebook?
@IvyLiawan-wg9eq Says:
Can I share this on Facebook?
@EvelynTipi Says:
@mauricerose3082 Says:
"And the LORD gave unto Israel all the Land which He sware to give unto their Fathers; and they Possessed it, and dwelt therein. And the LORD gave them Rest round about, according to all that He sware unto their Fathers: and there stood not a Man of all their Enemies before them; the LORD delivered all their Enemies into their Hand. There failed not ought of any Good Thing which the LORD had spoken unto the House of Israel; all came to Pass." Joshua 22:43-44 KJB
@AlbertAindri Says:
@darwinletargo5115 Says:
Amen and Amen ❤️🙏
@floradeocampo3089 Says:
@AngeliacaVarga Says:
frate Ted vă salutam cu pacea Domnului cu Credință și respect Angelica Amin
@Ardebdt Says:
Thank you
@maryingold1368 Says:
Because He lives, we may live also. We must accept Jesus as our Saviour to be raised on the first resurrection.
@phillipbear7630 Says:
We pray this is not an our families..let's pound the arrows of faith..on Holy Ground..please save our Children an Grandchildren..
@barbarabuckley9615 Says:
Amen on time message 🙏🏼
@celorenzo Says:
No matter what - because He lives we can see tomorrow and live with God in eternity! Be ready friend.

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