The Bible is true
The Bible is true



@phillipbear7630 Says:
Please keep pounding out those faithfull..arrows of prayer!!..for our familys!!..
@mauricerose3082 Says:
"Be patient therefore, Brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the Husbandman waiteth for the precious Fruit of the Earth, and hath long Patience for it, until he receive the Early and Latter Rain." James 5:7 KJB "The “Latter Rain”, or the Spring Rain, is interpreted as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on GOD’s Children. Biblical Writers used the terms “Latter Rain”, and “Former Rain”, to describe the Visitation of the Holy Spirit upon the Church in a Dispensational sense. The “Early Rain” came at Pentecost to give Power to the Witness of the Gospel. And another outpouring of rain will be coming at Earth’s final Soul Harvest before the Second Coming of Christ."
@Jeeth108 Says:
Please get a voice record or wear a wire the next time your god talks to you
@WyrdNexus_ Says:
Modern Bible is so full of mistranslations, anacronisms, and omissions that you really shouldn't follow it, with one exception. Direct quotes of Christ are true, and powerful, and the only valid teachings in that book of religious propaganda.
@o4-a224 Says:
Glory Glory Glory Hallelujah, the Truths of Our Heavenly FATHER'S ❤ through HIS SON CHRIST ❤
@efootballmania Says:
@AdventistOrgChurch Do you have the preserved Torah including manuscripts which can be dated back to Moses? Did you copied it from the original copies? If so, then where's the original copies?
@christianwirsen8987 Says:
Very convincing evidence
@osaabd390 Says:
You are absolutely crazy
@camilorubiano7165 Says:
Compiled by the Holly Catholic Church, the One true Church, instituted by our Lord Christ Himself.
@sandradarick7209 Says:
Yes brother, correct. Happy Sabbath everyone, and may God bless all, amen

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