God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting #543
God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting #543



@williamwyatt8846 Says:
Praying God's will, & strength to Obey
@arcadiocolon5449 Says:
keep me in mind for i will allways seek the lord as long i live
@phillipbear7630 Says:
Please..pray for the Bear family..my children...an grandchildren..Husband..my self..our church familys..ect..
@Johnsonfamily458 Says:
Please Pray for my children and grand children to give their hearts to Jesus, and hold on to Him. My daughter needs a job, pray for someone will have the heart to hire her. Help me not to worry, but to put all of my Faith, Hope, Trust, and LOVE in Him. Thank you.
@williamwyatt8846 Says:
Thanks Holy Spirit, for living in our lives!! Baptize as we pray oh Lord
@caku6086 Says:
The name of the Lord is a strong tower: The righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10 KJV Amen 🙏

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