The Great Controversy: A Quick Review
The Great Controversy: A Quick Review



@GudoiIvan-t3b Says:
Well Glory.
@jesusaluz Says:
God bless you Hawaiian Conference need understand about this message Please help the conferences start to do the distribution of the Great Controversy Please contact Hawaiian Conference to inspire them to participate in this project Thank you very much πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
@philvdk6540 Says:
The concept of the 'Heavenly Sanctuary' as a literal building that Jesus literally ministers within as a literal High Priest doesn't make sense and doesn't align with the rest of scripture (when we allow scripture to interpret scripture). Even Solomon knew that - see 1 Kings 8:27. The sanctuary and the priesthood were 'object lessons' using things that fallen humans were familiar with to begin to open their mind to the functional principles of "higher" realities (as per Isaiah 55:8-9) that are unfamiliar to fallen humanity. This is why Jesus was frequently saying "What is the Kingdom LIKE? What shall I COMPARE it to?" (eg Luke 13:18, 20, etc). And remember Jesus even referred to Himself as a sanctuary/temple that would be destroyed and rebuilt - but His hearers mistakenly also thought Jesus was talking about a literal building by use of that word (John 2:19-21). God's ways are so much "higher" than anything we are familiar with in our fallen world (Isaiah 55:8-9). So how is God going to gradually, progressively help us grow in our understanding of those "higher ways"? God has to use what we do know to gradually help us grow towards understanding what we don't yet know. Thus He uses metaphors and object lessons - just like we do to try and help children grow in their knowledge and understanding the wider adult world.
@mthandazoncube8749 Says:
Amen Pastor Ted.....may God guide you always
@prushrajrajnath9581 Says:
Unlike Caiaphas thank God if u are sincere God is not willing that any should perosh welcome but the events aheard will determine weather you all are hirling or not inspite of failling on covid19 and the gc session where you pastor domstrated popery in telling the delegates how to exersise their individual right on the vote to add to the agenda the covid19 issuse.
@salmonkini5887 Says:
Big Friend.. Big Brother .. my Thank to You Sir
@leontindpredut Says:
Ellen White was prophet of God.Great book.πŸ™‚
@takudzwamlambo8726 Says:
Chapter 1 of the Great Controversy is up to now my favourite portion of any book that I’ve read.
@larisachapman3599 Says:
What year was The Great Controversy book written??πŸ€”
@vueneonee7144 Says:
Indeed a great book. I will be starting it again this week, having re-done the Desire of Ages. Ellen White was simply the most prolific author of spiritual material. I thank God that while she is not equal to Christ, she left behind her such a treasure trove of blessings we can all benefit from. Thanks Elder Wilson
@viraarmstrong9784 Says:
Don't neglect the Author's Introduction or the Appendix.
@louisramirez5827 Says:
Thank you
@spectatingshepherd8667 Says:
I have quite a few testimonies with this book
@jerrystilwell7666 Says:
After reading the Great Controversy have kept extra copies so I can hand out when I get the opportunity. Thanks and God bless all.

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