Faith is Essential
Faith is Essential



@alfredoaguilera3114 Says:
I Alfredo Aguilera Corona deny Jesus of Nazareth as my Lord and Savior. I'm Lord of my body and spirit. Fuck Yeshua. Fuck Lucifer. Fuck the Anti Christ. Fuck the Holy Spirit.
@sarahblackwell8117 Says:
Amen thank you God
@keithcox6239 Says:
Seek God all your days….His ways are our ways because He knows everything that we need in our passing through of this world to serve and give all Glory to Him….worshiping Him and having Faith in Him is all He asks from us. All Glory to God….I Love Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior….Amen
@juanitamccarthy1112 Says:
we need to keep the faith + finish the race. faith has got many facets. Reminder: faith in Christ
@Lindsay1581 Says:
This is such a wonderful teaching! Thank you so much for uploading it!
@janetcrafford5743 Says:
@benjx1 Says:
Love this channel
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@mygirlsh65 Says:
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? Numbers 23: 19
@crmier3227 Says:
Thank you 🙌🏻🙏🏻
@tobiasbock7463 Says:
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. Measureless praise to you only in eternity Jesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
@ChrisXMetal Says:
Hebrews 11:1 King James Version 11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
@taiphan7225 Says:
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you. FAITH is the most important, for CHRISTIANITY and PRAYERS LIFE because it comes from the HEART. Nothing to do with "reason" (or "intellect"). The most touching and EDIFYING example is when The Lord of Hosts split the sea to allow His people to ESCAPE Egypt (Land of slavery), but the old Covenant (Moses) and to new Covenant (JESUS CHRIST) are both filled with all these kinds of examples (DIVINE MIRACLES).
@TechnoKenny-xv4eh Says:
Amen 🙏
@JoseSanchez0795 Says:
@markedelylumbao1609 Says:
I am loved by God. Thank you for the encouragement brother. Take care, have a good day and God bless you in LORD Jesus's name.
@mickme8914 Says:
Could i get from my Brothers and Sisters out there?. I tend to be very critical upon myself, and i am aware of just how far short i fall short in my faith. Please pray that discouragement will not have mastery over me. That my hope will remain alive in the fact that i will come into that very faith that out Brother Derek is speaking about here. Thank you. I love you my family. And even though i cannot thank you all in person here and now. The day will come that i will be able to do it in Glory ❤
@donnadavis6709 Says:
Faith is to honor God walk in a line with him ❤
@ereynacarde-borre6803 Says:
😔🔥💯👏👑🙌🙏❤️ Amen
@barbstenkorang3194 Says:
@wabachakimani5143 Says:
The only way to run the race set before us with by faith. The just man shall live by his faith/faithfulness.
@sihlembatha9531 Says:
I pray for strong faith in God in Jesus name Amen.
@chriscorbin6861 Says:
Amen. 🙌✝️❤️‍🔥
@anthonycampo490 Says:
I pray that my Faith will not fail.❤
@benitaesq_ Says:
Amen. Unbelief is literally calling God a liar and that is also why it is a sin. ”But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.“ ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭21‬:‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@cynthiarussell2857 Says:
Amen Hallelujah!! Lord Jesus my faith is in you. Help me to walk in obedience to your word. ❤
@enlighteningfatheryahworld9463 Says:
I have faith and I believe in you God 🙏🏾
@uscitizen5656 Says:
Thank You God for Everything you have given me! Amen
@christineyates4272 Says:
Praise god. Amen

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