Unlocking Faith: Bridging Beliefs, Behavior, and Theology Across Generations
Unlocking Faith: Bridging Beliefs, Behavior, and Theology Across Generations



@creative4efficiency Says:
Some people are afraid of AI not realizing it is a tool that can be programmed with whatever information someone puts into it for good or evil, to edify or deceive. It is only what is put into it and varies from content drastically as it is used by each person. Right now there are YOU TUBE videos out there saying AI is Evil because it only promotes a Non- Christian GOD. There should be a Video explaining AI is not one thing. Anyone can use AI to say what they want just like YOUTUBE. What is dangerous is if what AI says differs from the intention of the person the AI represents.
@ladyeldersnake9637 Says:
I am interested in SDA faith and church and these talks are really nice to listen to! Thank you!
@girijaammini9108 Says:
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

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