Jesus IS coming soon #Short
Jesus IS coming soon #Short



@stevenvaeltaja4240 Says:
preached, practiced and understood by everyone.
@josephfrancois5225 Says:
He’s coming to do what your forefather did to the children of Israel in Isiah 14:21 and revelation 13:9
@sdamom621 Says:
Even so, Come LORD Jesus
@lydianamayanja3622 Says:
@ArulMary-s9b Says:
@ambergordon3801 Says:
Right now China is against that, they force those who try to turn to God to denounce him and rejoin Buddhism. We have yet to get there while others are still rebelling and refusing to listen. Give it time, it'll happen when it happens. God does not rush these things, the prophecy will happen when it's time for it to, on God's time. He is giving us time to repent right now.
@dudayganda1039 Says:
@Makana-mx5te Says:
God bless to everyone ❤
@sharonkafwanka6005 Says:
Amen but the worst part is we asleep
@happyharry8458 Says:
Im afraid your wrong !! There are two gospels ! The Gospel of the “Kingdom of Heaven “ preached to the Jews , which they rejected . John said “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” this was brought by Jesus who was to be their Messiah King ruling in this earthly kingdom. Jesus while he preached this said “I’m not come except to the lost sheep of Israel , Jews” , gentiles were referred to as dogs !! This was a faith plus works gospel ! When this was rejected Paul was given the Gospel of Grace ! Not Kingdom !!! And it was for whosoever believes , those who do are born again and leave this world in the rapture ! This man s Grace alone , no works ! The rapture ends the gospel of Grace ! Then , once again , after this the gospel of the Kingdom is preached again as per Rev 14v6 for those to enter the millennial Kingdom ie serve God , believe , don’t take mark ! And it’s preached throughout the world by two angels as per Rev 14v6 ! Matthew 24 , 25 is to the Jews only ! There was no concept of the rapture as per Ephesians 3:2,5 KJV If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: [5] Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; Note “not made known “!! Your confusing different ages and the rapture Vss the second coming ! Hope this helps clarify things Harry
@samu4755 Says:
Come Lord Jesus.
@johndoee3850 Says:
He is not ...
@pimeshpjp7057 Says:
Praise the loard.
@susankane8728 Says:
Yes, May we do our part to win some precious soul for His Kingdom, and to give the everlasting gospel to as many as we can🙏🏻🎺🎺🎺🌟
@JesseDehart-vy9ve Says:
Thank you so much for all you do! As an extension of my appreciation, I would like to share with you an important question: Are you ready for Judgment Day? The Bible says that all will stand before God to give an account of every thought, word, & deed. Will you be innocent or guilty on that day? Let’s look at the Ten Commandments to see if you meet God’s standard. Have you ever lied or stolen? (regardless of value) Ever looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? (see Matthew 5:28) You may not see these as a "big deal" but God sure does. He is Holy and said, "be Holy, for I am Holy." God sent His Son, Jesus, to live the perfect life we never could. He took God's wrath on the cross, taking the punishment due for His people’s sins against a holy God. Then Jesus rose from the dead. Cry out to God for mercy, repent and put your trust in Jesus (rather than "good works") for salvation.
@diannacarey6508 Says:
@jamesinhotjipurua5377 Says:
@glennbrooks3449 Says:
I like this woman. I think she got it all together . She knows where everything is going , does not have to wear flashy clothes yet is beautiful.
@JesseDehart-vy9ve Says:
What is the purpose of our existence? Is it simply to have a good job, build a family, and enjoy life? Is that all there is? Certainly not. We’re made for so much more. Your purpose is to know God. After we die, the Bible says we’ll face God as our Judge. Have you ever rebelled (sinned) against God? Examine yourself by God’s Law, the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told a lie? Ever stolen (the value is irrelevant)? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” In God’s courtroom, our sins are very serious crimes. They’re so evil that the just punishment is death and eternity in a terrible place called Hell. The Bible says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. He is rich in mercy and provided a Savior: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Jesus Christ died on the cross, paying the death penalty for sinners. He then rose from the dead three days later, defeating death. Hundreds saw Him after His resurrection; it’s no fairy tale. Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies about the promised Savior, written in the Holy Scriptures hundreds of years before His birth. Religious rites, sacred traditions, or attending church can’t save you. Salvation is a free gift of God that you can’t earn. To know God and have your sins forgiven, do what the Bible says: repent and believe. Trust in Jesus as you’d trust in a parachute—don’t just “believe” it can save you, put it on and cling to it with all of your being. Wholeheartedly commit yourself to following Christ, and turn your back on sin. Then show your gratitude by obeying His command to be baptized. Be sure to also join a Christian church and read the Bible daily. God will never let you down.
@davidtataru7975 Says:
Amen, help us dear GOD, to be ready..
@robertham3751 Says:
Thank you for your comment! On everlasting gospel to the world! Who are you?
@TheSPIRIT495 Says:
@neftaliperez6300 Says:
Yes please. Come b Jesus come. I cannot take it anywhere.
@ChristanahChristanah-oo8jn Says:
Amen amen amen
@MrX-wt5in Says:
So… No need to care anymore about anything, right. Let it all go to hell? I doubt Jesus was a fear monger. I don’t think preaching about “end days” is what the gospel teaches either, unless every time things have gotten difficult in history giving up and waiting for a second coming was worthwhile. It never was worthwhile. But, to each his own.
@annammathomas1581 Says:
Amen hallelujah 🙌🙌
@krisbeckwith7105 Says:
Preach it sister... Amen 🙏🏻
@noelenehill9412 Says:
Amen Amen 🙏 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@celorenzo Says:
Matthew 24:14 ❤❤
@Miriam-ui5pw Says:
Please Jesus come soon 🙏🏾
@magdalenavargas5842 Says:
Amen God be with us.jesus is coming soon .
@sherileenlambert2784 Says:
@sandyazbill257 Says:
Amen! Even so come Lord Jesus 🙏
@juanalonsocobarrubiasverdu5087 Says:
So be it...
@annmarieedwards5958 Says:
Amen 🙌🏼
@kailashbarik7821 Says:
@adutdeng-ep8fd Says:
Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen 🙏

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