Exercising The Gift Of Tongues
Exercising The Gift Of Tongues



@dre5773 Says:
Feel free to disagree, but through my studies tongues it's become evident there was a misunderstanding of the tongues given as these are real languages and not a speaking heavens and angels languages, atleast there is not scriptural backing. Every scripture used to build this case can be explained. The issue is while using KJV words and meanings changed and translations were made that may have been incorrect. Please keep seeking for truth. When tongues is mentioned its new tongues, other tongues, kinds of tongues or diversity of tongues and if you want to include unknown tongue. Do they all have different meanings to say they are 5 different gifts or expressions of languages?
@JesusLovesyou..1John3.6 Says:
Love this ❤ God is the Best ❤
@davidschmidt270 Says:
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@guywerry6614 Says:
I live in northern Manitoba, Canada. Many of the indigenous peoples around us have kept their native languages - predominantly Cree - alive. I casually know a minister who has done a great deal of ministry in indigenous communities and who speaks in tongues frequently. I commented to him after one service that when he spoke in tongues it sounded very much like Cree (I only know a few words of Cree but have heard it spoken). In reply he told me about ministering on an indigenous reserve in Northern Ontario that was an Ojibway settlement. After the service, where he had been speaking in tongues over people, one of the elders took him aside and asked him where he had learned to speak Ojibway. Started, the minister replied that he didn't speak Ojibway, although he speaks Cree a bit. The elder replied that not only had he been praying in Ojibway, he had been praying in an OLD, pure version of the language that was only known to the very elderly!
@angloaust1575 Says:
Not for today scripture is complete no further revelations!
@christiandanielsson7151 Says:
I'm so greatful for all your videos with Derek Prince ❤️ God bless you all in the name of Jesus!
@lepretrejean-jacques3314 Says:
1COR14 :28
@elizabethrajan1813 Says:
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah.
@stephenrobb8759 Says:
Amen It is a gift. I have heard of people who try to make it happen and after they don't get the desired result, claim it is not for today. They fail to understand it is a gift. Not everyone gets the same gift. Those who base their faith and worship on seeking a sign of their own choosing ... risk idolatry.
@barbstenkorang3194 Says:
@ladennayoung2939 Says:
@billbaum6721 Says:
@crusoebower3391 Says:
He looks young in this video
@sophiereynaud1108 Says:
Amen. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you. Glory to the Lord JESUS CHRIST and to Heavenly blessed Father. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Speaking in TONGUES (HOLY SPIRIT FIRE and POWER) 🔥🔥💥 means to speak DIRECTLY with GOD HIMSELF : (spiritual MYSTERIES that FLESHLY NATURE CANNOT UNDERSTAND). That's ALSO important : 1) to know WHO WE ARE in the SPIRITUAL WORLD : (SPIRITUAL IDENTITY, GRADE, etc ...) 2) to increase our ANOINTING LEVEL 3) to PURIFY our lives, hearts, souls and spiritual identities with the BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. 4) to take the ARMOR OF GOD (Ephesians 6).
@kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 Says:
There is absolutely nothing mysterious about Biblical "tongues" – and there is only one type – when referring to something spoken, they are nothing more than real, rational language(s); usually, but not always, unknown to those listening to them, but always known by the speaker(s) – it’s their native language (in some cases, it is a language the speaker has learned). _Nowhere_ in the Bible is modern tongues-speech advocated or evidenced. ‘Tongues’ (read, *‘languages’* ) – the divine gift, is the God given ability to effortlessly learn to speak and be understood through real-language barriers. It is not xenoglossy, nor is it the self-created non-cognitive non-language utterance of modern tongues-speech. With respect to the phrases “divers kinds of tongues” and “diversities of tongues” (1 Cor. 12:10 and 28), one needs to look at what was actually written. First, in v. 10, there is no “various” or “different” here; the passage from the Greek is literally “to another, kinds of languages”. Verse 28 is more straightforward; “kinds of languages”. What is pertinent is that Paul renders ‘kinds’ with the word “genos”. It’s the same root as in our English ‘genus, genetics, genealogy’. It refers specifically to ‘kind(s)’ in the sense of belonging to a ‘family’, ‘race’, ‘people’. A more accurate understanding of “kinds of languages” would be “kinds of languages [belonging to a language family]”. A clear indication that real, rational languages are being referred to here. I highly doubt that the same conditions that caused language diversification here on earth, resulting in various language families, exists in a heavenly realm. In addition, if one were to assume for a moment ‘tongues’ as a spiritual language, why would there ever be a need for more than just one; yet every single speaker has their own. No two “tongues” will ever be the same.
@Cryptidswildfoodoutdoors Says:
Wonderful teaching as usual. I speak Swahili as a second language, and when my mother-in-law, who is Nigerian, visited us when our first child was born, she knelt down to pray and speak in tongues. I caught several Swahili words that made perfect sense in the context. She knows no Swahili. Also believe that 'diverse tongues' refers to different kinds of tongues for different ministry contexts.
@ChildofGod98765 Says:
Jesus hear my prayers. As a single mom I’m struggling to make ends meet. Lord give me strength to get through each day. Both of my sons are autistic and require much from me. I’m struggling. Struggling to buy groceries struggling to pay rent. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own heal my lupus and heart disease and continue to give me strength to keep going so I may watch my sons grow into men. ❤
@ojolof Says:
Yes, it's okay to start mechanically. But then the Holy Spirit kicks in and gives you utterance as you keep at it. The doubt is your mind, trying to rationalise the entire process. So, don't stop. God bless you.
@anthonycampo490 Says:
As I was trying to practice in praying in tongues I started doubting I was speaking anything then this video pops up. Praise God 🙏🙌

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