The Only Basis for Righteousness - Who Has Bewitched You? Part 2 B (2:2)
The Only Basis for Righteousness - Who Has Bewitched You? Part 2 B (2:2)



@vitallylubin5411 Says:
Wow… I just receive a whip of salvation.
@elizabethrajan1813 Says:
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah.
@LouisaWatt Says:
I understand exactly what he’s talking about. I was saved by the Holy Spirit from demonic infestation after I bought a Bible and it was 2020 at the time so not many churches were available. When I started mingling with other Christians I found a plethora of beliefs that directly contradicted the Bible I had been reading. It’s a minefield of doctrines of demons in the church and very few people to help navigate it. Do not lean on your own understanding when you try to work your way through it: depend on God’s Spirit for instruction.
@JoseSanchez0795 Says:
@davidicdynastyroyal-blood5883 Says:
Please do not trash John chapters 14 & 15 please. Don't please, please,
@NormaCzeremcha-hl5rh Says:
Let our Spirits combine with God Amen 🙏 We thank you Lord! We praise you Lord! We worship you Lord ! Everyone have a Blessed 🙌 day 🙏
@chucksmith4624 Says:
The Adventist's and their like are obsessed with the mission to bring all of Christianity and the entire world Under the *"ministration of DEATH and CONDEMNATION WRITTEN AND ENGRAVED IN STONES"* 2Cor. 3:7-9 and *the letter that "killeth"* (vs.6) of *the law engraved in the tablets of stone!* ( *2 Cor. 3:7* ), called the *"Ministration of DEATH"* , and the *"Ministration of condemnation"* VS 8-9 and use Christ's name to do it! 2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord IS THAT Spirit: and where the *Spirit of the Lord is, there is LIBERTY.* *Love is the fulfilling of the law, my friend. *The Apostle Paul condemns the Judaziers saying. Phil **3:18** *"For many walk, of whom I have TOLD YOU OFTEN, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the ENEMIES of the cross of Christ:"* Paul's Epistle to the Church of Rome: Romans 7:6 • *But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held* ; that we should serve in *newness of spirit, and NOT in the oldness of the letter.* Indeed, the 10 commandments are the ministration of DEATH and CONDEMNATION, WRITTEN & engraved in STONE. Once you get that, you will before forced to come to Christ for mercy and forgiveness. The very fact that 2Cor.3:6-9 calls *the 10 commandments the MINISTRATION OF DEATH AND CONDEMNATION WRITTEN & ENGRAVED IN STONE proves Col. **2:16** means the weekly Sabbath.* You all do the same thing with Eph. 2:15 and then say the 10 commandments are NOT A WITNESS against those who profess to keep them! But, you all will lie and deceive to do anything to keep your followers at the expense of going to hell in the process. *But, beware, if you return to the LAW OF THE ministration of death and condemnation, WRITTEN AND ENGRAVED IN STONE *there will be no more sacrifice for your sins, because you have done despite to the Spirit of Grace and trodden underfoot the blood of Christ by whom you were ONCE sanctified (Heb.10:28) Heb. 4:4 *For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, Heb. 4:5 have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, *Heb. 4:6: *If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.*
@jessyjonas4988 Says:
“Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”
@jessyjonas4988 Says:
Amen There are those who want to work for righteousness No can do😮
@ChildofGod98765 Says:
Amen needed this. It’s been a tough three years. But I gotten so much closer to Jesus because of it. As a single mom I’m struggling to make ends meet. Lord give me strength to get through each day. Both of my sons are autistic and require much from me. I’m struggling. Struggling to buy groceries struggling to pay rent. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own heal my lupus and heart disease and continue to give me strength to keep going so I may watch my sons grow into men.
@polycarpsmith1419 Says:
The Adventist's and their like are obsessed with the mission to bring all of Christianity and the entire world Under the *"ministration of DEATH and CONDEMNATION WRITTEN AND ENGRAVED IN STONES"* 2Cor. 3:7-9 and *the letter that "killeth"* (vs.6) of *the law engraved in the tablets of stone!* ( *2 Cor. 3:7* ), called the *"Ministration of DEATH"* , and the *"Ministration of condemnation"* VS 8-9 and use Christ's name to do it! 2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord IS THAT Spirit: and where the *Spirit of the Lord is, there is LIBERTY.* *Love is the fulfilling of the law, my friend. *The Apostle Paul condemns the Judaziers saying. Phil **3:18** *"For many walk, of whom I have TOLD YOU OFTEN, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the ENEMIES of the cross of Christ:"* Paul's Epistle to the Church of Rome: Romans 7:6 • *But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held* ; that we should serve in *newness of spirit, and NOT in the oldness of the letter.* Indeed, the 10 commandments are the ministration of DEATH and CONDEMNATION, WRITTEN & engraved in STONE. Once you get that, you will before forced to come to Christ for mercy and forgiveness. The very fact that 2Cor.3:6-9 calls *the 10 commandments the MINISTRATION OF DEATH AND CONDEMNATION WRITTEN & ENGRAVED IN STONE proves Col. **2:16** means the weekly Sabbath.* You all do the same thing with Eph. 2:15 and then say the 10 commandments are NOT A WITNESS against those who profess to keep them! But, you all will lie and deceive to do anything to keep your followers at the expense of going to hell in the process. *But, beware, if you return to the LAW OF THE ministration of death and condemnation, WRITTEN AND ENGRAVED IN STONE *there will be no more sacrifice for your sins, because you have done despite to the Spirit of Grace and trodden underfoot the blood of Christ by whom you were ONCE sanctified (Heb.10:28) Heb. 4:4 *For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, Heb. 4:5 have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, *Heb. 4:6: *If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.*
@ChildofGod632 Says:
Yes Praise God 🙏
@ruthsemotiuk532 Says:
Amen thank you. Derek Prince ministries for posting these important teachings. Bless everyone that works at the ministry. Praying for souls to be one in these last hours. Praise our Lord Jesus 🙏🏻
@ruthsemotiuk532 Says:
Amen thank you. Derek Prince ministries for posting these important teachings. Bless everyone that works at the ministry. Praying for souls to be one in these last hours. Praise our Lord Jesus 🙏🏻
@ginadavis3569 Says:
Truth, truth and more truth 🙏🏽
@miguelangellizardi9759 Says:
Un buen sábado tenga pastor gracias por sus videos la paz este con usted

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