The Only Basis for Full Salvation - Who Has Bewitched You? Part 1 A (1:1)
The Only Basis for Full Salvation - Who Has Bewitched You? Part 1 A (1:1)



@lornawalters137 Says:
Yes. I have a copy of God's Medicine Bottle.😊
@judymckee5992 Says:
God;s Word brings strength to your bones. Healthy bones every time I chew and eat God's Word
@MJT-o8f Says:
Please heavenly Father forgive me of my wrongs and help me with so many health issues I face now. My autoimmune disease got to my face and mouth so bad. I need you always. Thank you Lord for another day Amen 🙏 ❤️‍🔥
@Friends46488 Says:
Enjoyed this sermon.
@milsoberonrealtor6198 Says:
If we ever lose the site of the Cross and what was accomplished by Jesus we will be a lost nation.
@WarriorOfGod431 Says:
Thank you so much! All glory to God! ❤ God bless you whoever is uploading this recording from Derek Prince!
@utube0803 Says:
Thank You, God for providing this teaching on The Cross of Jesus Christ.
@angloaust1575 Says:
O foolish galatians who has bewitched thee Gal3v1.3
@John-FourteenSix Says:
Lord, Thank you for this message today, it has been a real blessing. Amen.
@ezeetlk Says:
Thank you so much 💖...could you pls direct or give a link to Part 2, I searched on your playlist and Part 2 is hidden and I'm so so thirsty 😊
@juanitamccarthy1112 Says:
hi, thank you so much for all the Derek Prince teachings. Really appreciate it. Pure truth from an unbelievable humble leader, brother + servant
@chingneetan6816 Says:
Amen. Beloved, stick to sound doctrine, and do not be deceived. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 King James Version (KJV) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. Matthew 24:11. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
@servantofthelord2101 Says:
Shalom everyone 🙏💯❤️ Col 2:11 EasyEnglish Also, because you are united to Christ, God has circumcised you. No human person used his hands to circumcise you. But God has circumcised you, in the way that Christ has made possible. He has made you free from the power of your old nature (the kind of people that you were before you became Christians). He has taken away your old nature, which could never make God happy. Col 2:12 EasyEnglish By baptism, God has buried you with Christ. And then he has raised you with Christ, so that you have become alive again with him. God raised you because you believe him. You believe that he is very powerful. And you believe that he raised Christ. He made him alive again after he had died. Verse 11 To ‘circumcise’ means to cut off the skin that covers the end of a boy’s or a man’s sex part. God had told Abraham that he must do this. (See Genesis 17:9-14.) They circumcised men and boys like this to show that Israel’s people were God’s people. It was like a picture, to show that they were separate from bad things. But Paul says that Christians have something better than a mark on their bodies. They are God’s people because Christ died for them (on their behalf). God has *circumcised them in their *spirits, not in their bodies. He has ‘cut off’ their old nature. Their *spirits are God’s. Because of Christ, we can really be separate from everything that is bad. Verse 12 Christian baptism is when they put a *believer into water. (Or sometimes they put water on a believer.) Baptism by water is very important. It is like a picture of what God does in our *spirits. Baptism means ‘to put a person or a thing completely into something else (for example, into water)’. When God ‘baptises’ us into Christ, he ‘puts us into’ Christ. He makes us completely united with Christ in our *spirits. So, in our *spirits, we die with Christ and then we rise again, to live with him. So we have a new nature, a new life, because of Christ. (See also Romans 6:1-4.) You can be completely free indeed from all sin family ❤️🙏 Jesus made it possible for us to be completely free indeed just as He said in John 8:36 Believe in what He said and go to God in humility and faith and submit yourself Completely to Him to do this in you this day. Amen Shalom everyone 🙏💯❤️
@NormaCzeremcha-hl5rh Says:
Jesus was punished so we can be forgiven 🙏 Thank you Lord ! Praise you Lord! Always ! Amen and Amen
@Tetelestai-cw8qy Says:
So many wonderful people in Jesus Christ's kingdom exist. Among them, Derek Prince has blessed me immeasurably with his teachings.
@billbaum6721 Says:
@rickkim7215 Says:
@sofiabasilasjvili8018 Says:
Amen 🙏🏼
@leadtrackere1476 Says:
To whomever runs this channel. Thank you.

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