The Importance of Marriage
The Importance of Marriage



@Andrewthestagehand Says:
I choose the wrong woman
@kenyadoll Says:
God you know how I feel inside. Thank you in advance
@AndyCopperfield Says:
Make sure women hear this message, they are the ones divorcing their husbands 70 - 80% of the time.
@41maldonado Says:
Lord give me what you know is your will and what I need and may I be what he needs.
@catherineelizabeth6817 Says:
I have literally seen God defend marriage when someone was crossing boundaries of emotional purity. Amazing! So glad to see this to solidify what happened. Praise God!
@maryongweso5634 Says:
I will marry in Jesus name
@healinghubwithPraiseMercy Says:
@suserainalgura3584 Says:
@dinodany Says:
Amen ❀❀❀
@drameojackman Says:
@tab207 Says:
I’m 44 & never been married. I went to Bible college & bought a ring for my gf at the time but it didn’t work out. I became neurotic about my failure & lived a prodigal lifestyle for two decades. I met a wonderful woman who wasn’t a believer & we got engaged. 3 weeks before the wedding she left me and since that time I’ve understood and accepted that the Lord has much refining to do in my life & needs to be first & that I need to be committed to Him but I often find myself overwhelmed with grief about my loneliness and my failure in never being married & missing out on having a family. I don’t understand why I have to be so alone. I became involved in a church for the first time in over twenty years but everyone has a family and I feel like such a weirdo being middle aged and alone that I stopped going. Struggling with this a lot.
@carolinenjema7225 Says:
@LivingInKerala Says:
If I had a Hindu Marriage before following and knowing Christ, does that mean my marriage is valid? My husband is not a Christan yet. Thank you.
@Celicalover Says:
Been Waiting for more than ten years and still waiting I have more and more doubts and uncertainties and so on if I will find a beautiful Christian woman here in France in the south east maybe there is no one for me I am sad and things and not sure how to find her
@bradwhitt6768 Says:
He doesn’t have one for me. He stuck those stupid desires there to torture me.
@duncanmac2195 Says:
When Moses introduced his wife to God, God said "You have choosen well." He didnt say I have choosen well for you. Because of free will God doesnt pick for you. He doesnt send you the perfect wife and give you mystical signs. What we have now is people who prefer being single, people who cant afford marriage, yet alone divorce(High in the Church) or a bunch of people who are too picky for what they offer.
@Lalalauren1117 Says:
"What God has joined together, let no man separate."
@theskyizblue2day431 Says:
I don’t think God appoints anyone a mate. It’s not found in scripture, except for Adam. This is not scripture. This is new age nonsense. β€œSoulmate” is not biblical.
@darlateegarden7595 Says:
I've been faithful to the Lord while waiting for him to bring me to the mate he has for me, I want marriage!
@username25256 Says:
Which two marriages is he talking about?
@truthspreader1996 Says:
One of the challenges as a believer is to live in a world that values and celebrates sexual immorality but to do that while maintaining your heart and your affections for Christ, rather than allowing your heart to be governed by the sinful sexual passions that much of the world prizes and lives with.
@rachelp.2440 Says:
@mariahiebert792 Says:
I was blind and fell in love with a man that was sent by satan to destroy my destiny, 8 years and 3 children later we were still not married i repented and God has set me free from that relationship and I'm starting a new journey with my kids, what he says in this video i truly believe it and if it's God's plan for me i will find the right man who loves and honors God with all his heart ❀️
@marksargent2440 Says:
I was married just short of 23 years next month it would have been our wedding anniversary God put us together the funny thing is i tought she wasn't my type . she tought i wasn't her type ? she got home after her first date and said God i never want to see that man again. but in her hall way God told her thats the man your going to marry 😊 we went out with each other for 6 months then tied the knot . when your saying them vows your so excited😊 that if you really tought about what your saying to each other ? your gonna love each other no matter what life trows at you in sickness and health to death do you part and when one of you gets sick or you both do theres lots of re ajusting of your priorities. and asking God to give you his strength and Grace and love to care for each other because sometimes life sucks and your not in control of them slipping away due to illness Sadly my wife passed away last year she wanted to see jesus . so i had to hand her back to him until we meet again at least shes now pain free and safe in his arms once again ❀ but it doesn't make it any less painful losing a love one but at least shes at peace if i could do it all over again would i still have tied the knot yes because God blessed me with someone i was proud to call my wife
@peterkimani3364 Says:
Halleluja to the Lamb of God
@juliberk Says:
I pray I never get married πŸ™πŸΎ
@davidolufemipopoola2182 Says:
this sounds AI-generated!
@georginaamponsah9161 Says:
My human husband is coming to be in the name of Jesus Christ
@Woodsman_797 Says:
If God wanted me to be married, He would have helped me find a wife. He's never helped. Not that there are any virgin women to marry in 2024.
@GreatWhiteStud Says:
Single never married. I hope God gives me God fearing God believing woman..
@barbwireb7779 Says:
I don’t know how long I have to wait but meantime I’m dating and have sex. Cause I’m not waiting around. I do want my husband to be pure but I don’t want to be pure. Woman don’t have to be pure
@alcheneler1245 Says:
I prayed Jesus would reveal her to me and I wouldn’t have to look back at life having missed her I needed discernment Continuing in prayer, Jesus revealed her to me 44 years later and I begin and end each day thanking Jesus for her
@hugmc Says:
All I ever wanted too was too be happy married I failed in that one and ended up divorced any other relationship after that too failed sadly ❀
@richellepeace4457 Says:
Not if you've already been married...
@followingjc1859 Says:
Agape love should be at the center of all Christian marriages. Christ is the driver, Agape love is the main attribute of the relationship. 1 Corinthians chapter 13
@followingjc1859 Says:
6 But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. 7 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 8 and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate. Mark 10:6-9 ✝️β™₯️
@sureshsunar8887 Says:
Amen ❀
@amandaalexander9501 Says:
Love this❀
@mikes5079 Says:
*QUESTION:* HOW _exactly_ do the two become one flesh❓ It seems to me it's speaking of the two having children. No❓
@mikes5079 Says:
*QUESTION:* Does Deut 22:28-29 allow for premarital sex so long as the two marry❓ Sure sounds like it. I know the first reaction is to say no. But, within the context when sex was sinful (rape), the law says the guilty must be punished for sin by stoning to death. However, here they are to marry (no punishment by stoning). So, after they marry, there is no penalty... all is fine, TRUE❓ Kinda hard not getting painted into a corner with this one. ALSO, Did Jacob commit adultery when marrying his 2nd wife, Rachel❓ If no, Why Not❓
@zinhle1627 Says:
so good
@Emon22Brishty Says:
Praise God ❀
@mrjim1973 Says:
Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.
@johnz4328 Says:
It’s no easy thing to be a Christian with a strong desire for marriage but never find another Christian for marriage, many believers are finding themselves in that situation and any suffering or problems it causes are to be dismissed and not spoken about.
@fetemyth5844 Says:
We must be patience.
@angloaust1575 Says:
People join themselves together God has provided The means to be attracted The choice is theirs Ungodly couples marry Without seeking God
@cornyconnie. Says:
Jesus Christ has ONE bride. ONE woman who will marry Him, ONE man. NOT the "church". The church are the GUESTS to His wedding supper! ❀
@gailbingham3057 Says:
It’s hard for me to listen to messages with racist imagery. I notice most videos here have white ppl but you found black images to show a fallen marriage. This is why β€œthe blacks”are mistreated everywhere in the world. Racial conditioning. I’ve heard Derek Prince talk about β€œthe blacks” & other fallen races but have not heard about the fallenness of β€œthe whites” & the terrible things done to ppl of color. But Jesus is the judge.
@ImYourBoogieManThatsWhoiAm Says:
Wish everyone the best in the new year ❀❀
@margaretpetersen9275 Says:
Gods going to have to heal me first😒

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