Requirements for Apostolic Teams - Apostolic Teams Part 2 A (2:1)
Requirements for Apostolic Teams - Apostolic Teams Part 2 A (2:1)



@SiegelBantuBear Says:
@kohatututai01 Says:
Much needed ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
@chingneetan6816 Says:
โ€œLord, help me to be careful.โ€ โ€ฆGod fearing Spirit led. ๐Ÿ™
@chingneetan6816 Says:
Praise the Lord. โค
@chingneetan6816 Says:
Praise the LORD. โค๏ธ
@cynthiasummers-wc9hn Says:
I am so gratefulfor this ministry and instruction! All Glory to God!!!
@randyhanson8413 Says:
@a2j.holyloveaffairreyna757 Says:
@haggai3.477 Says:
*VISION* is the ability to *SEE* what is Being *SAID* *PRODUCTION* is the *BIRTHING OF THE VISION* 17A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18A good tree canโ€™t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree canโ€™t produce good fruit. 19So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. 20Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions. MATTHEW 7: 17-20 NLT *THOUGHTS* are *SPIRITUAL CONVERSATIONS* *WORDS* are the *WINDOW* through which *THOUGHTS* become *ACTIONS* *ACTIONS* are *MANIFESTED MOTIVES* 23Jesus continued, โ€œYou are from below; I am from above. You belong to this world; I do not. 24That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I Am who I claim to be,e you will die in your sins.โ€ 25โ€œWho are you?โ€ they demanded. Jesus replied, โ€œThe one I have always claimed to be.f 26I have much to say about you and much to condemn, but I wonโ€™t. For I say only what I have heard from the one who sent me, and he is completely truthful.โ€ 27But they still didnโ€™t understand that he was talking about his Father. 28So Jesus said, โ€œWhen you have lifted up the Son of Man on the cross, then you will understand that I Am he.g I do nothing on my own but say only what the Father taught me. 29And the one who sent me is with meโ€”he has not deserted me. For I always do what pleases him.โ€ 30Then many who heard him say these things believed in him. JOHN 8: 23-30 NLT. *VISION* + *BELIEF* = *CONCEPTUALIZATION* *CONCEPTUALIZATION* is being *PREGNANT WITH PURPOSE* *PURPOSE* is the *PRODUCT* that a Person's *PRESENCE PRODUCES IN A SPECIFIC SITUATION OR ENVIRONMENT* *PRESENCE* is the *FRAGRANCE OF THE INNER SPIRIT BEING* *PRESENCE* is the *SPIRITUAL FREQUENCY THAT ONE EMITS* 11Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. 12Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. 13Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. 14Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, O God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness. 15O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. 16For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. 17The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. PSALM 51: 11-17 ESV *BELIEF* is *AGREEMENT* *AGREEMENT* is the *FRUIT OF WILLINGNESS* *AGREEMENT* occurs when *TWO WILLS CONNECT* One's *WILL* is the *KEY TO THE DOOR OF THE SOUL* One's *WILL* is the *POWER TO OVERCOME/ CONQUER AN OBSTACLE OR AN ENEMY* 25Jesus told her, โ€œI am the resurrection and the life.e Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. 26Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?โ€ 27โ€œYes, Lord,โ€ she told him. โ€œI have always believed you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who has come into the world from God.โ€ 28Then she returned to Mary. She called Mary aside from the mourners and told her, โ€œThe Teacher is here and wants to see you.โ€ 29So Mary immediately went to him. 30Jesus had stayed outside the village, at the place where Martha met him. 31When the people who were at the house consoling Mary saw her leave so hastily, they assumed she was going to Lazarusโ€™s grave to weep. So they followed her there. 32When Mary arrived and saw Jesus, she fell at his feet and said, โ€œLord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.โ€ 33When Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her, a deep anger welled up within him,f and he was deeply troubled. 34โ€œWhere have you put him?โ€ he asked them. They told him, โ€œLord, come and see.โ€ 35Then Jesus wept. 36The people who were standing nearby said, โ€œSee how much he loved him!โ€ 37But some said, โ€œThis man healed a blind man. Couldnโ€™t he have kept Lazarus from dying?โ€ 38Jesus was still angry as he arrived at the tomb, a cave with a stone rolled across its entrance. 39โ€œRoll the stone aside,โ€ Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead manโ€™s sister, protested, โ€œLord, he has been dead for four days. The smell will be terrible.โ€ 40Jesus responded, โ€œDidnโ€™t I tell you that you would see Godโ€™s glory if you believe?โ€ 41So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, โ€œFather, thank you for hearing me. 42You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.โ€ 43Then Jesus shouted, โ€œLazarus, come out!โ€ 44And the dead man came out, his hands and feet bound in graveclothes, his face wrapped in a headcloth. Jesus told them, โ€œUnwrap him and let him go!โ€ JOHN 11: 25-44 NLT.
@S.O.N.N.I.E_G.E.O.R.G.E Says:
Amen ๐Ÿ™
@ChurchinnameofJESUSCHRIST Says:
Bless all family

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