Identifying Spirits inside your Character
Identifying Spirits inside your Character



@CandiceGuo72 Says:
I wish I had a chance to watch this clip earlier in my life. I am a Christian for past 30+ years, but I was always in rage, anger, loosing my mind, it turns worsen when comes to parenting my son. This devil spirits are now in my son also. I pray that whoever see this message, please pray for my son and me. I know Jesus Christ has died for us and His precious blood can kick away the spirit of anger in us and rinses our sins. In Jesus name, Amen
@Godsnotdead30 Says:
Ok so what do we do though
@christineMaccallum-uo3qx Says:
@christineMaccallum-uo3qx Says:
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah is the highest I praise 3 I
@tinkerella007 Says:
What’s this full sermon called?
@sereneanna4040 Says:
Amen "Resist the devil n he will flee fr u." 🛐🛐🛐🔑🔑🌄🕊🕊🕊💕😊
@richellepeace4457 Says:
Religious abuse does worse...
@1961UK Says:
What a load of unbiblical trash
@AnkitantonyJose Says:
I am from India, & l am a catholic, l committed many horrible sins, l think l have many demons & evil spirits inside me or influencing controlling me, & it passed into my son, l really need help, want to cast out these things out of our life get rid of those evil demons from me & my son too, please need your help & prayers for us, my name is kamala Jose Antony My son Ankit Jose Antony, he is now 25
@steveudosen-ou3ol Says:
When you submit to God at all times, it will keep you in check against any form of manipulation. Pst Comfort
@satchidaanandavigraha Says:
ॐ नमः साईं प्रेममूर्तये प्रेमस्वरूपः शिवाय गणेशाय विष्णवे प्रभविष्णवे यमाय प्रेताधिपतये सवाहनपरिवाराय धर्माय कश्यपाय त्रयोदश मासाः सन्ति तस्मात् कारणात् तेषां तु संस्कृतभाषायाः ब्राह्मणः द्रोणः सूतपुत्रस्तथासौ च ॐ
@eveadams4500 Says:
Music is too loud and distracting
@TAdler-ex8px Says:
Derrick Prince gives the explanation for reality that we all see but don’t understand. I can’t see the wind but I can see the way it moves the trees, so I know it’s there and what direction it comes from. Jesus cleanses each temple and make it a house of prayer.
@corinacopping8933 Says:
Deliverance it’s very important for the body of Christ, but sadly many churches strongly oppose and ignore this important topic and the church suffers terribly because of it.
@GladysRWhite Says:
Would you please upload the full teaching? Very valuable information!
@SamHandLe008 Says:
Is there the same recording (the full version) without the background music? It is quite distracting.
@chandrabyjoo6953 Says:
....gangs. ....the spirit returns to find the place clean. He goes out to find more and returns to dwell there...
@TonyShumway-ke7ik Says:
Proverbs 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. Matthew Chapter 7 26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. 2 Peter 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. All other ground is sinking sand On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.
@TonyShumway-ke7ik Says:
Malachi 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Its no wonder why Paul told us to put on the whole armour of God Himself in Ephesians chapter 6 only with that armour can we beat back the temptations and snares of Satan himself of course what is written in Proverbs speaks the truth of Malachi 3:9 its like being cursed with a curse to have these things broken down hence why we are called to be doers of the word and not hearers only.
@TonyShumway-ke7ik Says:
✟ But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
@TonyShumway-ke7ik Says:
Luke 23:17 (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.) Luke 23:17 is my next favorite verse today amen to it and the words spoken in it.
@catycika4856 Says:
Is there a full video ?
@maggymostert2426 Says:
Lord have mercy on us!❤
@r.7179 Says:
@dannaaaaa344 Says:
I once felt like I was having certain dreams because of my spouse, so after we had combine in one flesh one night, I prayed that god revealed to me in a dream his struggles and reveal his true character. I did have a revealing dream. But ever since that dream I’ve been anger and dealing with just bad thought because of the dream and my heart is starting to harden to my spouse and hate is manifesting, I’m starting to think the devil gave me that dream because he want me to believe me and my spouse is suppose to split , he knows my age can’t get to me through my spouse
@corijpacimeo Says:
Can you please in Jesus name pray for deliverance from meth addiction, earthly addiction to flee, my current health issues to flee in Jesus name
@im90skid Says:
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ❤ Thank you Dered Prince❤
@zt6309 Says:
@jeffnbarbiemiller Says:
Yes, i had a horrible demon and i had judged him before coming to the lord in other people. Not realizing that i held hands with the same one. I commited the same crimes i had judged, satan has tried and succeeded many, many, many times to get me to hate myself. Demons are real and they will do everything in their power to take all power from you in our Lord... I rebuke all evil spirits over my life and ask that the Lord judge and hold all of my enemies accountable for their actions. Teach them Lord to love and to search for you father so that they also may know your name ❤
@ShekinaS Says:
What is the name of the full version?
@revelationakagoldeneagle8045 Says:
✝️🛐✝️ 🪶 ✨
@eyesonyou8296 Says:
Its thru sir Derek Prince that God gave me His gift of tongue. Thank u sir for allowing yourself to be a bridge of God’s works. Pray for us, am sure ur with the Lord Almighty by this time. Please keep praying for us and conversion of the world🙏❤️
@rushgush Says:
demons can’t be everywhere, and are incredibly rare to even encounter one in a house. even satan himself, can only be in one place at a time. this guy is giving demons a little too much credit.
@7mikeraj Says:
Buy XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, and IOTA for long term (5-15 years hold)crypto. Seed money, best Shiba inu (sell by .10cents, and reinvest half or more, and sell by $13, can reach $50), Volt inu (sell by $1.0), BnbTiger (sell by $2) crazy good seed money. The rest are Bnb Lion, Bnb tiger baby, and White tiger moon. Buy gold, silver, copper and other precious metals. Buy stocks (metals, logs, real-estate, new energy, oil, and high-tech, pharmacy) with high dividends, and hold foreign bonds. Israeli, Philippines, and Iraqi are very prophetic. Be wise, diversify, and prepare for yourself. Keep crypto in a hardware wallet, make corporations, LLC, Trusts, and foundations. Be safe, don’t reveal anything to anyone, let your family know. Metal Reservation! Give and feed the poor. Take care of children. There will be many homeless and family less children. Amen! God bless. Please share this! This is prophetic!
@minervabernal4879 Says:
@catharineshow7512 Says:
@heisenberg6921 Says:
@hadassahegbd Says:
Does anyone know the full message?🙏🏾
@johnhiggins1127 Says:
@willowwobble Says:
Good but spoiled by annoying emotional music competing with the spoken word.
@thejazhazosuohu2407 Says:
Thank you 🙏🏻 Amen
@SurprisedBluebonnetFlowe-cc8fr Says:
2024 Great Sermon by Pastor Prince, 🙏🇬🇧
@Miguelchristfollower Says:
Wow. just after watching this video. I got it attacked. After examining what had happened, I noticed that I had connection with other recent attacks. Thank you Jesus Christ for this wisdom.
@britb90 Says:
where can i find the full sermon on this topic?
@magsie8839 Says:
These are great messages that don't need to be accompanied by distracting music for a 'dramatic' touch. It's difficult to listen to if unwell and puts people off.
@howdydoodey3872 Says:
Scaremonger ! What an embarrassing attack on people with soft brains. SHAME ON YOU
@slim-oneslim8014 Says:
The "Flee from you" about the devil is right but we never hear how he keeps returning.
@lindacarol9484 Says:
Powerful teaching!
@kelpokonsultti Says:
I don’t want to commit suicide but I don’t really like to be alive. I would just like that God would take me into heaven with Him. I feel like I’m incapable of even doing the smallest tasks. My social life has crumbled this past year and I don’t really want to see people at my congrecation youth groups. I mainly get my ”joy” or rather instant gratification from video games and stuff like that. I have failed God to that extent which I don’t even feel like trying anymore. I don’t know if I can call myself a follower of Jesus, because I’m so lost. Yes I believe in God and Bible, the fact that Jesus died for my sins but I feel like the flame has went out. I have no burning passion for Jesus. At this point I would appreciate prayer or help of some kind, maybe even your own experiences with these things.
@OliveWeitzel Says:
Folks, read and study your bible 24/7! The Spirit of G'D will reveal the TRUTH to you: Romans chapter 8 vers 1 and Romans chapter 8 vers 34.

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