We do not belong to this world
We do not belong to this world



@JLR577 Says:
@leonfouche3043 Says:
@ruthannjohn8353 Says:
@mosesjr374 Says:
This Was Good Teaching !!!
@slimnaz00 Says:
Amen 🙏 no Christian should be hopeless
@artistocracy Says:
🙏 Amen.
@josephbrooks7590 Says:
@taiphan7225 Says:
@Alert4adonai2ascendsoon Says:
A m e n finalllly someone that went onward fighting for us allll still here on this plane helping us to realize we r just passing thru yessssss
@NormanChester882 Says:
What does Derek Prince say about fallen angels , are they demons?are they the ones throwed out with Satan? Or the ones that had sex with the daughters of men?
@barbstenkorang3194 Says:
@Trismhmm Says:
Truth is love. Pain and suffering leads us to purity. Awareness is developed to mitigate emotional peace. What if Jesus came to you and told you that the occult natures would transform and adapt over the years in a way that would challenge your individual faith. Would you believe him? It is the current symbolic axiom that we currently live in. God is the True Word of Holy Action in Triune. The relationship of the Father/son, Mother/daughter and The Holy Spirit takes us from, Yeshua and YHWH, to Adonai and The Heavens. We seal those realms with the presence of the Amenediel across the horizontal equator of our environments. Amen
@dawnemile7499 Says:
Saying that Jesus is God when God's name is Jehovah is a great blasphemy.
@1NOIAM Says:
Thank You God Almighty for HOPE IN JESUS ✝️🛐💜
@waneng6527 Says:
Amen! Jesus is God! We have salvation through Him; and yes we are living for Him and His second coming! 🙏❤️
@jofipps376 Says:
Wow! “The outlook is dark, the uplook is BRIGHT!” I can always count on Pastor Prince to say something totally “awesome and peculiar!” I wish I could have met that precious man of God! Oh! But hey! I will soon, very soon! Think of all the wonderfully peculiar people we’ll get to meet in Heaven! We won’t be peculiar anymore; we’ll all be likeminded God pleasers. Now that’s just gonna be a sweet place to be! Praise God! Hallelujah! All Glory and Honor be to our Father and the name above all names Jesus Christ! Sweet Jesus! The sweetest name I know! We’re almost there Family! Put a smile on your face just thinking about it! I just know, for sure, Jesus knows He’s coming soon AND He has a big beautiful smile on His face! Have a beautiful “uplook” day! Take care and God bless!🙏🤗❤️
@lyngruen8607 Says:
There is only one that SAVES.... Jesus Christ ☝️ I eagerly await HIS RETURN 🙌 ☝️ 🙌 HALLELUJAH 🙌 MARANATHA Texas Nana Psalm 91
@jakobjiannuzzi6871 Says:
GLORY2JESUS brother alas, Jesus come. Blessings beloveds loveYahs ❤
@sonliving Says:
The rapture is the only prophecy believers have in scripture! In the meantime Christ is in the believer, as their only life.
@S.O.N.N.I.E_G.E.O.R.G.E Says:
@JalenBrown7 Says:
@OlgaMariaCarmenForsythSanchez Says:
🙏 Amen!. 🙏 Thank You Jesus 🙏.
@ChildofGod98765 Says:
Faith is truly the only armor against the enemy. As a single mom things are hard on me both of my sons are autistic and I’m constantly struggling to provide the basic necessities for them especially now that I’m homeschooling them my hours to work are limited. But I KEEP FAITH IN JESUS! People have put me down over my situation but God lifts me up! I suffered an heart attack two years ago and I’m battling lupus my health isn’t the best. Yet God gives me strength. I will keep faith as I constantly struggle to pay bills and I constantly struggle to buy groceries for my children not knowing if I can pay my rent keeps me up at night. The devil wants me to give up. I will not! God Gives His Hardest Battles To His Strongest Soldiers. Jesus is King and I will serve him no matter my struggles.
@noble604 Says:
“No Christian should be hopeless.”
@trevorbates8972 Says:
When we, ourselves, as individuals, read the words of our Deity, being Jesus Christ, and Almighty God, we read over and over again that there is a higher science attached to this universe which few Earthlings are aware of but we can participate in that science through righteousness. Here is how it works...the universe is engineered by electromagnetic forces...some useful, but many harmful. Almighty God is God because He, and He alone is the owner and master of the refined forces of those wild electromagnetic forces and resurrection, repair, and everlasting life are made manifest if we cling to our Deities righteous 'word'. The alternative is grim because Wormwood is a rogue electromagnetic force that obeys only our Deity.
@crmier3227 Says:
«For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. » Titus 2:11-14 🙏🏻
@sarahakbar4404 Says:
@love100057 Says:
Anticipating the Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Hallelujah 🤚💞!
@franciskabiawu Says:
Full Sermon and Title please
@franciskabiawu Says:
Amen 🙏🏽
@Jeah1911 Says:
Where can I see the full sermon? Thank you!
@davidjoel4428 Says:
Full sermon? name
@carlav2519 Says:
Amén! ❤🙏❤️

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