Leadership in the Adventist Church: The Role of Pastor Ted Wilson
Leadership in the Adventist Church: The Role of Pastor Ted Wilson



@Alan-kh4oy Says:
Now i know this is a true church none other than the sda thanks God help me found His folk
@MarigoldKingston Says:
If i could have a break to say one important thing it would be this: Is it possible organize a way so as to have sermons on "Prayer," 2Chronicles 7:14, on "Love," 1Corinthians13:4-13, also "Health," 3 John 2; John 10:10; 1Corinthians 10:31, as well many others eg Romans 12: 1,2 along w examples of d children of Israel who were not willing to comply n perished due 2 lusting after unhealthy food. There is nothing in this world more important than good health, as its d real way 2 peace n happiness or in other words "it is wealth," or treasure which cannot be found in any other situation, believe it or not. We may have stuff but if health is lacking its useless. ❤
@garikayiwamambo Says:
Oh i recall Moses being spited by the majority of Israelites due malicious influence of the minority on Satan's side. Wilson is NOT Moses and has his personal flaws BUT GOD is using him. God owns the church(SDA) and is ALWAYS in control. I pray God bless Ted Wilson both as a person and as the SDA president. Finally may God bless all critics as He blesses His church.
@vincentsimuzoshya7013 Says:
This was so some time back,but as things are right now,the system is hierarchical not different from Catholicism.
@aubreydelosreyes9360 Says:
Pastor Ted Wilson, i am humbly inspired of your articulated insights. I praised our dear Lord Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit is upon thee. Truly we have one LORD God, One Saviour Jesus Christ and one Holy Spirit of God. This is His Church and thus, He hath known what is best for it. We are so privileged enough that our dear Lord Jesus Christ has allowed us to be partaker of His mission while still there's an opportunity that He also provided for us. We are on the victorious side, let's press on for God's glory. Praise His Holy mighty powerful name. 🙂
@claytonnelson7863 Says:
Beautiful presentation
@claytonnelson7863 Says:
@shaunthompson1844 Says:
What a LOAD of waffle. The potent relevant questions were not asked🙄🙄🙄🙄
@ruth4997 Says:
The Präsident should resign urgently!!
@lvdvc Says:
Elder Ted, thank you for your leadership of this church. I thank God for giving you the guidance, strength, and wisdom, for the sacred and spiritual responsibility of your humble position as GC President. May God continue to guide you and Nancy, and bless you with a healthy life🙏🇺🇸👍🇵🇭
@mysticomono777 Says:
To God be the Glory. He sees through the invisible with an eye of faith, and in prayers, and he represents the church and the Lord, so he prays all advents and our advent, should represent the world. I like the number 265 of our hymnal.
@Donna.bent876 Says:
Ted Wilson take part in the climate agenda wickedness which will leads to national Sunday laws
@Donna.bent876 Says:
Ted Wilson is no longer get an sda
@vickeluslweendo1074 Says:
I believe at the helm of all these structural departments the general conference ( GC)or body of Christ (SDA church) we have a president who is the overseer of the entire world wide organization, now if matters can not be solved promptly at the helm of the structure (s) what is the purpose then of having the so called structure (s) which have no power to solve matters and facilitate the progress of the work?
@thompsonngwenya2521 Says:
Well explained Amen.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@awesomeperu3977 Says:
What is the purpose of this? Oh ... a positive PR spin for the president.
@beverlymiller7523 Says:
Isaiah 56:9 His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Praise God for Present truth Preachers, they are the watch man on the walls of Zion
@beverlymiller7523 Says:
I believe the SDA churches start to go down in apostasy when Mr Wilson didn't declare that woman's ordination was not biblical, that where the division of the SDA church started, "(Quit you like men)"
@beverlymiller7523 Says:
Even you Mr Wilson, is in open apostasy with the man of sin,
@beverlymiller7523 Says:
With all these presidents and vice presidents, none have spiritual eyesight to see how these leaders across the globe is leading the church in apostasy, we need true revival and reformation and to include lifestyle habits, dress reform and diet reform, leaders, wake up a d stand in your place.
@theresaanglin5600 Says:
Amen pastor Jesus is the Head
@whinene Says:
Pastor Ted Wilson, I appreciate everything I have heard you say. I know God is leading in the ministry He has called you to. I know disrespect makes your ministry difficult. There is such a spirit a Satan among many who believe they could do better. That is still the spirit that Satan manifested in heaven, constantly undermining the character of God, for his own advancement.
@wareakarayo4078 Says:
Pastor President Ted Wilson thank you for your sharing. This helps the church understand exactly what's happening so that they can be patient with the church leadership. Also this helps others apart from the Seventh day Adventist church to understand the administration of the church and also the task of the office. God will continue to keep you strong in Him. Be rooted in the Word of God always. God bless
@ApolinarioMaraon Says:
@shereeozaeta4532 Says:
@jabumhlongo8594 Says:
Thanks for the wonderful insights from this Servant of God. To God be the glory.
@lingchristine6413 Says:
Really appreciate... Amen ❤Thank you, Pr Ted Wilson🙏🙏
@eduardogutierrez7758 Says:
“I have been shown that the people at large do not know that the heart of the work is being diseased and corrupted at Battle Creek.”[General Conference] Lt 81, 1896, par. 32 I have the opinion that today we are worse than in 1896.
@mauricerose3082 Says:
"And be not Conformed to this World: but be ye Transformed by the renewing of your Mind, that ye may Prove what is that Good, and Acceptable, and Perfect, Will of GOD." Romans 12:2 KJB
@vernabrown7039 Says:
Why you don't preach about the papacy? and is that thing in the pipe line now?
@vernabrown7039 Says:
What ore you doing there if you can't and let your job ,who vote you in for three turns ,what about the people's we don't have any talk , you think you are Jesus but He is looking down, (God)
@alvinf6981 Says:
This helped me understand why you vote by consensus. I was taught in school that consensus voting was anti-democratic and accordingly wondered why the church tended to vote that way. I think I agree with it more now.
@evloragordon6973 Says:
Amen 🙏
@NURUNATHOO-sf4fm Says:
@fredsimmons2793 Says:
The SDA church in Africa recently supported a law making homosexuality a crime,punishable by law.Homosexuality is is sin , UT not a crime and the SDA church leadership at a minimum should make this perfectly clear and to support such a law as a christain would be wrong.Pastor Ted Wilson and leadership knows fully well the ramifications of these action and have made a decisive decision to remain silent.ADVENTISTS have a strong track record on remaining silent as demonstrated in Hitlers Germany and Apartied africa,and other situations.This silence demonstrates support for these laws and actions.
@jordandegraaff Says:
Really appreciated the in depth look at the ministry of the GC President. Praying for all of you at the GC and in leadership. I also appreciated the back story for how we got the “Back to the Altar” initiative. I would like to hear more about how it got started and how it’s helping families to spend time together in family worship. Blessings!

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