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@shadowm2k7 Says:
Its true, young people go with what is popular 'cause they don't want to be seen as weird or excluded. Everyone wants to fit in while pretending to stand out. Christ actually sets you apart in ways that is not seen as "cool" in the eyes of youth culture.
@avi8r66 Says:
When someone questions their beliefs, whether religious or otherwise, if they are sincerely / honestly questioning, and they have a good epistemology and ontology (they rely on valid evidence, and they seek all the valid evidence relevant to their query, and they can intellecturally process that correctly), they will end up where the available evidence leads them.
Where religion is concerned though it will be an emotional question, not an objective question, because religion has no valid evidence supporting it. Only emotional and societal pressure. And it's built into the code of most religions that you have to believe despite a lack of evidence, don't test it, don't question it, just believe it. That should be a sign to most that it is a scam, since those are the signs of a scam typically, but because of the emotional and societal pressures it gets a pass.
@daviddavid7667 Says:
It's the culture, America
@derycktrahair8108 Says:
When was the last time these guys took care of a poor person or stood up against injustice?
@artisticmike Says:
Most people are only concerned with popularity and not with the truth.
@wonderlife62 Says:
The Christian religion is really struggling to stay relevant as its losing its grasp on peoples mind…yah people!
@ChipArgyle Says:
And when you go into it questioning the very existence of a particular deity, yeah, the exit is ultimately one of quiet disappointment.
@davidvernon3119 Says:
I wasn’t young when i deconstructed. I was 45. I wasn’t breathing some imaginary “social air”. I did it alone, in a cabin in the woods, with no tv, radio or internet for a period of almost six months. Deconstruction is not a social contagion. All i did was read the Bible critically. Just read the Bible without the presupposition that it was true.
And i have to tell you… being free from the evil god of the Christian’s is beautiful.
@davidlenett8808 Says:
They're not angry at God and they're not looking for a way out,... they're realizing the evidence (or lack thereof) does not warrant belief in the proposition and this is most often a painful and unwelcome revelation.
@The-F.R.E.E.-J. Says:
Yes, the culture is a self-affirming echo chamber, it's a trap, most are not even aware it has captured them.
@vittoriacolona Says:
I don't think I ever had a doubt about my faith. I saw God show up in my life (and in the lives of others) too much to go down that road. There was a time I wanted to walk away from Christianity due to the people. But THS showed me that Christianity is about allowing God to change you and make you a new person. Not the behaviour of other people.
@timg7627 Says:
Faith is the exact opposite of reason, logic and common sense. It’s difficult to watch so many be afflicted with this mental condition known as belief
@Andrew_O Says:
"He's not following his heart, he's following whatever the culture is telling him to do". Ah yes, the "you don't own your own thoughts" line again. What should we expect from those who exalt Psalm 14:1? Thanks for the gas-lighting! The joy of pretending to know that which you can't know...
@the_alchemy_method Says:
Morals- God given but society shaped
@ntkmw8058 Says:
Ik it’s outta place in this video but yall need to hear the gospel, it’s the good news of God. First i gotta give the bad news so you can see why the good news is so good: Hell is real, and SADLY no one deserves not to go there. Sin to you might not seem so bad, but in God’s clear sight it’s abhorrent. So just committing 1 sin is deserving of hell. And it’s no secret that everyone has committed sin. When we have a guilty conscience, that bears witness to the fact we have sinned.
BUT God didn’t make us just to send us to hell. He wanted to us to experience love and and the whole range with him. But sin is a barrier. So to get rid of that barrier, he sent his Son Jesus Christ to live the
*perfect life* 1
we couldn’t and
*pay for all of our sins* 2
And then Jesus Christ
*rose from death to justify* 3
us in God (the Father)’s sight.
Keep in mind the words that were starred & numbered
If we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (even if it’s just for a split second of our life), we are saved from hell. Because to believe in something means to have the entire substance of that thing, imputed or given to you. In other words, faith contains the substance of the object(what it’s on). Stocks or shares are a great example of this
You are saved by believing on Jesus Christ because those *starred things* that I just mentioned, are all imputed(given) to you. Plus much more than that.
So here’s this prayer:
“Lord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner deserving of hell. So I trust on you alone to save me from hell because you are savior. I believe you died for all of my sins, past, present, and future. And I believe you rose again for my justification.” Amen
@OC3707 Says:
Please stop using the word deconstruction. Simply say what you mean in words that people will recognize. Most people will have no clue what you mean when you say deconstruction.
@jasonkeller4929 Says:
I believe EXACTLY what the Bible says. It’s not my fault the church twists it all around to say the WRONG thing. The church should read proverbs. Those who set traps fall into their own traps.
@jasonkeller4929 Says:
What causes doubts tho? I mean why would anyone want to believe there’s no God? I mean all a person has to do is read the Bible to see God is ACTUALLY offering freedom REAL freedom
@rolandwatts3218 Says:
//"His feelings are being informed by the culture, not by the truth."//
What silly stuff.
Christianity itself is a culture, with many different sub-cultures and which makes many different claims to the truth.
Besides, just how honestly can many Christians doubt when, at the basis of their beliefs is a very deep seated fear of upsetting God by doubting him, and thus risking eternal conscious torment in hell?
And why are Christians so anxious to claim the truth exclusively for themselves, when we continually see them failing in the truth stakes themselves?
@Kenpachi_White707 Says:
Doubting "faith" is when you actually care about truth.
@oliverbodnar Says:
If you're angry at GOD, there's your first red flag. You're not angry at GOD, you're angry at yourself for not doing something you should be doing or you're angry because you did something you shouldn't have done.
You're one of those people that likes to point fingers at everyone else rather than tell yourself the truth, so you blame GOD.
Secondly, if you're angry at GOD, did you ever really believe in Him? I think not!
@SuperEdge67 Says:
What a pile of nonsense.
@dalhuset Says:
Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)
The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?
@magatism Says:
I am against Biblical narrative about Jesus Christ. The narrative is illogical not befitting the gospels.
And, it's not culture but my deep belief in Jesus Christ as Son of God.
@anguschiggins2161 Says:
"Filtering biblical ideas through that social imaginary". Or.... people don't think snakes talk, that we have enough water for a global flood/genocide and don't think that women came from the rib of a man. Perhaps they are filtering it through their bs detector?? Even when I was in school at 8 years old and people I trusted told me these things as facts, even then it didn't make sense.
@festushaggen2563 Says:
Feelings are the way of the natural man. Faith, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and Word of God is our guide and we stand on the truth of it no matter the circumstances.
"Jesus answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ Matthew 4:4
@mattr.1887 Says:
Feelings are what created the Bible. And I agree - you can't just rely on feelings alone when it comes to a lot of life's issues. Sometimes you have to think ahead and put instant gratification aside temporarily, esp in the young adult years that Frank speaks of. Christianity took healthy Western Stoicism and fused it into half-truths and garbage theology.
@captainmeow2771 Says:
Is that guy real or AI? While he was speaking his throat kept deforming, even looking like it was stretching to a point on one side.
@jamesw4250 Says:
That's not true at all. Anger has very little to do with it.
@JiraiyaSama86 Says:
I think part of why they drift is how they've built their faith. Especially if they have the wrong info or interpretation. For example, the alphabet church.
@larzman651 Says:
I'm not sure what's being said in this video so I'm gonna share the gospel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS and shalt believe in thy heart that GOD raised him from the dead thou shalt be Saved 🙌 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation