Day 2: Live in the Present

Day 2: Live in the Present


It's easy to focus on the destination. But we have�to learn to�enjoy where we are�while we're on the way�to where we're going. What God promised is going to come to pass.�The question is,�how are we spending the time while we're waiting?�In this special interview with Joel, and Nick and Summer Nilson�share what they've learned about treasuring every moment. � The�LORD�says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.�I will advise you and watch over you.'�(Psalm 32:8, NLT) � Join us for the 15/15 Experience and download your FREE devotional at: � Are you or a loved one believing God to move in your life? We want to pray with you! Please share your prayer requests at:� � Thank you for joining us on YouTube. We hope this special discussion strengthens your faith and speaks to your heart. God bless you! � ????Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel!� Follow #JoelOsteen on socialTwitter:��� Thank you for your generosity! To give, visit�



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