Lies We Believe - Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

Lies We Believe - Part 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life


The enemy is a liar! Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer and the Talk It Out ladies share some of the most common lies we believe, as well as the truths from God's Word that will set you free. Get Today's Offer From Joyce: 1-800-709-2895 � � � � � � � Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: � � � � � � � Joyce Meyer, one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce's messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life's questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#LiesWeBelieve




@JenniferLynn624 Says:
Joyce Meyer, please stop talking negative about your parents. You are to honor them. That is one of the Ten Commandments! It also makes you seem as though you have not have forgiven them when you speak of the things they have done in your life. Please, stop using your personal life as an example in your sermons.
@James02-oo7wk Says:
6:05. 14:22
@HannahHoneywell. Says:
@jhzohmingliana9660 Says:
AMEN! GOD bless Joyce Meyer and her Ministries🙏🙏🙏
@Laura_toggsgirls Says:
Jesus healed every part I was hurting ❤
@TrulyBlessed_1111 Says:
Hi, these videos and Joyce's teachings have helped me tremendously over the years. I just prayed and cried out to GOD today, right before watching this video (holding my Bible that I don't understand/hard to read). Asking God to lead me to something or someone who will guide me to a Bible that is easier to read. 21:24 called me out and it hurt but was the truth. I try to read but get frustrated. Please help guide me to an easier translation to get started. Which translation does Joyce use for her teachings around the world? I've been on the Joyce Meyers website and looked at the Bibles there but not sure which one would be a great start. I've purchased several of Joyce's other books on the website and found comfort in those. But I want to start reading God's word now. Please advise. God bless you all!
@mzubuki Says:
Matthew 25: 1-13 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. 7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. 9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
@ashvinitekam8112 Says:
How do I get that booklet?
@rosaliemurillo Says:
Thank you God for saving me. I need you in my life, please help me team JJM through prayers.
@peoplelover2024 Says:
My big lie I believed is that if I raised my boys according to Scripture, my family would be perfect. I neglected to realize that my boys would become adults with a free will. That doesn't make me a bad mom if they have become a prodigal. That makes them their own person who makes their own choices. But God is bringing my oldest back, like He did with my middle one. I believe!
@maggiemorales3180 Says:
I’m going through a spiritual mental battle. It’s draining and the more I reject the blasphemous thoughts the more they seems to come around. Please keep ME in prayer 🙏 ❤
@giselle9429 Says:
Satan has been attacking me for the past few weeks and it’s just so tiring and devastating I know one day I’m just going to finally be free and Hod WILL get me through it. Satan will NEVER EVER trick me or lie to me. If I can ask please pray for me because Satan really is attacking hard and It’s really scary but please help me and thank you Joyce Meyers
@keithagee8972 Says:
19:19 ...christians...throughout time... What do you think/believe about gentiles? Do you think your kind were still slaves after the exodus?
@keithagee8972 Says:
...sooth & soothsayers
@keithagee8972 Says:
This idea/question is a "rabbit hole". What if truth was pronounced trr-uh-thh; & was a person's name?
@sarahcyrus9576 Says:
@mariewilson9014 Says:
This video was so very helpful to me today! Thank you!
@jamie.eammons6726 Says:
Amen. Thanks
@CindyFrisch-j5t Says:
And she always let you know it's never too late to start over and let's get motivated on the battlefield
@CindyFrisch-j5t Says:
I like what you said Joyce Meyers about you didn't care who like you you are on a mission and it didn't matter cuz the devil put them in the way and put thoughts in their minds you know and they gossip and etcetera
@leecoleman822 Says:
💋 🕶 .amen
@johnksudarson8222 Says:
Thank you lord Jesus Christ ✝️👏
@followword6452 Says:
Thank you for this podcast in Christ 🙏 and Please pray for me Team😢 Extremely difficult time., Financial, relationships ETC
@nativeceltbirdog1527 Says:
I'll publicly denounce anything that I ever had to do withe horoscope in the stars.... I was one of the ones that always asked somebody. When were you born etc.. I just thought everybody was born under a Sin 2 act. The way they did and that's how it went. But I know better now, and thank you. Jesus for showing me your truth in your way.!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@mariabuoninfante8431 Says:
Think about Jesus and His ways 🙌 ✝️ ❤ Always AMEN AMEN AMEN...Leave Any thoughts that are NOT from God out...
@lafamiliasancheztranspt1000 Says:
Great conversations ladies!!! The struggle with ALL those lies are very real! Yall are doing a great thing getting the truth out!!!
@lisacup6876 Says:
God loves you too much to let you stay the same. The Truth is the truth, no such thing as MY truth.
@maggieonsecurity Says:
I am under spiritual warfare right now and these talks are very beneficial to my mindset. Thank you! I am very appreciative that you guys talked about backing up scripture, I believe that’s important in every situation in life, whether we are battling our own mind or dealing with others. Also, I believe it’s a great confidence booster when we understand the truth of who we are in Christ. Joyce, I am so happy you mentioned about finding a Bible that you can understand. I have been a long time listener and have also seen you in conferences and for so many years, I believed your program was the only way I could hear about the Bible because some versions were so hard for me to understand. I finally found my version though, last year, which is the perfect companion to your daily teachings I watch/read. Living beyond your feelings, battlefield of the mind, confident woman and never give up are amongst my current reading list to help in learning and reading the Bible. It’s so crucial for us to know the Truth. It helps us trust and do good so that no matter what storm we have (internal or external), we equip ourselves in any situation- which can be so heart wrenching and devastating at times. This talk it out and the Part 1 of this series is exactly what I needed to hear. We altogether listen to lies.. the Truth is so important.. something I am working on listening to within myself. Thank you for being a vessel to share Gods word. 💗💗💗💗
@LauraJ-rz9qt Says:
The Bible says we are created Wonderfully and Beautifuly. We are all unique. Horoscopes are a Big Lie that deceive people. It's an abomination to God.
@lisacup6876 Says:
Is this an old one? I thought Jai went to Atlanta.
@cynthiapolzin315 Says:
How do you pray for this?
@KathyMcDowell1 Says:
@jackiethompson3144 Says:
The lies we tell ourselves, I rebuke thee in the name of Jesus Amen 🙏🏾
@ronniejenkins1810 Says:
Love You Joyce Meyer from Louisville, KY 🙂
@toh.2570 Says:
I wish she would shut up about her ab--serr . ONe sermon she said to forgive your ab-ser and not to talk about it and not to bad mouth your ab-ser. When she tell's people not to tell about their ab-ser and to shut up, that just hurts real victims every tine she talks about her ab-ser. She lived with her parents with a baby, Why would you go bowling while leaving your baby with a r-pist? why is she still living with her husband, shouldn't she be on her own by now? What would have happened if her husband had'n't married her, she'd still be at home. If you don't have to help your kid out , why should a stranger help you? she said when she married dave she had money and a car. No his money and his car wasn't hers. Most be nice to live off donations, and never have gotten a real job.
@JayJay-sm8zy Says:
Satan attacks the mind so stop thinking bad things but trust in God. Amen
@nyalltimothy Says:

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