The Great Controversy Chapter 19: Light Through Darkness

The Great Controversy Chapter 19: Light Through Darkness


This week, Pastor Ted Wilson and his wife, Nancy, discuss Chapter 19 of The Great Controversy titled 'Light through Darkness,' in which the author, Ellen White, takes a closer look at the 70-week and 2300-day prophecies from the Bible. Christ did not return in 1844 as William Miller predicted, so what did he get wrong? This chapter uncovers what the 'cleansing of the sanctuary' meant when it was written in Scripture, and what it means for us today. To learn more about 'Light Through Darkness' and how it relates to our present experience, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at and join us next week for more.




@juanalonsocobarrubiasverdu5087 Says:
Book of, Ellen G. White
@juanalonsocobarrubiasverdu5087 Says:
From : Seventh - Day Adventist Church of Nayarit Mexico, May God Bless You
@bibliaesegeszseg Says:
The english subtitle is wrong (it is for the 18/4) Thanks for the videos!
@WillownDocH Says:
This series is Excellent!! Will the rest of The Great Controversy be recorded and released here? My 95 year old Mother is enjoy going thru The GC with Elder Wilson and Nancy! Even tho Our Family grew up in The Church and very much value EGW, it is So enjoyable hearing The Wilsons discuss The Book
@foodingadventuring4648 Says:
Lahaina Adventist disaster relief fund - gofndme
@michaelmulenga78 Says:
@dauthuc8807 Says:
Thanks parents for your humble sermons ❤
@joycerennard749 Says:
Amen 🙏✝️🙌🕊️; ('So let it be'). Come quickly, Lord Jesus ✝️🛐!
@Christpickney Says:
If Rome/ USA and papacy gets destroyed this summer as prophecy and world events shows what are u going to say to ppl? For example, u just said the prophecy of 2300 days is for the time of the end and the transgression of desolation aka abomination of desolation aka removal of everything Christ aka antiChrist system according to Matthew 24:14--28 puts that in the time of the elect and that occurs in the time of the end, if the 2300 day prophecy is finished as u say in 1844 how is it the end did not come in 1844. If it's not yet the end doesn't that mean the 2300 days are in effect? Daniel 9:27 speaks of the abomination of desolation and the pouring out of the indignation when Christ returns the second time which is an end time occuence. How do u put that in around the time of Christ first coming? You do realize that the great controversy does not reflect the biblical account of the coming of the Ancient of Days aka loud rapture and second coming of Christ a time and season later as Daniel 7:9--13 speak of? Daniel 9:27 last week I put it to u gives the time of the abomination of desolation and Christ second coming. The sixty nine weeks gives the first coming and subsequent destruction of the temple in Jerusalem which reflects the start of the 2300 day prophecy which has three parts. 1 daily sacrifices which results in the trampling of the sanctuary. 2. The abomination of desolation that results in the trampling of the host. 3 cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. So the sixtynine weeks of Daniel 9 gives the first coming of Christ that had to do with the taking away of the daily sacrifices and subsequent trampling of the sanctuary beginning the time of the gentiles ( gospel to the whole world) . Then the last week points to the abomination of desolation which starts when the gospel has reached the whole world and the transgressors are come to a full and Rome is consumed and the second coming of Christ occurs after the one thousand years in heaven fulfilling the second part of the 2300 days prophecy and initiating the last part of the 2300 day prophecy which is the sanctuary cleansed. So it could not have ended in 1844. The judgement didn't sit in 1844 as the thrones were not yet thrown down and Rome consumed as Daniel 7:26, 9--13 suggest. Daniel 9:27 I believe began when Trump confirmed the covenant of God with Isreal by returning Jerusalem to Isreal in twenty seventeen three and a half years later Putin and Xi stood up against the mighty and holy ppl aka USA and papacy and began to destroy them fulfilling Daniel 8:23&24 which indicates that the transgressors are come to a full thus ending the need for sacrifices and oblations in heaven which fulfils the middle of the week of Daniel 9:27. During that time the world had a desolation event in which streets schools malls churches etc were desolate thus beginning the abomination of desolation. Immediately at the Aphganistan debacle that Putin and Xi stood up against the USA at the decree was given by the FDA to sting 2/3 population of earth as revelation 9:1--11 says the beast from the bottomless pit would sting / jab/ vox the world. Five months later the beast from the bottomless pit began the burning of the one third that wasn't stung as revelation 9:15--19 says it would as evidenced by the war in Ukraine. According to China this war ends by this fall aka this summer and according to Putin the USA won't be part of the new world order. According to revelation 11:4--12 the same beast from the bottomless pit kills the olive tree and candlesticks aka two witnesses( Jeremiah 11:16 calls Isreal/ Jews olive tree and revelation 1:20 calls churches/ christians the candlesticks both together in their largest concentration is in the USA which is the last head of Rome which is where Christ was crucified) and leaves their dead bodies unburied for three and a half days. Zachariah 14:8 says the coming is going to be in the summer and winter and since the time between the loud rapture and the second coming of Christ is a season and a time aka year and we only have this summer and a season and a time left for the completion of the seven years of Daniel 9:27, we can conclude that the consummation will occur this summer( and the loud rapture three and a half days later according to revelation 11:4--12, putting the consummation anywhere from now to the Nineteenth of September with the trampling of the host for the three days then the loud rapture and the beginning of the one thousand years in heaven and satan being bound) then next year winter when Christ returns the indignation poured out. Since we have only a few more days left by these calculations and China and Russia predictions and the bibles blessings I think it's time to tell u to put away the great controversy and read ur bible on your way out of the USA. Stop lulling ppl to sleep thinking they have time. They don't. Ellen White says if her work doesn't match the bible go with the bible. Should u choose to continue using her words when they clearly conflict with God's words u become the false prophet not her. Christ is too near to play church. You choose.
@nailloconnell6281 Says:
Thanks again for sharing Ted & Nancy. Bless you. Kind regards NaillO'Connell Dundalk Irelande 🗽🇱🇷. Thanks for your kindness prayers for us 🙏 me.
@salmonkini5887 Says:
Thank You Mr.President GC SDA and Mrs.Nancy IMMANUEL.. ❤
@erinshoemaker3877 Says:
And the remnant church is here but so many won't listen to me why won't they listen
@erinshoemaker3877 Says:
I believe that Jesus Christ comes to each person in their end and that the end comes for all of humanity soon within this life time all the signs are here and when the last leaf falls that's when the time is near that scripture comes to me all the time I ask is it just for my life or all life ?

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