Why Are You A Christian?

Why Are You A Christian?


For more information, please read Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith: http://amzn.to/2Bvkyv4 To purchase the entire series of complete videos, please visit: Forensic Faith DVD and Leaders Guide: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith: https://amzn.to/33JnuyW




@Humbleservant0707 Says:
Most Christians are led by the Holy Spirit to their faith and belief, which is the point. We often learn the scriptures after baptism. Most don't believe because someone convinced them scientifically or historically. I remember when I first believed and the supernatural experience I had in that church being led by something unseen to the front if the church to proclaim that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I'll never forget that feeling and how I just knew it was true. When I was a kid, I didn't have superheros. I used to say, "I want to he just like Jesus".
@ezekwesirievan Says:
I love it
@MrStevennov Says:
I also have taken into account the historical & other evidences that points towards the authenticity of Christian faith.
@MrStevennov Says:
I am a Christian because I've accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord & Saviour since last 3 decades. I've developed a discipline of meditating upon His Living Word. God speaks with me through His Word. I've an experiential relationship with Him.
@MdRokon-qz1xx Says:
Christian crystal
@ExposingFalseDoctrines Says:
If an Atheist can become a Christian thru facts, just image what else he can learn! Like for example: Catholic's 8th day Sunday creation or God's 7th day Sabbath question. 🤯🤯🤯
@stephenscruggs3945 Says:
I am a Christian because God chose to give me to His Son. He selected me - he arranged my introduction to Jesus - he justified me through the finished work of Jesus - and He continues to sanctify me through His Holy Spirit. He is the author and the finisher of my faith. Everything good in me comes from Him. And I am confident that the work He has started in me - He will finish.
@jezreelbatistapalmero699 Says:
I need one of these guys to mentor me.
@mattk6719 Says:
The Skeptics I know are more religious about denial of evidence than truly skeptical.
@terrimobley6067 Says:
From the time i was ten my answer would have been cuz it's truth and i want to spend eternity with the real God.
@Sundayschoolnetwork Says:
This is so good. Thank you.
@spiritman-em4qr Says:
True Christians don't choose to be Christian. True Christians are chosen by God.
@edwardflanagan5769 Says:
Because I know it’s the truth!
@aericabison23 Says:
I became interested in the truth of Christianity right when I was in primary school. We come from a Protestant church in Southern India and my father is a preacher in that tradition, so we had access to lots of books about Jesus and other related things. What really struck me was that the stuff my dad preaches about all the time really did happen hundreds of years ago. Around the time I realised this and developed a greater appreciation for Jesus Christ and His story, I felt the Holy Ghost was revealing my need for salvation to me. As a result, I confessed and accepted Christ as Saviour and Lord during a family devotional. I still face challenges to my faith today, but nothing has so far made me seriously consider leaving the faith. I believe that God is powerful enough to keep His sheep in His fold. I pray more of my relatives and acquaintances come to faith in Jesus Christ and abandon their godless lives.
@rossdickens Says:
I was chosen, and I accepted. Mormonism is false doctrine.
@crystalclear507 Says:
Thanks and GOD BLESS
@kevanquinn9559 Says:
US research by Barna Group regarding people self-identifying as 'christian' indicates that the 'cultural christian' majority gives a false impression of scriptural Christianity: Barna found that many people label themselves Christian because they were born in a nation with a Judeo-Christian heritage. Those are 'cultural christians.' Barna research reports that this group used to be small but is proportionally increasing. Others say they are Christians because they attend a place of worship, at Christmas or Easter, or a weekly church service or home group. Maybe they've graduated from university and been ordained by a denomination. These are 'religious Christians.' As Billy Sunday put it, being in a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than being in a garage makes you a car. This group is still in the majority but is proportionally decreasing as the first group grows. The final group are those who hear the gospel (defined in 1 Cor 15:3-4 KJB) recognise their sin nature and inability to save themselves, choose to believe on Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, and are born again by the Holy Spirit. The latter group fits the Bible's description of a believing Christian, but two decades ago Barna research had this group at only 5% and declining. Therefore, from God's perspective, 95+% of those claiming to be Christians are actually unsaved, and, lacking the Holy Spirit living through them, give a false impression of Christianity to others. Many who come to faith on Christ are then misled by those who might think they're Christian but in truth are not. That's why we need to feed on God's word every day, growing in knowledge of our Lord and saviour, not being conformed to this world but being transformed by the renewing of our minds, by the washing of the water of the word (Rom 12:2)(Eph 5:26).
@karingraham4764 Says:
Soooo good!!
@the_alchemy_method Says:
Is Buddhism or Hinduism not grounded in history?
@maxmaximum-sh4bx Says:
For the algorithm
@jerurenteria325 Says:
My answer would be: because it is the truth. The problem is that I don’t know how to show them the evidence for it being the truth!
@jerurenteria325 Says:
Thank you for all your videos. I am binge watching them. Where can we access the video series you made where you went through the evidence for Christianity. I know I watched the series before -and it was excellently done! But I don’t know where I watched it before (it was ok a paid subscription site). I would like to watch it again. Need to study it, actually
@ericwilliams626 Says:
What you are referring to in your categories relate to the depth of the soul. The shallow answers are shallow answers, don't forget it, there are shallow people in this world, Christians or no Christians. Being a Christian is not a group thing. It's a Kwai Chang Caine experience, alone, meditative and without care of what others are doing, but focusing your best on what you can do. Christianity has been marketed, and that's the problem and it needs to be acknowledged. Marketing a faith waters it down and creates a shallow byproduct. This is what has happened with Western Christianity.
@bcfc18751 Says:
Q… Answer:Because of what He has done for me and my family, because of the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ His Son and the power of the Holy Spirit that can be seen and felt. 🙏🏼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿⛪️
@U4Eye Says:
Because I believe in the Shroud of Turin and the historical fact that Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross gave his life to mankind for our Wicked Ways and sends
@lilycaringal Says:
Thankful for J-Warner Wallace team and his ministry. My faith in Christ growing stronger, as I understand more about the truth of Christianity, I have peace of mind❤
@5153A Says:
Jesus told the the woman a time will come when we will worship God in spirit and truth. Now we are in a time where a lot of self proclaimed Christian’s are not spiritual and they don’t know truth. And that truth is grounded in the knowledge of God which many believers lack.
@Want2cJesus Says:
We Christians must stand on the principles of God's Holy Word and not on feelings and experiences. IMHO, this is why the false Holy Spirit movement is so dangerous. Satan can manifest as an angel of light. He and his fallen imp demons can do miracles and cause apparitions. "Come let us reason together." Isaiah 1:18.
@KittyF54 Says:
I don’t know that my mind is quick enough to do all this.
@Peter_McKenna587 Says:
I love Voddie Baucham's answer. Actually, it's more of an answer to why the Bible.
@amishgirl1000 Says:
I am a Christian because God called me to Him as a child. I had atheist parents, but God provided an opportunity for me to attend Sunday school. From there I learned about God and became a believer in Jesus Christ.
@nadams8863 Says:
Because I believe in Jesus Christ ❤✝️
@justincameron9661 Says:
Great points
@teeforever1 Says:
This channel strengthens my faith so much. ✝️ Tysm! 🙏🏽💜
@peterbassey9668 Says:
I am Christian because it happens to be the truth. I have thrown everything at it myself and had it not been true, the whole structure would’ve come tumbling down. Instead it held up. It is the TRUTH!
@ryfidelity7854 Says:
You are a christian because of only one thing, because God chose to save you. You are not one of His because of apologetics. You are not one of His because of convincing evidence. You are not even one His because it is true. You are His because of Him; if indeed you have been regenerated by Him and by hearing of the Word of God.
@oghennylo3 Says:
Thank you for continuing your work of putting out content.
@coldjello8436 Says:
Algorithm boost.
@hunter5858 Says:
I personally met you at our church in Prescott Valley AZ about 6 years ago !
@MrPatdeeee Says:
(Sorry kind Sir, for the VERY long "comment". But I believe it NEEDS to be espoused) I am not a Christian! Rather; I am a "Born Again' Christian. And those words takes a long time' to understand HOW; the word Christian came about. So Let's begin with this... I lived in Florida for a long time...thus I am a "Floridian" even though I now live in Georgia. And same for "Californians". "South Carolinian" and "North Carolinian" and "Tennesseans", Etc. But many states do NOT use that group name. Like Texas, are Texans, New Yonkers and Ohio's, Etc. So the word "Christian", comes first, from the word "Christo". Which is a Greek word; meaning "The Anointed One!". And when the English language came in 1632 AD; the word became "Christ". But most Christians believe this means Jesus, in English. Which was earlier "Yeshua" in Hebrew. From the time, God's Angel told Mary, to name the child Yeshua. And that name came from the beginning names of our Creator God. IE: For 1,400 yrs after Abraham was born; God's name was "YHWH" (in writing) and "Yahweh" (in voice). That is because, of the strange way the Hebrew Language works. (They do not have vowels when writing-but when speaking, the vowels are there) I said that to say this kind Sir... Words often mean nothing; but a way to communicate. So let's see what was said in...John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him (Nicodemus-a Rabbi Teacher), Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be Born Again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. John 3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born again? John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be Born of water and of the (Heavenly) Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is a Spiritual Birth. John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. John 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one; that is born of the Spirit. And that means the Holy Spirit from Heaven; gives ANY one Spiritual Water Birth; IF Jesus deems that person IS sincere. And that is the only TRUE Baptism to have; for a "Once Saved always Saved"! Because a Spiritual Birth Being; is NOT flesh. But it still, IS in our being, IF we are Born Again. And this is open to ANY person that has ever lived. Oh yes. Praise Jesus. So, I say when any one says, "Are you a Christian?"; I say, "NO...I am a Born Again Christian"! Many do not like that. But I couldn't care EVER. Because Jesus has given me; (as He does to EVERY Born Again) an "Everlasting Life" forever, Regardless! Because Jesus has PAID for all sins, Except but one! So it's... Sad, IF one dies, and has NOT been Born Again; is going to hell. And that is the ONLY Sin that Jesus didn't forgive. Here it's in... Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men (Born Again's), even blasphemies howsoever, they shall blaspheme: Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, has never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. (Meaning they will be cast into a "Burning Lake of Fire", called "Hell"!) And that is the ONLY "UN-Forgivable Sin". Believe it or not. Sad, but oh SO True. And worse...MOST Christians have NEVER become Born Again. And sometimes they say to me, "I'm NOT a Born Again! Because the bible does not say that. And that only came from the 'Southern' part of America"! So sad! I just laugh. Oh Well! End of Story and I rest me case... ...In any case Kind Sir and Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!
@Zsuzsanna0 Says:
When I had experience with God I didn’t even knew it was God. From that time until I became Christian 15 years just spend with search. I would say His call was irresistible twenty years ago . Praise Him adore Him honor Him love Him.
@lannybridgett2157 Says:
Those who leave were never born again of the Spirit and Truth in the first place .
@quadrasaurus-rex8809 Says:
I think for the majority of Christians, they have an experience and then verify what caused the change as they grow in Christ. True desire for Christ through the person of the Holy Spirit drives that whole process. Obviously that’s not going to be everyone’s experience, but it certainly holds true for me.
@danielt2614 Says:
The only way out of hell
@nikolatesla20132015 Says:
Christ is in the Bible not in the church.... ⛪.... Look at the Vatican 🇻🇦
@Linkintime1 Says:
I you would have asked me why I was a Christian in college I would have given one of those initial answers. Now I would say it's a combination of my personal walk and experiences interacting with God and the Christian worldview being the best explanation for the Inner experience (consciousness etc.) and the outer world (massive complexity of the universe and life etc).
@ehallam08 Says:
Because it's true.
@DavidVonR Says:
This is wonderful!!

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