Should Christians Drink Alcohol - Derek Prince

Should Christians Drink Alcohol - Derek Prince


Derek Prince's teaching on Holiness is a transformative series that explores the biblical call to live a life set apart for God. With practical insights and biblical principles, this series inspires believers to pursue holiness, enabling them to experience a deeper intimacy with God and walk in His purposes..... This New Style Video will be published every Saturday (GMT-4). Bible Teaching Resources: Bible Teaching Resources: Subscribe to our channel ???? Watch the Full Sermon: ============================= GET INVOLVED: ============================= SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries? GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages ============================= PURCHASE ONLINE ============================= ============================= INTERNATIONAL OUTREACHES ============================= CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times RUSSIA Outreach MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach DIGITAL OUTREACH




@krissygirl333 Says:
If they say “ Jesus drank wine” you know they want to drink
@caroltusomi8465 Says:
2 types of wine fermented and non-fermented Jesus Christ drank non- fermented
@gladyskukeba7925 Says:
Well ever since I got born again and got to know that the human body is the temple of God and what alcohol does to a person's life physically, mentally, financially and socially. I came to believe that anything ( eg. alcohol, cigerate smoking, drug abuse) taken into, or done (gluttonology, any form of pervertion eg. sexual) to the body is desecrating the temple of God. Ignorance is not an excuse. Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean so there is nothing like moderation in the consumption of alcohol. JUST SAY NO ‼️with determination, and pray 🛐trusting God for grace for self deliverance or for direction to a true man of God, God- fearing psychologist for deliverance and councelling🙏
@rickspalding3047 Says:
It's a not a stroke, it's a cortisol awakening response
@090403created Says:
Thank you for posting this
@GreatDataVideos Says:
"It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles." -- Romans 14:21. Had a pastor who used to drink wine at a restaurant until a church member saw him and evidently had an issue with it, so he stopped based on this verse.
@allendodd4844 Says:
The Holy Spirit told me you can drink and smoke weed and I will love you but I will not tell you my secrets. I laid it all down because I wanted His secrets and the fire fell and consumed it all. The revelation knowledge and power that has come is like nothing I have ever known. Dreams, healings, revelations, His voice, grace, love ,His Presence like no time before. Inner healing, deliverance for myself and those around me. There is no limit to what God will do if we obey. Well worth the giving up of pleasures for the secrets in His Presence. The weeping before Him in worship, seeing His beauty, O the secret place!
@kylespencer2192 Says:
Where does consuming any sort of cannabis fall between legalism and self indulgence? Anyone reading please give perspective
@emuriel528 Says:
@KingdomFreedomMinistries Says:
@thommysides4616 Says:
I wish I had got to know you my brother. Your such a dear man of God!!!! As far as wine is concerned. Everything in moderation....well...most things at Jesus made wine at the wedding and their is a scripture that says that, "Wine gladness the heart of man" I think there are Solomon would say there is a time for everything under the sun. There is a time for our hearts to be glad.....and what better time than at a wedding.
@johnbargh1523 Says:
What a great gift to Christ's body this man is 🙂
@craige135 Says:
HE made wine, it’s the best wine ever made! Wine makers have tried to duplicate it they cannot! If HE did not make wine HE was not crucified yet I walk under HIS shadow / HE is Lord of Lords Jesus was condemned by accusers as a wine bibber / Yet HE is El Elohim
@willcollier6623 Says:
Let us go back under the law...The modern church is teaching a mixed message old and new covenant. They are no better than the Pharisees were in Jesus’s day. Jesus did away with the old covenant.
@RojohII Says:
Amen. And help. Love these educatinonal rays of light.👍
@mrdarbab Says:
no. I quit. if I could anyone can.
@chosen2865 Says:
You didn’t think I was gonna drink that whisky did you?
@johnday8677 Says:
@robertroberts9178 Says:
Every communion. What did Jesus do?
@Kemerlinrich Says:
How about this? Just abstain.. why? Because who’s gonna get into regulating how much? Like no no no just 8oz or keeping up with the discipline of not going over. And it could be just that one night… doesn’t mean it’s a practice. But one thing I’ve learned about how on the post the kingdom of darkness is. You’ll do great 20 years and it’ll be that 1 time that crashed everything. Some would argue well I can have 5 and not be drunk. And to note the water system was completely different back then. And then wine has two kinds fermented and unfermented. The health benefits is in the fruit of the vine not the alcohol itself. The enemy is so subtle I just think it’s a practice of wisdom. But hey not here to regulate anyone. I’m just saying if we have to constantly try to figure out how much and how little, something’s gonna give. And often it isn’t good. PS i love non-alcoholic wine. And I use worship and meditating on God’s word to relax. Calms me like none other
@curtis-thebicentennialist1776 Says:
"Absolutely No"
@YTSD Says:
NO, Alcohol is poison!
@alwaysgrowing7273 Says:
God does love you. He wants all of us to be with him. To be without him is hell. It’s one or the other. I pray you all find Jesus. God does judge in the end. He will meet you where you are now though. He met me as an addict, thief and fornicator. He loved me as gross as I was. I love Him back and it changed me.
@richardosborne2067 Says:
Stupid question
@evaj2585 Says:
Good point. I and my husband avoid alhohol and we drink grape juice when we take communion. We don't want it, we believe the Lord took the desire to drink it, even the glass of wine. We have a very strong conviction about it as it's spiritualy dangerous just like Derek described. We know that spiritual world is real. We are involved in deliverence ministry in our church, so it's serious, our minds and hearts are on the Lord's business - sharing Gospel and making deciples. The only thing I take sometimes is a herbal tincure for health purposes. We do not judge others, it's up to them.
@LiLoTech Says:
Ive heard that 1 out of 10 people who regularly indulge in alcohol develop an addiction. Is the perceived benefits vs risk worth poking that bear?
@Jesus_is_Lord_316 Says:
The Narrow Way, not veering off into legalism on one side or carnality on the other. I like that!! God bless.
@threezhimomi6553 Says:
@MotoWorld777 Says:
I like his perspective. Do as the Lord leads you and follow His Word. The problem with most people is not drinking but self control, that is why it is a fruit of the Spirit and it helps against all addictions and bad habits etc.
@paulhowson8744 Says:
It is not what you put in your body that is sinful. But what comes out of the mouth. Consider the tongue. It is one of the smallest of appendages, yet the biggest offender. If what you put in your body, causes sin. Stop it by all means. And if your tongue causes you to son, cut it out. Better to enter heaven with no tongue, then enter hell with your whole body. 📯🌾👰🪔✨
@rogerjohnson833 Says:
@joe1940 Says:
Alcohol isn't forbidden for Christians, but it's a terrible witness. Get rid of anything that gets in the way of God's calling for your life (Matthew 18:7-9).
@salcastillojr-ub7vr Says:
The reason "ALOT" of CHRISTIAN'S 🎚️ HATE Alcohol 🍺, 🍷, 🥃,🍹 is because when they were Drinking they Were PERVERTS, ABUSIVE, THIEVES, VIOLENT Ect.......
@terrybroussard8373 Says:
Proverbs 23:29-35 tells us we shouldn't even look at it. Those Pastors are wrong they should have said. we should stay away from fermented wine
@chriskappert1365 Says:
YES ! JESUS himself turned water in to wine ........not wine in to water . 😮 And how about TRAPPIST monks who brew beer for ages , right untill today ?
@martinmanifold2241 Says:
Jesus drank wine and also turned water into wine
@paulhudson4254 Says:
Only the wine at communion! No other alcohol. 🙏🌺☦️🌺🙏
@dogbark8388 Says:
Wine !
@alastairhopkins245 Says:
Notice outside church:- Make your wort enemy your best friend. Notice outside same church one week later:- Drink is your worst enemy.
@nyamahdunbar3821 Says:
YES And AMEN 🙏❗❗❗
@verticalexcursion Says:
New wine and old wine don't mix
@fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Says:
Malachi 1:2 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,
@fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Says:
Malachi 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. 2 Peter 2:9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:
@Tsedek_ben_Shimon Says:
One evening, during my prayer time, the Lord said to me "No more alcohol". Pro 31:4, Rev 5:10.
@henkmeiring01 Says:
Why we as humans abuse alcohol,drugs,money,sex,power,firearms,sadly Bible itself is beyond my understanding.Maybe we should stop accusing these things and start accepting responsibility for ourselves.....
@joyceesandeep4490 Says:
Alcohol & Wine both are drink ,but consuming modern days Alcohol alway risk on own health as well as lead you to do sin. Better to avoid Alcohol.
@rjnesbitt4872 Says:
Thank you 💜🕊️
@NanzKomo Says:
Jesus delivered me after 30 years of “causal drinking”, in a day. Do not be deceived, the enemy has a “is ok .. only one glass” trick. Before long it would be 2 glasses and 3 and daily.. Stay drunk with the Holy Spirit! I searched up the Bible since and there is almost (I said almost) nothing good about alcohol in the Bible. Few of us can stand up to the enemy’s trick.
@HannahJoy333 Says:
There is nothing sinful about alcohol in moderation and I believe the people who shame it or act as if drinking is somehow not acceptable as a Christian are not in line with a balanced Biblical approach and are also shaming fellow Christians which is harmful and deterring nonbelievers from becoming believers with their misinformation.
@charlottewilson3031 Says:
There's a big difference between being in recovery, and being delivered. The Lord set me free from alcohol! Its like he literally sucked it out of me😊 My life was derailed by years of alcohol abuse. That's how the enemy kept me from doing God's work, but thankfully only He can redeem the time, and he has!!

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