Burnt But Not Bitter - Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

Burnt But Not Bitter - Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life


We've all been hurt, but we don't have to let it make us bitter. Discover God's plan to help you leave the pain and bitterness behind. Watch this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer. Get Today's Offer From Joyce: 1-800-709-2895 https://joycemeyer.org/store Don't miss out on this month's exclusive YouTube offer, "Words To Live By" hardcover book. Visit https://www.joycemeyer.org/YTOffer today to claim your copy, but hurry - this limited-time offer won't be around for long. � � � � � � � Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: https://joycemeyer.org FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JoyceMeyerMinistries/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/JoyceMeyer/ TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/JoyceMeyer/ � � � � � � � Joyce Meyer, one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce's messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life's questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#BurntButNotBitter




@gloriamartinez4067 Says:
God helped me when I needed him the most, God is amazing & I have seen an outcome that could have ruined my life had it gone another way! I know that it was God, because all things are possible through him. There is no other explanation, it was not luck, I tell people it was God, & I'm so thankful & Grateful... I think listening to Joyce has helped so much! Thank you Joyce!😊
@annpalmer7943 Says:
😮 6:24
@oliviamay7775 Says:
Please God bless those people I am having a hard time on forgiving. Please God forgive me wishing them bad. I pray for that Holy Spirit helps me get out of sin and trouble. I pray for Holy Spirit to help me to not waste anymore days being angry at anybody.
@sunshineonmyshouldersmakes8331 Says:
Praise God
@souldelight8495 Says:
I love Joyce and her teachings. Always blessed 🙌 ❤
@johnksudarson8222 Says:
Amen 🙏 thank you lord Jesus Christ 👏
@trolliedrosche1393 Says:
Thank you Joyce!!! Love you ❤️
@ramonacarpenter3924 Says:
Angels r all real!! When I was younger I trespassed twice. That was when I was atheist. I have schizophrenia. I do not want schizophrenia. We're all sinners. Heaven is all real. Read ur Holy Bible. Our animals go 2 the same Heaven as us. In Heaven our animals will be talking to us like a Disney movie. Preach the good news. It will help people out. Jesus and God love us all beyond imagination. They want all souls in Heaven. Love ❤️ u all.
@bethanydee1920 Says:
As an aside to the message and for whoever it is that puts these videos online, thank you for doing this. I would only note that a picture like this on my timeline is way less likely to overlook as a video I'd be interested in instead of one I'd usually avoid like the pictures with big block letters and a photo of Joyce outlined in white like yellow journalistic type videos.
@atongatuer5765 Says:
Forgiveness is good however it's hard. Sometimes we feel we have but we fall back again with bitterness. However, I've learnt you can't do forgiveness alone. We need God to walk this journey with us❤❤ Thank you @Joyce Meyer ministries.
@kokozeze4685 Says:
I need you all the days of my life amen and protect my kids amen 🙏🏻
@kokozeze4685 Says:
Jesus is lord I need you in my life amen 🙏🏻
@jeannehannahgwee5279 Says:
Keep me in prayer to forgive myself & to forgive people around me who had hurt me.🙏
@KarenRicks-jf8sw Says:
It was for me hallelujah
@courtneymichelegray2138 Says:
Question: you forgive your enemies/friends/family; but do you also have to push past the mistrust that developed?
@ATebbs1 Says:
Joyce, thank you so very much! I have been struggling in my marriage and struggling with being bitter in other relationships for a long time. This has helped me to start to realize I need to change. ❤
@denisemcdonald7726 Says:
Thank you 🙏
@sarahhammond7650 Says:
Thank you for the message for today
@sarahhammond7650 Says:
Amen Amen 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️❤️❤️
@sarahhammond7650 Says:
Good evening to everyone out there in the world I did a lot of stuff for lot of people's I've been good so lot of people's and when I need something I can't get nothing but I stay prayed up all the time put God first and everything be all right it's hurt people do you but you gotta learn how to let go and let God 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿❣️❣️❣️❣️
@naeemahmitchell7674 Says:
Forgive so we don't let the enemy grow. The enemy hates forgiveness. God can heal you through forgiveness.
@lisamacias4201 Says:
Thank you Lord
@voiceofBridegroomandthebride Says:
Which government is best to govern the earth, the Law of Moses, democracy or communism? First thing: Do you know personal products like shampoo, lotion, perfume, nail polish, and beauty products contain destructive ingredients that will make people sick and fat? Our skin is like a sponge. It absorbs anything we place on our bodies. Remember in the past, people in the Philippines used simple perla bar soap for clothes detergent and body wash and did not get sick. If they do get sick, it came from malnourishment and stress from overwork. These days, people get sick from the harmful ingredients of clothes and dish detergents, and personal products. Wise people want only products made of natural ingredients. Because they can hardly find nowadays products made naturally or if they do find them they are expensive, so they make their soap from natural ingredients. It is a lot of work for us to make, but it is worth doing it for the sake of our health and family and neighbors. Second thing: Why do you think the Lord God and His Son Lord Jesus allow these manufacturers to prosper by making destructive products? The words of God said if you transgress His holy Law which is the Law of Moses, He will hand you over to perverse people who will lead you to the wrong path where you will suffer. The worse thing that sin can do to your mind and heart is you will lose your discernment between good and evil. Meaning, you will love perverse life. First example: Laundry detergent is made of synthetic ingredients, dyes, and perfume. Sinner loves it because it smells good and convenient to get it. He does not know in the end it will make him very sick. Synthetic ingredients imbalance our natural hormones in the body. These diseases and weight gain are caused by hormonal imbalances. Second example: Democracy is a government that gives the people the freedom to do what they want. Sinner loves it. What he did not understand evil people will use this freedom to hurt him. The government will hire policemen to catch evil ones and put them in prison. The sinners have to work harder to pay for the salary of governments, policemen, food for the prisoners, and building of the prison cells. Third thing: What is so important about obedience to the Law of Moses? It is the only way of life and governing law that prioritize life, health, and soul. It is the ways and personality of our Creator: Holy Father and His Son Lord Jesus Christ. He brought it on earth to teach the children of Israel and children of Zion to live by it, and then they have to teach it as well to the Gentile people. The Law of Moses is like a computer programming language, and the people and the environment are like the computer itself. The computer can only run if there is computer language. People and the environment can only live in peace, healthily, and prosperous if they are governed by the Law of Moses. For instance, the Law of Moses forbids the people to impose taxes. However, they have to give something to the government from whatever their hearts desire. Remember also when both the public and government obey the Law of Moses in Christ, they have clean hearts: Government employees are not into power, fame, and money but only for the welfare of the public. People in the public know how much to give to the government for their expenses. The effect of obedience to the Law of Moses, the environment like the sun, moon, air, waters, trees, and ground have spirits, and they work with you to give you a healthy and peaceful life. The Kingdom of God contains only peace, joy, and life. The Lord Jesus Christ who is the Goverment will give you eternal life, good health, peace, prosperity, a house, and food for free. In return for His goodness in your life, you do not hurt anyone in His Kingdom or you will be killed. Adultery hurts betrayed spouses and so as those who suffer from thieves, murderers, and idolaters. Is there any other choice besides the Law of Moses? Yes, there are democracy and communism. The bad thing with man-made governing law is you will have the freedom to trespass the commandments of God. When you die, your soul will be in Hell where you will suffer extreme pain without food and water forever. The good thing about the Law of Moses, your evil ways will be controlled to do what is righteous in the eyes of God. If you die for following the Law of Moses in Christ, your soul will be in the Kingdom of God. Lord Jesus will raise your dead body after He restores the earth as the Garden of Eden. Surely it will come as the prophecy foretold. Lord Jesus Christ will destroy all the governments of the Gentiles by the use of wars and natural disasters. These catastrophes that you see in the world are the manifestation of the cleansing of God to remove all things that hurt His people and the earth. Amos 9:11 On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old; Haggai 2:22 I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms. I will overthrow the chariots And those who ride in them; The horses and their riders shall come down, Every one by the sword of his brother. Acts 3 He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began. My work as the daughter of Zion who is the bride of the Lord Jesus is to teach His people about the importance of living an obedient life and prepare them for a life as in the ancient days, the tragedies that will come upon the world of sinners, and the glorious meeting of the Lord Jesus to His bride in Mount Zion with those who follow the teaching of His bride. These things which I tell you concerning my work on earth are written in the words of God. Blessed are those who believe that there will be a fulfillment of these things. Psalm 45:13-15 The royal daughter is all glorious within the palace; Her clothing is woven with gold. She shall be brought to the King in robes of many colors; The virgins, her companions who follow her, shall be brought to You. With gladness and rejoicing they shall be brought; They shall enter the King’s palace. Isaiah 24:23 Then the moon will be disgraced and the sun ashamed; For the Lord of hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before His elders, gloriously. Isaiah 63:9 In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the Angel of His Presence saved them; In His love and in His pity He redeemed them; And He bore them and carried them all the days of old. Lord Jesus had me write a book titled: 'The Only Way to Escape Death and Hell' by Gabriel, an angel of the Lord---Maria Riah. It is not to make me rich or famous but to guide the lost sheep to the right path. I hope in Christ the Lord, it will be published sometime this year. It will guide His people to the path of understanding of the words of God and tell you what to expect at the end of times. Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand. Lord God of hosts, Holy Father Lord of hosts, Lord Jesus The Spirit and the Bride Gabriel, an angel of the Lord Daughter of Zion Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem
@Ran-vh9sf Says:
@tonisanders3289 Says:
Awesome message, Joyce!
@josephjohnson7123 Says:
People naturally have good intentions but those intentions are normally for themselves. Which in return may do harm to others be ause thier only caring for themselves. So if you could treat everyone like you would treat yourself we'd be better off.
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
God is Source ... 😘😘👍👍👍👍👍
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
Not worth our souls
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
Greatest gift of all is What? LOVE...
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
Oh well, I really do Love you with the Love the Lord. Life in death I. The power of Love and actions should follow our speeches 👏👏👏👏👏👏😘😘😘😘😘😘
@dsconover Says:
Good, God should do this to everybody!
@josephjohnson7123 Says:
So listening to Joseph is actually a good thing. 😊
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
Bainbridge Post Search Light 💡 Sara Adkins Historically
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
I have paid the price
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
Not apart of my DNA...
@prophetesskrishacheatem-cl8666 Says:
Ten hours ago ... 5-29-2023
@ingavaughn9363 Says:
Dear Joyce Meyer please pray that this noropathy gose away in my legs I can't walk on my legs it hurts to walk please pray that I won't loose my legs please interceed for my legs thank you and God bless you
@brianmagogo4644 Says:
@aracelimarrufo-ef3uv Says:
Great Message... hit home . Is so true I need to forgive in order to be freely at peace. Ty Amen
@ritadunham5044 Says:
Powerful And Difficult Sermon
@Shamelle29 Says:
Being free of Anger & Offense gives us an upgrade in the power of God
@Shamelle29 Says:
If we don't forgive our enemies, God won't forgive us. Creates a wedge between us & God & effects everything in our lives
@Shamelle29 Says:
Praise God
@Shamelle29 Says:
Thank You Jesus for never deserting me
@luli83nha Says:
@sheilahendrix5935 Says:
May 💛God ❤️Be 💙With 💜You💚 Always ❤️Much💙 Love 💖Blessings💜 Always ☺️ 🎇 🌈 🌐 ✌️✌️💯💜💖💖💙❤️💛💚💚💛❤️💙💖💖
@sheilahendrix5935 Says:
Peace❤️ and💛 Blessings💚 Too💙 My ❤️Brother 💜May💚 God 💙Bless❤️ You💛 Always 💚May💙 God❤️ Bless 💛You💚 Richly💙 with💖 Everything💛 You💚 need💙 Always ❤️Much💛 Love 💚Blessings💛 Always ☺️ 🎇 🌈 🌐 ✌️💯💯💖💙💚💛❤️❤️❤️💛💚💙💙💚💚💚
@jpage1331 Says:

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