Is Your Get-Up-and-Go Gone? Pt. 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

Is Your Get-Up-and-Go Gone? Pt. 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life


Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, find out how to reignite your passion and transform your life as Joyce Meyer shares powerful insights on the importance of stirring yourself up, as well as those around you. Get Today's Offer From Joyce: 1-800-709-2895 Don't miss out on this month's exclusive YouTube offer, "Words To Live By" hardcover book. Visit today to claim your copy, but hurry this limited-time offer won't be around for long. � � � � � � � Follow Joyce: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: � � � � � � � Joyce Meyer, one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce's messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life's questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way. #JoyceMeyer#EnjoyingEverydayLife#GetUpAndGo




@RieNord Says:
I need somebody to love somebody loyal
@RieNord Says:
Gud siger en mandlig ansat er min ven og han tror også på Gud og hjalp mig med bruseren idag
@RieNord Says:
Jeg gik til kor i to år og jeg var venner med dem
@RieNord Says:
Prøver frikirken det bliver godt ❤
@RieNord Says:
Jeg elsker min mor og lillesøster
@RieNord Says:
Ønsker mig en fyr at skrive med så vi kan starte med at være venner
@RieNord Says:
Ønsker mig en veninde at gå på cafe med og have det sjovt med
@RieNord Says:
Har også en veninde jeg spillede skipbo med igår hun er 3 år ældre end mig
@RieNord Says:
Han tror på Gud
@RieNord Says:
Min ven siger han altid bliver glad når han ser mig
@RieNord Says:
Bibleverse. Everything is possible with God
@RieNord Says:
I want a friend ❤
@RieNord Says:
Men Gud siger jeg kun må have en mand
@RieNord Says:
Nicky siger "jeg er død". Vores kommunikation er heller ikke tilfredsstillende
@RieNord Says:
Kan ikke få en kæreste så længe han vil ødelægge det
@RieNord Says:
Bibleverse. Test everything
@RieNord Says:
Bibleverse. Be careful that you not be deceived
@kallybee5972 Says:
I decided to wiggle a little bit today because of Gods word delivered through your voice. Thank you❤
@jinybayon2667 Says:
Moody Bible - institute cruelty 🐁🐁🐁🐁🦨🦨🦨🦨
@tigistedris8987 Says:
May God give you a loooong looong long life thank you
@SanJuanitaGomez-iw9wp Says:
When I have food to eat ,I pray ,lord show me who is hungry today,a human,a animal , so l can share, if not you provide them like you done to me and family.❤
@TylerFergusonTyty-es1jf Says:
Asheville N.C. needs you Joyce. We have a great abundance of homeless folks on the street, 99 percent are pandhandle to have the funds for their next fix. I know this because my oldest son is one of them when he's not in prison. We cantallow him to live at home because of the drugs that he does . Our landlord will not put up with it. And frankly we cant either. Asheville N.C. needs you .
@judybivins3530 Says:
Yes! We need to do more right here in our country.. too many people hurting & homeless.. murdered, abused & neglected children! How many elderly people have to go hungry so they can afford their medicines! 🙁 This should never happen in the U.S... WE CAN & SHOULD DO MORE!! 😔 SHAME ON EVERYBODY THAT IS NOT GIVING! 😢
@anndavis2920 Says:
I will climb a tree to get Jesus to heal every pain in my body so i can get my household work done before inspection tomorrow. Tysm Joyce Meyer.
@atinlongho1957 Says:
Amen ❤️
@maceyl5851 Says:
Amen to we could change the world with the message of love. People would start walking in love I believe things in the world would start getting better. For example sickness and proverty.
@DaniyelChakma-sb8fe Says:
Sister give mi pryar
@DaniyelChakma-sb8fe Says:
thanks lot sister
@mary7857 Says:
I don't mind giving but when people expect you together something every week and you can't afford it it's no longer a blessing My daughter always asked me to buy food My grandkids always ask to take my clothes and keep them and the love of my life asked me for money every week and everybody gets upset when I say no but yet they say it's a blessing how I'm barely surviving and people make me seem like the bad person
@ryanpullen6117 Says:
@fortunatogopez7974 Says:
@irenebarranco2449 Says:
Please help me pray. Please. Thank you
@nyalltimothy Says:
@soulslurper8754 Says:
Joyce Meyer is like the cool aunt who smokes virginia slims, the good pimento cheese your mom stocks up on when you are on vacation in Florida, and that new car smell all wrapped into one❤
@olgazozulya8504 Says:
God Bless You , Dear Joyce You help me a lot🙏
@lonebutterfly38 Says:
I am wiggling and climbing my tree. 😀 I am in my late 50's and need a career change and a new work culture. I am taking a class online and exploring trades that get me away from the desk for a while. I am also going to dabble in IT, cyber security and AI. It's never too late! I couldn't do it without the Lord. 🙏... wiggle...climb... wiggle...climb...
@anitarohwer2973 Says:
Thank you Joyce for your ministry. I am from South Africa. Listen to one of your messages every Saturday morning. It's my Joyce Meyer date. It really encourages me and builds me up. ❤
@闕進雄-e6x Says:
@annwambu3233 Says:
Joyce I have been listening to you. I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the holy spirit uses you. There was a time I was totally broken and I used to listen your sermons translated in Swahili language. I healed completely. God bless you for the wonderful work you are doing. Much love from Kenya❤❤
@angelachanelle167 Says:
I don't have a purpose and I don't have anyone to love. My whole life and family have been torn apart and the man that I was happy to settle down with isn't really serious about marriage and commitment and cannot support me in the way I would need him to. I miss my children, so desperately, so many injustices, so many wrong doings, so much abuse. All I long for is that everyone turns their hearts back to Jesus so that he will come back and we will be raptured up and restored. Then, he will wipe every tear from our eyes and we will be home, finally.
@missvalencajackson8241 Says:
@timhenderson4892 Says:
@Maria63756 Says:
@mistysharinggodsblessings Says:
Seems no matter how hard I try things don't change feeling hopeless sad I don't want to feel like this 😢 depression is so hard God pls help me
@dogsareawomansbestfriend Says:
I believe so deeply on my healing. I've been praying non stop for WiIly to loose his baby tooth, which is staying unmovable for almost 2 years. Will he not answer my prayer because I can't give up on alcohol?
@lilianmarinho26 Says:
Eu não sei se você lerá mas quero agradecer a Deus por sua vida , pela obediência a voz do Espírito Santo e ensino da palavra de Deus . Através da Palavra de Deus ele tem transformada minha vida Meu emocional era uma bagunça, minhas emoções gritava, meus sentimentos deturpavam minha visão. Deus me levou até sua palavra através de você. Hoje sei que sou amada, perdoada , escolhida , tantas coisas , acompanho você a muito tempo , comprei os livros que Deus te deu com revelação da sua palavra e várias vezes o Espírito Santo pediu para eu escrever algo , pois você Joyce fez renúncias eu sei, sofreu, eu sei, e muitas coisas que você passou não sei Mas uma coisa eu sei, por você acreditar em Deus , ter fé , confiar , através da palavra de Deus salvou minha casa toda minha geração . Minha casa restaurada , vidas dos meus filhos saldáveis , há o céu na minha casa , resumindo . Não existe ninguém que possa me amar mais que Deus ! Obrigada por acreditar lá trás no que Deus falou a você e segui-lo com tanto amor, diligência e disciplina Amo você em Cristo Jesus nosso irmão Saiba minha irmã , te conhecerei no céu , não sei se terei oportunidade de te ver aqui na terra , já vi que seus ensinamentos presencias é em inglês e espanhol e ainda não falo nenhuma dessas línguas . Que Jesus te proteja , te guarde e que você continue nos abençoando com sua palavra!
@sarahhammond7650 Says:
@tsm7964 Says:
Only baby Christians get tattoos. Tattoos hinder the work of the Holy Spirit, which is why they are specifically forbidden in God's Word.
@alvinyazziejr.3330 Says:
Hallelujah, Thank You Lord ❤
@habtamugyohannes9911 Says:
Joyce, though i am thousands of mile away from your country (Addis Ababa) still am getting the service. I thank God for that.❤❤❤❤

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