Rádio Novo Tempo's Course Reaches 2000; and other world news

Rádio Novo Tempo's Course Reaches 2000; and other world news


ANN highlights an Adventist interactive course that reaches 2,000 people through the Internet. This week, ANN also takes a look at an evangelism campaign in the Philippines that led over 100 souls to baptism. Adventist community in Almat, Kazakhstan, celebrates a baptismal ceremony. Adventurer and Pathfinder Bible Experience convenes in Athens. ADRA assists hundreds of families affected by blocked roads. Watch as ANN highlights these stories and reports on other news from around the world. For more Adventist news, subscribe to our YouTube channel. ANN is the official news channel of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For all things Adventist news, visit adventist.news Follow ANN on social media! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AdventistNews/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/adventistnews



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