The Great Controversy Chapter 9 Part 2: The Swiss Reformer

The Great Controversy Chapter 9 Part 2: The Swiss Reformer


This week Pastor Ted continues the discussion of chapter nine of The Great Controversy, entitled 'The Swiss Reformer' in which Ulrich Zwingli begins an influential ministry at the cathedral in Zurich. There he preached zealously against the selling of indulges, overcomes the 'Great Death' plague to continue preaching, and continues to spread the Gospel in Switzerland. Oecolampadius and Haller were chosen to represent the Reformer at a hearing in Baden organized by the Church of Rome. For 18 days the Reformers defended their stance against Dr. Eck, representing Rome, using letters secretly carried to Zwingli by messengers. Not long after this council, the important cities of Bern and Basel declared they were on the side of the Reformation, a victory for God's message in Europe. To learn more about this important moment in Reformation history and how it relates to our present experience, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at




@DVGomes Says:
brother Ted N.C Wilson why have you or the General Conference of SDAs or Michigan Conf..NOT fired quack "Pastor" Dwight Nelson of PIONEER Memorial Ch...for legalizing Sodomy, Homosexuality and LGBT wickedness in the SDA Church worldwide based on Nelson's real sermon about a fake letter from an eleven year old boy claiming he was gay, and wanting permission to continue the lifestyle??
@jorgeluisosoriobustillo9687 Says:
Thank Lord for your word, thank for help to the Reformers y thank Lord because will help us to preach the message of tree angels and your word will win and take us to the home. Amen
@clc7378 Says:
@William_Pepin Says:
Why does 7th day Adventist rejected the 3 angels message, partake with the world, accepting LGBT and refused to repent? Our movement are joining with the papacy and only a remnant will stay faithful. That's Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
@angelaruiz6015 Says:
Amén ❤️
@bonbalab_ Says:
Amen,praise God Thank you so much Pastor God bless
@edithdotson7603 Says:
A truly powerful chapter about a true stalworth of faith, the Protestant Reformer Ulrich Zwinglii.If you haven't listened to Part 1, do so. If you have, it can bear listening to again. THIS INSPIRED BIOGRAPHY contains so many principles and lessons for character development all draw from Zwinglii's life and of course given in Scripture. Thank you Pastor Wilson.

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