The Great Controversy Chapter 9: The Swiss Reformer

The Great Controversy Chapter 9: The Swiss Reformer


This week Pastor Ted continues discussion on chapter nine of The Great Controversy, 'The Swiss Reformer' in which Ulric Zwingli is faced with a dilemma that many still are confronted with today; that is, believing the sophistry offered by the world or relying on the pure word of God. Seventh-day Adventists, along with the many great Reformers such as Martin Luther, Ulric Zwingli, and more, accept the Bible as it reads, asking for the Holy Spirit's guidance, comparing Scripture with Scripture, and allowing it to interpret itself. We see it as a light shining in the darkness. To learn more about Ulric Swingli's experience with God's Word and how it relates to our present experience, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at




@reinhardfuchs5181 Says:
So kick out Ellen White !
@pierluigiluisetti7602 Says:
In the Adventist periodical The Signs of the Times from May to November 1883 Ellen G. White had published weekly a series of 19 articles on the life of Martin Luther and his friends which I believe are of immense interest to any Christian. Since links in comments are probably automatically censored in this channel I proposed the solution of postponing, by copy and paste the title of the pdf on your device that I want to indicate here: "THE ESSENTIAL STEPS OF MARTIN LUTHER'S LIFE". The series (a 90 pp. compilation) is free to download.
@maryannebarrier7281 Says:
Thank you for helping me understand this book. It is a difficult read!
@William_Pepin Says:
Why does 7th day Adventist rejected the 3 angels message, partake with the world, accepting LGBT and refused to repent? Our movement are joining with the papacy and only a remnant will stay faithful. That's Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
@edithdotson7603 Says:
Yes! Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little there a little, each repeated for empHasis.This is how we are to study the Bible. CAREFULLY, COMPARING SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE FOR INTERPRETATION and EXPLANATION, with prayer for the Holy Spirit's guidance and a surrendered desire and LOVE of TRUTH. HELP US HEAVENLY FATHER, PLEASE, HELP US. Thank you both for the good summary of Chapter 9. But please you all, read the entire chapter or listen to it being read. There are many more gem of truths and so much more inspiration to be had from this man's life.Blessings!
@lindakidder546 Says:
Thanks for the reminder to seek out the scripture and we will find the truth aided by the Holy Spirit and prayer.
@mcbedeau8708 Says:
Thank You 👍
@bonbalab_ Says:
Amen,praise God Thank you so much God bless
@clc7378 Says:
🎉 Thank You!
@scarletnight Says:
Thank you for your videos! 😃
@sharonloomis5264 Says:
Reading it again.

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