The Great Controversy Chapter 8: Luther Before the Diet

The Great Controversy Chapter 8: Luther Before the Diet


This week Pastor Ted Wilson continues discussion on chapter eight of The Great Controversy, entitled 'Luther Before the Diet' in which Martin Luther address the national council, known as "The Diet.' The powers of Rome worked vigorously to prevent Luther from addressing the Diet, God overruled, and the Reformer was summoned to appear before this august assembly. The pope's special legate was allowed to speak first and spoke against Luther. It seemed all was lost, but things are not always what they seem. On the contrary, the stage was set for Luther to address the assembly, presenting to them simple, divine truth. To learn more about Luther's presentation to the Diet, and how it relates to the great controversy between good and evil, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at




@jimmystoner3352 Says:
How is it that I've never met you and I've been a 7-Day Adventist for 30 years
@helenkritzinger2597 Says:
Dear Pastor Ted. I enjoy the studies very much Thank you,. I am from South Africa. God bless you and your wife's ministry. Greetings. Mariana Kritzinger
@pierluigiluisetti7602 Says:
In the Adventist periodical The Signs of the Times from May to November 1883 Ellen G. White had published weekly a series of 19 articles on the life of Martin Luther which I believe are of immense interest to any Christian. Since links in comments are probably automatically censored in your channel I proposed the solution of postponing, by typing the title of the pdf on your device that I want to indicate here: "The essential Steps of Martin Luther's Life". The series (a 90 pp. compilation) is free to download.
@leemary4833 Says:
Thankful for making these simple, for us common pp.
@quartz3150 Says:
Where are the first seven chapters? I can't find them. Playlist?
@quartz3150 Says:
Beautiful summary.
@genevievepetit4767 Says:
Hello Pastor! Do You know or happen to know what is going on in Bermuda’s Conference? How The Conference’s Leaders there are turning Sister Gabriella in jail, one of Our own? They put Her in prison, if You read this message, would You please check to see what’s going? Thanks God bless 🙏
@vettaj9752 Says:
Amen!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@jorgeluisosoriobustillo9687 Says:
What a book so interest, let's pray for the Lord spread blessing to all who heards that. Amen. Lord help us to stand up and with love and conviction to speak the truth to the people. Amen
@cremmarmpofu5273 Says:
@ggaray9283 Says:
You Adventists have been preaching the end of the world since 1844 when the end didn't happen. You continue to follow the plagiarized words of EG White and refuse to acknowledge that she is not a prophet. How could she be if the Bible itself refutes the existence of any prophets after Jesus? Since Jesus is not coming and you will never have to answer for this lunacy I guess you can continue to take people's money and make yourselves rich. Why not, that's the purpose of owning a business . . . isn't it?
@polycarpsmith1419 Says:
MS. ELLEN G. WHITE WAS ENAMORED WITH MARTIN LUTHER! She claimed direct divine inspiration for her account of the beginnings of the Reformation and the life of Martin Luther. *She holds him up as a righteous man whose example Christians should follow.* Apparently the attending “angel” who gave her *“divine”* guidance while writing *The Great Controversy* had “forgotten” that Luther believed and taught that correct belief is all that matters– that Grace frees Christians to do anything they want to do without fear of losing their salvation– and *he lived his own life accordingly. The *facts of Luther's immoral life-style should have been readily accessible to Ellen White's* attending “angel” in the form of history books written by human authors.*As for Moses LUTHER had this to say:* *“If Moses should attempt to intimidate you with this stupid Ten Commandments, tell him straight out - Chase yourself to the Jews”* (Letter to Melanchthon, August 1, 1521, American Edition, Luther’s Works, Vol. 48, pp. 281-82) I can go on and on to fill volumes of information about this man and It would be no different if Hitler himself used Martin Luther as a guide to morality…Oh, wait! Hitler did use Martin Luther as an example! He convinced the German people to hate and murder the Jewish people and it was the Lutherans that were the first to side with the Nazi’s. For those that wish to read a very telling book, you should start with “Martin Luther, Hitler’s Spiritual Ancestor” by Peter F. Wiener. *Luther sexually plundered the nuns that he freed from Roman Catholic bondage,* *HE had a sexual relationship with three women at one time,* *and only married one of them.* He was an abominably heavy drinker. The truth is that his own moral example made Christianity “stink” in the sight of his contemporaries. Little Ms. White, Loved, Loved, Loved, Martin Luther.
@teachergabrieldosbons Says:

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